
Marvel: Way of Water

When a marine biologist dies protecting his pet shark, what happens when they both are reincarnated in Marvel? Hell if I know...

cerian · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 4

Yuka was greatly surprised by the fact that the man he was struggling to fight was Poseidon and now that same man is saying he was his disciple?

"P-Poseidon? Like THE, Poseidon? God of The Seas?" Yuka asked with a mix of emotions in his voice. Poseidon nodded, "Yes, the Poseidon you're thinking of. I thought I made that very clear."

"But I touched a trident, how did I end up fighting and becoming the disciple of a God?!" Yuka shouted in questioning. Poseidon sighed, "Long story short, my brother was jealous of my strength and sealed me away inside of the trident you touched. The only way I can leave is if my wielder becomes more powerful than me, which has yet to happen. My last wielder was weak enough to die to a simple leviathan, I'm hoping you won't be the same."

Yuka was speechless. In less than 24 hours he met and saved Godzilla, and then became the disciple of a God. He closed his eyes to thank Drayana, as all of this couldn't have happened naturally.

"Now, let's go over what I'll be teaching you kiddo." Poseidon snapped his fingers and the scenery changed. Yuka found himself in a classroom sitting in a desk with Poseidon in front of a chalkboard.

"Control, Domination, Mastery, and Destruction. Those are the four lessons I will be teaching you." Poseidon said pointing at the chalkboard.

"You will learn how to control water better, dominate your opponents, master control over water, and destroy anyone in your path. These lessons also go for your trident and hand-to-hand combat training, I can't have my disciple be a one trick pony. You will also learn other miscellaneous topics that we'll get into after you complete the initial course." Poseidon said as the scenery changed again and Yuka was in a gray training Gi.

He had a simple steel trident in his hands and Poseidon clapped his hands, "To assess your true combat abilities, I'm going to have to you spar with a Sea King."

Moments later, an enormous Sea King came from seemingly nowhere and looked at Yuka with extreme amounts of hostility, "Have fun!" Poseidon said as he vanished and the Sea King tried swallowing Yuka whole.

"Aren't Sea Kings from One Piece?!" Yuka yelled as he ran away from the giant jaws of the Sea King. Yuka tried to create some water to freeze the Sea King but he couldn't feel his connection with the sea.

"HE EXPECTS ME TO KILL THIS THING WITH MY PHYSICAL STRENGTH ALONE?!" Yuka yelled as the Sea King chased him relentlessly until it stopped. Yuka turned around and saw that the Sea King's body began to bubble and it began to grow arms.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Yuka tightened the grip he had on his trident and prepared for the worst. After around two minutes, the Sea King's arms finally grew and it gave Yuka a smug smirk.

"I'm going to wipe that smirk off of your face!" Yuka exploded off of the ground leaving an afterimage and a crater. He reappeared above the Sea King hoping to slam his trident into the Sea King's brain.

The Sea King swatted Yuka away like a fly but Yuka maneuvered himself in mid-air to face the Sea King.

"Here. WE. GO!" Yuka threw his trident with all the force his body could muster. His trident became a silver blur and the Sea King tried swatting it away too. But instead, the Sea King's whole hand turned into blood mist.


Yuka's trident created a large explosion when it hit the ground and the Sea King roared in pain. Once Yuka's feet touched the ground, he used all of his leg strength to shoot his way towards his trident. 

Once Yuka recovered his trident, the artificial sun that was illuminating the training world was covered by the Sea King's hand coming down upon Yuka with frightening speeds.


Yuka was crushed under the Sea King's hand...or that's what the Sea King believed until it felt hand being lifted up.

"HAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Yuka was using 100% of his strength to lift the Sea King's gigantic hand. His body was succumbing to the strain as various muscles ripped and tore causing blood to burst out of his body at random locations.

The Sea King lifted it's hand up only to use it to slap Yuka across the training world. Yuka crashed into the various buildings and mountains that were placed throughout the world. When he crashed into his 345th house, he finally stopped.

'Perhaps he's finished,' Poseidon thought as he watched the entire fight from above. He was going to unsummon the Sea King until he saw Yuka began to move.

Yuka's body was in tatters. Many of his bones were broken beyond belief, he was bleeding out of the various cuts he received from crashing, and his muscles were working overtime. Along with his brain and heart putting in 10x the amount of work so he won't collapse where he stands. But despite all of that, Yuka gripped his trident and stood up to face the Sea King.

The whites of his eyes were visible which means this is Yuka's unconscious desire. His unconscious desire to win.

"Heh, I'll be damned. This kid has spirit, but spirit will only get you so far," Poseidon said with a mix of undiscernible emotions. Yuka was moving throughout the training world so fast, he was only leaving afterimages and after 15 seconds he arrived in front of the Sea King, who was done regenerating it's destroyed hand.

"GRAAAAAHHHH!" The Sea King roared as it tried slapping Yuka away again. Once it's hand got within Yuka's striking range, he swung his trident three times within a blink of an eye and the Sea King's hand was reduced to nothing.

Yuka didn't give the Sea King enough time to even register the pain as he was already above it, "Frenzied Rain."

Yuka stabbed his trident downward hundreds of times within 5 seconds creating a torrent of trident strikes that all struck true. The Sea King's enormous upper body was reduced to nothing but blood and dust while Yuka stood in the middle of all of it.

He looked up, almost at the exact position Poseidon was watching from and smiled, "I did it." Yuka then collapsed.

Poseidon laughed, "You sure did kid." Poseidon landed on the ground and scooped Yuka's battered body up. He snapped his fingers and the entire training world was transformed into a recovery room. Poseidon placed Yuka inside of a large containment tube that was full of a light blue liquid.

"I might as well bring his other friends in here. They must be worried about him." Poseidon said as he closed his eyes and manifested himself outside of the trident in a water-like form.

"PAPA!!!!" Gera was crying her eyes out as from her point of view, Yuka touched the trident and disappeared. Goji was trying his best to console the heartbroken little girl until they both noticed Poseidon.

Gera wasted no time and tried to attack Poseidon's manifested figure but she went right through him. 

"WHERE IS MY PAPA! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU EVIL OLD MAN!!" Gera yelled as she tried to attack Poseidon in various ways but only for every attack to go right through him.

"So you're his daughter, the spirit definitely runs in the family," Poseidon said ignoring Gera's attacks, "Don't worry little girl, you're daddy is just fine. If you'd all come with me, you'll be able to see him."

Gera stopped and looked at Poseidon with skepticism, "Are you sure? How do I know you're not saying that to trick me!"

Poseidon laughed, "I am a God child, I have no reason to lie to a mortal, especially when I've found a disciple as promising as your father."

Gera looked at Poseidon hard before she gave in, "Fine then. Let's see if you're telling the truth Mr. Evil Old Man. Are you coming with me Goji?"

Goji shook his head, "I really would love to, but something is telling me that I should stay out here."

Gera frowned sadly, "I'll tell papa that you had business to take care of then! If my papa is even in here," Gera said as she touched the trident and vanished with Poseidon.

Goji, now alone, looked off in the distance as if something was calling him, "King, huh."