
Marvel: Way of Water

When a marine biologist dies protecting his pet shark, what happens when they both are reincarnated in Marvel? Hell if I know...

cerian · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 3

'What are you planning to do now, Yuka?' Goji asked and Yuka shrugged, 'Gera and I were going to explore the seas for a few more days before I made contact with the humans.'

Goji winced at the mentioning of humans, 'Humans? Those bloodthirsty creatures would probably try to capture or kill you before they allowed you into their ranks.'

Yuka sighed, 'You're probably right but its worth a try ya'know?' Goji shook his head, 'No, I don't think it is. If you're interested, you may follow me to my temporary residence.'

'Temporary residence? Why is it temporary?' Yuka asked. Goji laughed, 'If you follow me you'll see why it is temporary.'

Yuka thought in silence for a moment before giving an answer, 'Yeah sure why not.'

Goji smiled, 'Alright then, follow me!' Yuka and Gera followed Goji as they swam towards Antarctica again only they were much deeper. After 20 minutes of swimming, Yuka and Gera witnessed the most beautiful sight ever.

It was a large ruined city but its beauty wasn't tarnished by its ruination. Large aquatic trees dominated the city and various sea creatures inhabited the area. In the middle of the city was a large golden castle that lost its shine and was destroyed in various places.

'Woah...' Yuka said in awe, 'This is Atlantis! The sunken city of gold! I can't see why this would be a temporary residence, I would want to live here forever!'

'Papa, can we go to that big building!' Gera, who was now in her human form, pointed at the castle. Yuka also wanted to explore the castle as he felt something trying to connect to him.

'Goji, how did you find this place?' Yuka asked as they made their way to the castle, 'I found this place a few months after coming out of my egg. Although I called it temporary, I've been living here for most of my life. I call it a temporary residence because my instincts tell me there is a place more grandiose than this, although I haven't found it yet.'

'Whenever you do find it, make sure to call me, I would love to explore that place too,' Yuka said with a wink as they finally arrived at the castle. Yuka pushed the doors open and was met with a barren and destroyed entrance way. Yuka could feel whatever was trying to connect with him getting stronger and it began to broadcast its location like a beacon.

'I've explored this castle before and the only thing I found was bones and some books filled with a language I cannot understand.' Goji mentioned as Yuka swam through the castle, following the beacon. Goji and Gera were equally confused on what Yuka was searching for but didn't bother asking.

The trio swam deeper into the castle until they reached the throne room. The throne was golden but had lost its shine and the room was marred by large claw marks. Yuka swam toward the middle of the throne room before looking down.

'Goji, please excuse what I'm about to do.' Yuka said as he punched the ground with his full force. The entire city of Atlantis shook and a huge crater was created in the middle of the castle but in the middle of the crater was a single sea green trident.

'I've never seen that before. Is this what you were looking for?' Goji asked but Yuka gave no answer and he just swam toward the trident. Once Yuka gripped the trident he felt his vision go black.



"Where am I?" Yuka opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of luscious, green plains. He could hear the sound of waves crashing and he saw an old man sitting on a rock facing the sea.

"How long has it been? 10 thousand years? 20? Its been so long since I've felt the presence of another person." The old man said to himself loud enough for Yuka to hear.

"Perhaps you are worthy enough...though we will have to see." The old man said as he vanished from his rock and was in front of Yuka with his fist cocked back. Yuka's eyes widened in surprise and he put his arms up to block the punch.


The sheer amount of force generated from the punch sent Yuka flying across the plains. Yuka dug his feet into the ground to stop himself from rolling and he looked at the old man with anger.

Yuka sent column of water at the old man who laughed, "Trying to use water against me is futile child." The old man waved his hand and snatched control of the water from Yuka's hands, much to his surprise.

"Allow me to show you the power of the seas." The old man said as he summoned a water dragon larger than any creature Yuka has ever seen.

"Sea Dragon's Rage." The old man said as the sea dragon tore through the plains to reach Yuka. Yuka stomped on the ground to create a large, thick wall of ice to block the dragon but it ripped right through it.

The sea dragon slammed into Yuka so hard that he lost consciousness for a brief moment and ripped through his scales like nothing. When the attacked ended, Yuka ended up thousands of feet away from he previous position.

'This old man is dangerous! That punch left my arms shaking and that sea dragon almost killed me!' Yuka thought to himself as he slowly stood up. Blood flowed out of his head and arms and the old man was slowly approaching him.

"Oh? You aren't dead? I'm surprised, most challengers die when they get hit by that." The old man laughed.

"Tch." Yuka clicked his tongue and shot toward the old man with as much force as he could muster, creating a large crater in the ground. He reached the old man within 0.2 seconds and was ready to knock his head off with a kick.


"You remind me of me when I was younger. So full of pride, not knowing when to give up when I was faced with someone who completely outclassed me." The old man stopped Yuka's kick with a single finger, "Let this be a humbling experience."

The old man punched Yuka in the gut so hard, the air pressure changed.

"GAH!" Yuka coughed up blood and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, he was knocked unconscious again. Yet despite that, he didn't fall to his feet and when he regained consciousness he threw a punch.

The old man smiled and let the punch connect with his face, making his head move but his body didn't move a single inch. Golden blood escaped his lips and he punched Yuka in the face, sending him tumbling across the plains.

"I think I like you kid. You've put up a better fight than most challengers and something tells me with the right guidance and direction, you could be greater than me when I was in my prime." The old man said as he walked toward Yuka who was in a defensive stance.

"Tell me, what is your name child?" The old man asked Yuka, who was still in fight mode, "Y-Yuka. Yuka Undyne."

"Congratulations Yuka Undyne, you've become a disciple of the strongest god and former king of the seas, Poseidon." Poseidon said with a large grin.
