
Marvel: Trading from Naruto

“I don’t care what Thanos’ ideals are, and I don’t care what the consequences will be for the creatures of this universe. As long as he doesn’t use that damn Infinity Gauntlet to ruin my business!” – Cain Pent After crossing over to the Marvel universe, Cain gained a golden finger for trading across the multiverse. From then on, Cain’s name not only resounded throughout the United States in the Marvel universe, but his influence spread to all worlds! PS: There are many follow-up worlds such as Naruto, Harry Potter, One Punch Man, The Boys, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and more. You decide… ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. A few months ago, I read this novel, and it quickly became one of the novels I liked most and would like to share with you. This is an amateur translation. Even so, I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. Nothing compared to just MTL. For those who want to read the original, the link is: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45680.htm

FicNovels · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Killing the Cloud Village Spy

"What do you want?"

Cain arrived at the door of the food store and the adjacent residential area. He saw someone trying to go inside, so he called out to him.

The person looked familiar, like the one who asked questions next to the pharmacy during the day. Because this person's skin was too dark, and Cain detested this color, his impression of him was a bit deep.

"Boss, my child is causing a fuss at home and wants to buy a box of desserts."

"Stop right there and stand there!"

Before the person could finish speaking, Cain immediately shouted at him. This guy kept talking but kept trying to approach Cain's side. Cain was now 90% sure that this guy had a problem, and he remembered that most of the ninjas from the Cloud Village had dark skin.

After being interrupted by Cain, the man's body stopped for a moment, but he still explained, "Boss, I just want to buy a box of desserts..."

But he didn't finish his words because behind Cain, a red-haired girl's head appeared.

The man saw Kushina and a sly smile appeared on his face. "Two mission targets, getting together. How wonderful..."

Bang Bang! Bang! Bang!

Without waiting for the man to talk nonsense, Cain took out two submachine guns from his spatial backpack and quickly fired at the Cloud Village spy. His body was strengthened by chakra, and holding two submachine guns was not difficult for him.

Moreover, he didn't need to aim and shoot at such a close distance. In just a few seconds, Cain emptied the bullets of the two submachine guns.


After being swept by Cain, the Cloud Village spy suddenly turned into a wooden stake, and a burst of smoke appeared.

Substitution jutsu!

Cain quickly looked towards the corner of the wall and found the Cloud Village spy with both arms bleeding and full of bullet holes.

The Cloud Village spy stared at Cain with a sinister look and said, "I didn't expect you to have such weapons. You really live up to the captain's expectations..."


Cain didn't intend to listen to this guy's nonsense. He threw away the guns in his hands, took a Thompson submachine gun from his spatial backpack again, and quickly fired at the Cloud Village spy.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the weapon in Cain's hand, the Cloud Village spy's pupils shrank, and he wanted to use ninjutsu to escape again. However, the pain in his arms reminded him that he was not in good condition. Nearly twenty bullet holes made it impossible for him to perform fast hand seals.

"It's too late!"

The Cloud Village spy thought anxiously in his heart and could only use his hands to block in front of him, preparing to withstand the attack.

However, he clearly overestimated his physical strength, as a few spies from the Cloud Village practiced the Lightning Style Chakra Mode. While it would enhance their power, it would also make their muscles very conspicuous. At this moment, the Cloud spy's biggest regret was not applying to the village to practice the Lightning Release Chakra Mode.


In an instant, dozens of bullets were fired at the Cloud spy, and fresh bullet holes spewed blood like rain on the floor of the dessert shop.

Cain had taken special care of the spy's internal organs, so he had already died after Thomson's bullets were fired. However, just to be safe, Cain took out an assault rifle and blasted a big hole in the spy's chest.

After killing the spy, Cain retrieved the guns from the ground and stored them in his space backpack. He then took out a few grenades and threw them onto the street outside, intending to attract the attention of Konoha's ninjas with the sounds of explosions and flames.

"Go back!"

After throwing the grenades, Cain immediately carried Kushina under his armpit and walked towards the bedroom inside. There was a hidden basement that ordinary people could not find.

Kushina was already frightened, and it wasn't until Cain carried her under his arm that she came back to her senses and asked, "Boss, was that... an enemy?"

"Yes, it was an enemy. Don't speak loudly. He might have accomplices!"

Cain also threw a few grenades toward the entrance of the dessert shop. If anyone from the other party was outside and heard the gunshots earlier, they might come in to investigate. This way, they would enjoy the explosive desserts Cain had prepared for them.


As night approached, there was a sudden explosion in Konoha, like the sound of several detonation tags mixed together.

"Someone is using detonation tags in the village?"

The Konoha patrol team, who were still on patrol, immediately jumped onto nearby rooftops and headed towards the location of the fire after hearing the explosions in the village.

The nearby ninjas were startled by the sound of the explosions. They quickly grabbed their ninja tool bags and rushed out of their houses, leaping onto the rooftops and following the residual flames in the sky toward the source.

Not long after the last explosion, another loud explosion came from the same location. Upon seeing this, the Uchiha security team that rushed over to the scene was even more furious. How dare someone creates such a disturbance in the village? Was this an insult to the security team?

Both teams of eight Uchiha patrol team members activated their Sharingan and prepared to let the enemy know the power of the Uchiha clan.

Cain and Kushina hid in the secret basement. He could only monitor the nearby surveillance cameras for information on what was happening outside. At least he could confirm that the two explosions had made other Cloud ninja spies hesitant to rush in and attack him.

"Boss, what's going on?"

Kushina didn't finish her question before Cain covered her mouth. He wasn't afraid of the enemy hearing; he just didn't want to answer.

The surveillance camera at the entrance of the dessert shop was destroyed, but the other cameras at the nearby shops were still working. Cain could clearly see some people with Uchiha fans on their backs and other ninja coming one after another.

"It's safe now. Let's go out."

Cain said to Kushina. If they didn't leave now, the Hyuga clan might search for them with their Byakugan and find this secret basement.

Then, he and Kushina walked out of the underground room.

"I am the owner of the dessert shop. We were attacked by ninjas tonight. I hope you can help me inform Tsunade!"

As soon as the two of them walked out of the dessert shop, they immediately caught the attention of the Uchiha security team members. If Cain had not shouted quickly, they might have been attacked by shurikens.

After confirming Cain and Kushina's identity, the patrol team routinely questioned them. Cain didn't hide anything and told them about the Cloud ninja spies' behavior. He even exaggerated it, saying that the Cloud ninja spies voluntarily revealed their identity and intended to attack him.

Anyway, Tsunade would protect him when she arrived, and Konoha's defense was too lax. They actually let a Cloud ninja spy monitor him for so long.

"Kushina, are you okay?"

Minato Namikaze jumped down from the roof and came to Kushina's side to ask with concern.

Facing Minato's concern, although Kushina usually felt that he was a bit effeminate since he was caring about her now, she replied in a much better tone, "I'm fine. The enemy didn't hurt me. Minato, why are you here?"

"Thank goodness you're okay, Kushina. I met an ANBU on my way back from training, and he told me that someone wanted to harm you, so I rushed over here."

After hearing Minato's words, Kushina only felt that he was a good person. He came immediately when he heard she was in danger. It seems that she had underestimated him before and held too rigid of an impression of him.

But when Cain heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong. He approached them, interrupted Minato and Kushina, and asked, "Excuse me, this Minato, did you just say... an ANBU told you that Kushina was in danger, and that's why you came here?"

After Cain dissected and questioned the words of Minato, everyone could sense that something was off. The Uchiha security team, in particular, felt something was wrong and slowly surrounded Minato, preparing to question him thoroughly.