
Marvel: To become a hero

What is a true hero? Is it the one who jumps in front of a bullet for someone else? The one who rids society of criminals and villains? Or the one who shares what little he has with those in need? My first father, the one who gave me my first home and the one who never let me lack any need; said that anyone who does something good, no matter how small, becomes someone's hero

LazinessGod · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 2 - A nightmare

*inhales and exhales*

'OK, that's it. Just Breathe.' Arms raised and semi-curved at face level, I stared at the man in front of me as my mind raced a mile a minute.

Disheveled hair, dirty clothes, and a knife in hand. The man looked to be in his 40s, but I bet he was younger. After all, even in this dark alley, I could see his jaw dragging and shaking, a good indicator of drug abuse.

I remember seeing the same symptom many times as a child. After all, these were the easiest people to rob.

"I will kill you 'Hero'!" The drugged man in front of me spoke up.

I can't say I'm scared, after all, I've seen a lot of that in the past. But... My body is betraying my mind.

I can feel my body sweating more than the times I've been in the ring, and that's weird.

To think that only a thin, clearly drugged man would make my body react like that, just because he had a knife in his hand. 'I thought I was over it...'

'This is strangely familiar...'

The man swung the knife at me carelessly and it allowed me to dodge even though my body wasn't responding to my commands normally.

'Think of him as a simple opponent, forget the knife, think we're in the ring!' I screamed in my mind, repeating that phrase like a mantra and it helped a little.

Dodging once more, with great speed, I brought my fist to his face.

My body performing a fully bent posture. My blood traveled throughout my body quickly, oxygenating my muscles.

Leverage coming out of my feet, running through my torso; triceps surae, quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, glutes, back, abdomen, and deltoids. All these muscles increase the speed and strength of my arm.

My fist traveled much faster than the man could see, even sober.

The impact of my dry, ungloved fist on his chin became very evident to me.

His jaw snapped and fell out of place. The noise echoed in my ears.

Watching him drop like a sack of potatoes, his body sagging with the lack of strength in his knees. It made me relax.

"I thought I was over it… I almost had my eye gouged out with that carelessness" I commented aloud as I straightened my body and stroked my fist.

Looking at the lying man and spasming, I bent down and took the knife from his hand, tossing it into a corner.

Running a hand through my hair, I took a deep breath and thought about what to do.

This man was going to die if I didn't call someone, and I didn't want to be accused of murder. I had a fight scheduled for this weekend. And getting arrested wasn't on my pre-game event list.

Standing up, I walked to an area a few feet from the fallen man.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone. A few taps on the screen were all I needed to call 911.

For a few moments, all I did was answer a few questions, like my current situation and where I was.

When the call ended, I ran my fingers through my contact list, looking for my agent's number.

He needed to be with me, along with some lawyers, in case the man kicked the bucket.

Strangely, my mind was still calm, even though my body felt like it was running on adrenaline.

'This is weird.' I thought

Before the call could go through, I heard hurried footsteps ahead of me.

Looking up, I can barely see anything in this place. All this smoke and scattered rays of light created a strange atmosphere, which for some reason blurred my vision, even though my eyes had already gotten used to the darkness.

I can see two people coming toward me, one walking further away than the other. The person in front soon becomes visible to me and I can't help but raise my voice a little:

"I didn't tell you to run away…!" I didn't finish my sentence as soon as I could see who was with the woman, the woman who was being mugged by a drugged-up man before I got involved; One cop.

I had to applaud the woman, at least she brought someone who could solve the situation I found myself in.

Just as I was about to greet the cop and explain what had happened, the words stopped in my throat and I raised my arms in surrender.

He had his gun, and he was pointing it at me. The woman I saved widened her eyes and raised her hands.

"Hey, wait! I can explain… *Bang*" Halfway through my sentence, I hear a loud noise.

My sentence just can't come out of my mouth anymore.

A few thousandths before the sound, everything in my perspective was in slow motion.

I could see a jet of red coming out of my chest; it looked like that flower my father showed me one day; "Bloody Heart" was the name. Then I felt my body lose its hold and fall to the dirty floor I was on.

I couldn't hear anything else as my ears felt full of water, I could only see two flashes.

At some point, while processing that he had probably been shot, the woman I'd saved was on top of me, saying various things even though I couldn't hear anything.

I tried to lift my arm; hold her hand that was over the hole in my chest. But everything was so heavy.

I didn't think death was like this...

'I made a mistake in...'

'At least I saved her… I did the right thing, didn't I? Dad..'

Everything went dark.



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