
Protector Serum

"For example, someone with senses-related powers often struggles with interpersonal relationships because they can more easily identify if someone is lying. Someone with the ability to phase through objects typically has difficulty understanding certain things like boundaries, personal space, and privacy. Or someone with mind control powers generally has a hard time understanding things like free will." Logan said.

"Like Lorelai and Enchantress." Sif remarked.

"Lorelai, yes, because her power acts passively. But Enchantress, no. Her powers come from seduction, so she would struggle with things like decency and controlling her sexuality. Using people for her is so easy that she prefers to seduce someone to do something rather than simply asking them to do it." Logan explained.

Sif pondered and analyzed her interactions with the witches and their behavior. The more he spoke, the more certain she became of his accuracy and realized how much he understood the subject.

"Even though she understands it's wrong, she's so accustomed to seducing people to get what she wants that things like asking or not using her powers are nearly impossible for her. It's as if she's addicted to using her own power. She could even come to hate people who aren't affected by her power or have anxiety or panic attacks if her powers didn't work." Logan continued.

"I understand." Sif said after reflecting and gaining a better understanding of the mindset of the sorceresses.

"What I'm saying is, I can help you if you want. It would be a pleasure to train Daisy Johnson." Logan offered.

Coulson intervened, realizing he hadn't yet completed a full assessment of Logan and that he could be a threat.

"We appreciate it, but we already have a psychologist who attends to us." Coulson said.

"I understand. You haven't completed all the tests and evaluations on me yet, and the only reason you haven't tried to arrest me is because I haven't shown hostility towards you. I was aggressive with the Kree, but he started it, so it's justifiable. And probably the stern-looking woman and Bobbi there are on standby to attack me if necessary. But I must warn you that even trained human agents don't stand a chance against a trained protector. Only Sif and maybe Mockingbird would have a chance against me. Daisy would only have a chance if she could use her power." Logan explained.

"Why wouldn't they stand a chance?" Coulson asked.

"All protectors have taken the protector serum, which gives us strength, agility, stamina, and vitality at the level of a super soldier, in addition to improving our mental capabilities. It doesn't reach the level of telepathy or telekinesis, but it gives us enough enhancement to build mental defenses effortlessly. So, for obvious reasons, Sif, and since Mockingbird took the super soldier serum, she would have a chance if she were in her suit." Logan clarified.

"So you're a super soldier like Steve Rogers, Captain America?" Coulson asked.

"No, Captain America took the first version of the serum, so he took a prototype. It wasn't certain if it would work or what the effects would be on a person, so they used vita-rays to keep him alive and gave him an overdose. His body transformed from a skinny weak guy to a tall, strong one." Logan explained.

Coulson couldn't understand everything that was being said, but Jemma Simmons could. As the subject entered her area of expertise, the information was like food for her mind.

"You have to understand, they gave him about sixty times more than would be necessary. This caused his body to deform at the peak of its form, but there was still serum left circulating in his body, which allowed him to survive all those years frozen and allowed his blood to be used to create more variations of the serum." Logan added.

"More variations?" Jemma inquired.

"Yes, in my universe, there are approximately sixty-two different types of super soldier serum, some of them much stronger than the one given to Steve Rogers, but with terrible side effects like mental instability, extreme physical deformity, or the emergence of a second personality." Logan elaborated.

"Sixty-two." Coulson exclaimed in surprise.

"The protector serum is given to humans who join a neohuman and a metahuman to patrol an area, a kind of super police, so we have to be able to handle super threats. Putting normal humans would be too risky. So they developed the protector serum, which gives a human enhanced abilities." Logan explained.

"So you have super soldier serum in your blood?" Jemma asked, eager to study him.

"Yes, but there's no point in taking my blood. They put a spell and Extremis in the cocktail so that if any part of me loses contact with my soul, the Extremis activates and then burns or explodes." Logan replied.

"How did they do that?" Jemma inquired.

"I don't know. It's not my area of expertise. As I said, my knowledge comes from history books. I don't know how, but I know what was done. My suspicion is that at some point, super soldiers were appearing like weeds after rain, discovering that the source of the problem was the blood of super soldiers being used to create more super soldier serums, so they asked the mages for help to solve the problem." Logan speculated.

Jemma sighed in frustration.

Coulson then realized that much of the information Logan was divulging was not common information that would be readily available to the public. It was a knowledge that only S.H.I.E.L.D. agents or scientists would typically have access to.

The first clue Logan gave about him being part of S.H.I.E.L.D. from another universe was when he mentioned a secret mission of the Avengers that S.H.I.E.L.D. had covered up. How else would he know that unless he was from S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers? Furthermore, the biggest indication was when he mentioned Skye being a level 10 agent and still having information about her.

Coulson finally had an opening to ask a question that could shed more light on Logan's origin and confirm where he got the information he had.

"How do you know all of this?" Coulson asked.

"The protectors are under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s jurisdiction, so I had access to the files and I had plenty of time to read them while in the witness protection program. It was during this period that I also graduated with my degrees," Logan explained.

"And why were you in the witness protection program?" Coulson inquired.

"The story is long, and since you'll probably ask me about my whole life to make your assessments, I'll tell you everything at once so it's all recorded and I don't have to repeat myself." Logan replied.

Meanwhile, Bobbi was dying of curiosity to know more about the version of herself that Logan knew.

May remained stoic as ever.

Sif continued to ruminate on the explanation about Lorelai and Amora's mentality and powers.

Daisy wanted to accept Logan's proposal to teach her about her powers, but she didn't want to override Coulson and the rest of the team since she had lied to them since going through terrigenesis.

Coulson felt he had finally found an opening for dialogue with Logan and would take advantage of it to extract as much information as possible from him.

In the other room, watching everything on the monitor were Hunter, Mack, and Fitz, each focused on a different part of what was said.

Hunter didn't understand much of the explanation about the multiverse; in the part where Logan mentioned Hydra, he chuckled a bit at the irony that caused its destruction. When Logan spoke about what he knew about Skye, Hunter was curious if there was a version of himself in this other universe. When it was mentioned that Logan's armor was inspired by a game, he got lost in his own thoughts about which game he would use to create an armor. When Logan mentioned Bobbi, Hunter was visibly uncomfortable because if Logan knew Bobbi, the chances of him knowing Hunter were high. And when Logan said he had taken a super soldier serum and that there were several versions, Hunter was disappointed for never having encountered any of them.

Mack wasn't bothered by explanations about the multiverse or what happened with Hydra, but when it was mentioned how high Skye would rise and about the types of super soldier serums, all he could think about was that these powers were a threat and that no one could control this type of power or how dangerous it would be if someone actually controlled these super-powered people. His mind filled with the possibilities of everything that could go wrong, like Coulson hiding secrets from everyone, what would happen to him if he were found out, and these thoughts paralyzed him to the point where he couldn't even breathe.

If someone outside were paying attention to Mack, they would see how he gripped the table tightly, the sweat dripping from his body, and his irregular breathing. Many would recognize these symptoms as an anxiety attack or a panic attack, but unfortunately for Mack, no one noticed him because the screen attracted all the focus of the people in the room, and his mind only delved deeper into his delirium.

Fitz continued with his frantic notation while murmuring things; only a few words he said were understandable, such as multiverse, inhumans, neohumans, metahumans, serum, and super soldier.

Fitz's brain, which had been damaged, was now being stimulated in such a way that the connections that had been lost were not only being restored, but new ones were emerging with each new piece of information acquired. New formulas, ideas, and theories formed incessantly in Fitz's head.

Fitz was returning to his full capacity at a fast pace, but Fitz and the others would only notice this change sometime later because now all the focus was on Logan and the revelations he was making at every moment.