
Chapter 16 : Escape

Author note : Hey guys ! Hope you're having a good day !

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Enjoy !


The key behind transforming back to my octopus-human hybrid form, at least according to my program is twofold and simple : uttering the key word with the intent to transform. Otherwise, I risk changing in the middle of a conversation, even though I chose something that I can't use often.

« Tako Henshin. » As a bit of a nerd, I decided on using Japanese as a key word.

I've never learned it beyond the few words I could decipher watching anime so I'm not sure if it's correct or not. In any case, it works for me. I instantly feel myself shift between states. It's a peculiar sensation quite different from the painful ones you often see in fiction for werewolves and other transforming creatures. In my case, my ink acts to distort and change reality in the way I've written it. I don't exactly go through the pain of my organs shifting, bones disappearing and muscles tearing and expending. On the outside, it manifests in a variety of ways but for the transformation, and because I've coded it that way, it looks like a similar to the werewolf transition, minus the pain. Basically, to me it feels like I shift instantly from A to B, but on the outside, it seems more gradual, though still quick.

Now that that's done, it's much easier for me to get out of my bindings. The next moment, I tear the bag of my face and take a look around. We seem to be in a small warehouse of some kind. At least, that's how it appears to me. I continue glancing around and at the ceiling, trying to see if I haven't made the mistake of being caught on camera. I don't see one… But that's not to mean I haven't.

In my former world, they were very small cameras. I don't know if they exist or if they're very widespread in this one… In any case, for now, we're safe. There's nobody around that I can see and there's a bit of chatter in the distance, though I can't exactly pinpoint where. I can't even tell what's being said, to be honest.

Reverting the transformation, I turn toward Cory and start undoing her bindings.

« I don't see any guards. » I whispered in a low voice.

A couple of minutes later, Cory is free and rubbing her wrists, the bag previously on her head lying at her feet. She looks serious and scared. Guess that's to be expected : it was a 13 years old Cory. Not the badass S.H.I.E.L.D Inhuman agent from the future… assuming that's what is in store for her, anyway.

Despite it all, she's not panicking and I'm frankly surprised. If you ask me how I feel currently… I wouldn't say scared out of my gourd, but pretty close.

Soon, however, the sound of chatter grows louder and we both can tell what's happening outside. They're fighting ! It explains why there's no guard, I guess. They probably called for reinforcement, thinking that the two kids wouldn't be able to free themselves. That would have true if I wasn't an Alter-Human.

Shouts, gunfire, even explosions.

« It's pretty rowdy out there, huh ? » I say, trying for levity. Secretly, I'm sweating bullets and my hands feel sticky.

« Yeah… » Cory agrees. And then she says something I don't like : « It might be our chance to escape. »

Okay, that's normally what people would think in situations like this. But, I've seen these movies : the mob characters escape and then, they're hunted down and shot… or worse. Besides, it's a war zone out there. We don't even know where we are or the area's layout. We simply don't know where to go…

As I say those things, Cory replies :

« It's obvious where we go : away from the fighting and this place. We'll figure out the rest later ! »

I guess that's as good a direction as any in our situation. Actually, a better one than 'head for the gunfire'. I would be really stupid if I decide to do this, however…

Cory takes the lead and I follow after her. According to her plan, she'll guide us while I prepare for a fight… I really, and I mean rea~lly don't feel like it. What can I even do against a freaking gun ? And that's me being polite. I'm actually thinking of another, more appropriate, F-word… Mom and dad never trained me to fight against opponent carrying firearms.

In fact, to be perfectly honest, they mostly taught me the moves and spells, and told me that it was up to me to figure out when to use them. And, well… I don't want to !

It's quite humbling and disheartening to be reminded so often that you are, in fact, kind of a coward. Not really something you'd want to ever know. Ever since I landed in this reality, though, that's a fact about myself that I've learned to face. Too many times, actually.

Nevertheless, the situation we find ourselves in doesn't leave me with much choice. If any.

« Wait ! » I call out to Cory softly just before she reaches the door handle.

« What ? » She asks impatiently.

I dip a finger in my mouth, and take it out smeared in ink. I look at my finger and then at Cory, a little embarrassed as I say :

« If you want, I can draw a strengthening symbol on us. It'll give us more strength, speed and endurance. It won't last long, but… »

Suddenly, I see Cory's eyes shine. The thing is… I never really told that I could use my ink on other people. I'm pretty sure she guessed but she never asked. And considering how she's nuts about anything related to Alterhumans, it might have been something she wished for.

« Lift one of your sleeves for me, please. » I order, drawing closer.

My former strengthening symbol was simply about increasing the muscle strength of the target. It was… kinda basic. This one is more complex : it enables the lungs to fill with more oxygen, increases the blood flow and the speed of nerve signals. And of course, muscle strength. It is not anything great : you won't become Captain America or Spider-Man with this. But it'll still multiply our current physical abilities by a factor of 2 or 3. And we're both pretty fit, already.

It's been a few years since I started martial arts, and Cory's been catching something fierce. She might have a gift for it… Then again, in the shows and the comics, she was an impressive fighter, with and without her powers.

Once the symbol is drawn, I blow gently on it to dry it. Although the spell is already in effect, if it's smeared by her sleeve, it will end much faster. I really wish I had my pen on me… It was in my bag and the kidnappers took most of our things. I don't know where it is. In the future, I guess I'll try and always keep it on me. Not that it would have changed anything in this situation, given how they frisked us…

In any case, if I had my pen, not only the symbol's power would have been greater, it would have also laster longer. Well… No use crying over spilled milk, they say.

Once I'm satisfied, that both our symbols are sufficiently dried, we head out.

The door Cory chose leads to a dark corridor with a pretty high ceiling. There are a few doors on each side but we continue forward : the door at the end of the hall should lead out. At least, that's what we're assuming.

During the short walk, that seemed to last forever in my head, I dreaded one of the doors opening up on one of the goons. If it did and we saw one of the kidnappers' face… Thankfully, it doesn't happen and when Cory opens the other door, the sound of fighting is amplified.

It seems to be coming from the left, beyond the corner of the building. So, we head right, of course ! The area where we are looks like an old industrial park. Red brick buildings, chimneys, black asphalt roads and concrete sidewalks. There are no other people in sight… Which is probably a good thing. I just hope we can make it out of here and get back home safely.

We start running when suddenly, behind us we hear a loud explosion. Looking back, there's a body there, still alive and it tries to get up. However, a piece of wood, a club maybe, knocks over his head. We look up.

« What the… » Cory exclaims.