
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs



Wincing as I heard an explosion go off towards hell's kitchen area I chuckled wondering how to feel about this.

" Well then I guess I just used up my extra hours for this stunt..." I thought looking at the cleanest street I have ever seen.

Buildings sparkling as if newly made, cracks nowhere to be seen and cars that had been destroyed were brand new.

Smiling even as I watched explosions go off all around me I raised a brow as I saw above the city portals begin to open, monsters spew out and then a dragon.

".....holy shit that's a dragon." I muttered in amazement.

It was funny how this was my first time actually seeing a dragon in my time in this part of the multiverse.

Watching as they rained down fire and destruction everywhere and the occasional bipedal monsters landing on the buildings in my claimed territory I sighed watching as a portal appeared infront of me and out came the biggest fucking orc I've ever seen.

" Motherfucker looks like hulk....I wonder what a lovechild between one of these fucks and him would become..." I said with a chuckle as I took out my pistols from my inventory and started aiming at the dozens of orcs that had started spewing out in the dozens.

Rapidly firing as many bullets infused with mana on these things I watched as their heads exploded before they dropped dead on the floor.

No fanfare, no nothing, simply death.

' oh well this will be easy...' I muttered to myself before I started using explosive rounds on them taking out a dozen of them in one bullet.

—10 Minutes —

That's how long it took for the rumbling of the earth to stop and that's how many minutes it took for the monsters to stop coming out of the portals.

".....I hate this." I say to myself covered in blood.

I had run out of mana to use my pistols due to having used a huge amount to clean and repair my territory so I had to take out my Katana and infuse it with mana which was way less effective but with it and my skills I was able to kill them all one by one.

Of course this had the effect of ruining the street I was in and also ruin my suit as I'm now covered in orc blood.

" This is...shit." I say to myself with a groan.

But looking at all the orcs waiting for me to plunder my mood slightly increases.


" Huh?...What the fuck do you mean I'm being forcefully teleported??!" I suddenly shouted actually pissed and slightly fearful of why I was suddenly gonna be teleported but looking at all the bodies of orcs infront of me I groaned before I had an idea.

" Lia! Plunder everything you can!" I shouted to my system as I felt space around me start to twist and turn.

[Lia: Commencing Large Scale Plundering!]

And before I could see if I was successful a new screen appeared infront of me, but it wasn't my system that I knew.

~|Congratulations! You've been chosen to become a player!|~

~|Transfering you to the tutorial!|~

" Huh? Wait what?!" I shouted out in suprise before everything went dark and I passed out.


Groggily waking up I immediately went tense as I felt the wind against my face and immediately I knew something was wrong as I remember having a mask on before passing out.

~| Congratulations on becoming a player! |~

~| Calculating post-tutorial score.... |~

~| Score Calculated! Giving out rating.... |~

~| Rating: SSS+ |~

~| Reward: Platinum Chest |~

~| Open inventory to find your reward! |~

~| Open 'Status' to check current bodidy status. |~

" Ahhhh fuck...I fucked up again didn't I?" I said to myself putting the pieces of why I got teleported/kidnapped.

It was probably due to me killing all those orcs.

[Hint: Guess is correct]

" Why hello to you too, it would have been great if you told me this before I fucked myself over..." I said to my systems cheat add-on but got to response.

" Just great...." I mumbled to myself before looking back at the screens.

" Status..." I muttered with the intent of opening the status function I had been given.

~| —Name: Avery Goldman.

—Race: Artificially Enhanced Human

—Age: 21

—Talent: None.

—Body: 5

—Mind: 5

—Soul: 5 |~

" Huh? That's weird.... weren't my stats 50?...." I asked myself.

" Or is 50 in my plunder system 5 in this system?"

[Lia: Correct, the system that is currently attached to you is a mega-system and way more advanced then me.]

" okay...I don't think I needed to know if it was more advanced then you but okay..." I said out loud finally able to look at my surroundings.

I was in a forest of some kind.

Weird ass forest with the biggest trees I've ever seen and fauna I have never seen before.

" Definitely not on earth...maybe another planet?" I thought to myself.

[Hint: correct, you are currently in an unnamed planet, one of the planets that have slipped into your universe.]

" Ahhhh that would make sense..." I thought with a sigh.

" Does my system still work?" I asked.

[Lia: Yes, and I would also like to notice that the processing of the Crafters Shard is complete.]

" Oh...I actually kinda looked over that....so what's new?" I asked.

[Lia: You have gained a new ability and a new function.]

" Bring up the ability and open my menu please." I asked the system and watched a plethora of screens pop up infront of me.

[Material Manipulation[EX][Lv-100/100]: An ability that allows the user to manipulate any material as long as of no living biological matter in a plethora of ways either it be shaping, controlling or sensing said material.]

Looking at my newest ability I grinned, this ability had the potential to be overpowered as fuck depending on my mindset and what I thought was 'Material'.

And looking around myself I saw a branch on the ground and with a thought the branch floated right infront of me before it suddenly melted on itself before turning into a ball and then a plethora of shapes.

I found that it was really easy to use and manipulate and even weoponise as I turned the wooden mass into a sharp spear head and had it flying at breaking speed colliding with multiple trees before the wooden tree tip was too ruined to go on falling to the floor smoking.

" Oh....no matter what I'm taking this ability back to my demon body." I say to myself before focusing back to the screens that had popped up infront of me.




—A.I Assistant.

—Plunder Loot.


—Alter Dimension.



" Holy fuck...I forgot about my alter dimension!" I screamed out seeing the eight available system function.

[Check out my Pat and support me— +3 Advanced Chapters (Currently up to chapter 69)—

—patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(Remove the space)]