
Marvel: Son of Poseidon

The old ones say we Spartans are descendent from Heracles himself. Leonidas gives testament to our bloodline. But Timaeus, his tale is different. If Leonidas is a son of Heracles. Then he is the son of Poseidon.

TrapcardD · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

To Hades!

With my, objective already complete, I made to return to Greece. Once there I was met by Hercules.

" Ah, my friend. You've returned already. I was almost certain it would take you at least a few months." Hercules said to me.

" Hercules, what are you doing here?" I asked.

I was surprised to see he had been waiting for me. As I only just returned.

" Hestia's always watching my friend. The moment you set foot back in Greece waters she sent me to meet you. You know how auntie is. Anyway. We have much work to do." Hercules answered.

" What was it like in Tartarus? Anything I should be warry of?" I asked the man.

" Yes, everything." Hercules replied.

We journeyed to Laconia. The city where Hercules managed to get into the underworld. We entered through a portal in the side of a mountain, too far for any human to reach through normal means. The moment we were through on the other side everything changed. The world was dark and fiery. The endless bones of the dead littered the floor, and the screams of the souls filled my ears. And waiting in the middle of this river of death was who I must assume to be the Shepeard of the dead. Charon.

" Charon! Old friend. It is good to see you again." Hercules exclaimed.

" Not you again. Aren't you dead yet?" Charon asked annoyedly.

Charon seemed to be genuinely annoyed by Hercules' presence. Whatever history they have seems to be bitter.

" Why are you two here?" Charon asked.

" We need to see Hades; can you guide us to his palace once again Charon?" Hercules asked.

" I will not take you anywhere, Hercules. Not after the last time you stiffed me." Charon spoke.

" I promise this time, I will do no such thing. I have the full payment and double just for you." Hercules spoke. He reached into his robes and pulled out a bag full of Drachmae. Which got Charon's attention.

Charon snatched the bag and began counting the drachmae out loud. After confirming the bags contents, he shoved into his robe.

" Fine, come aboard." Charon grunted. Hercules laughed and pulled me along with him onto Charon's boat and we began making our way into the underworld.

As we floated above the burning cities and people, I noticed a bunch of objects floating in the air, Photos, money, watches, trinkets. Small things.

" The lost hopes and dreams of the dead. Their most prized treasures forever out of their reach." Charon spoke to me. I looked up at the man and he nodded. " Forever dead and gone. A fitting punishment." He spoke.

And to be fair I agreed. Thousands of people died every day and not all of them virtuous.

" We're here." Charon spoke.

I looked up from the suffering damned and saw a magnificent palace sitting right in the middle of it all. It was white and gold. It looked like it belonged to some rich prince.

" Uncle Hades always did have a passion for flair." Hercules spoke.

" It's really not what I expected." I told the man.

" Nothing ever is with Hades. Look alive." Hercules spoke.

Charon stopped his boat at a dock just outside Hades' palace.

" This is where you get off. Do me a favor and don't come back." Charon spoke.

Hercules and I hopped off the ferryman's boat and he sailed away.

" You ready to meet the lord of the underworld?" Hercules asked.

I nodded and Hercules led the way to the palace. As we approached the castle doors suddenly flung open and the skulls on the walls caught fire.

" Hades was expecting us." Hercules spoke.

He took the lead into the palace, and I followed behind him.

The palace was a mix of grandeur and omen. I had expected everything to be on fire and black. But the Gold and white hue of the palace was so off-setting that I didn't know what to expect anymore.


The thunderous sound of barking filled the halls as the ground suddenly shook.

" Is that?" I was asking when Hercules suddenly ran forward with his arms open.

" CERBERUS!" Hercules shouted with joy and jumped at the massive three headed dog.

Cerberus barked and happily started licking Hercs face. However, when he saw me, his eyes turned to fire, and he started growling.

" Cerberus! Down boy." Hercules commanded.

Cerberus returned to normal and started whimpering.

" Sorry, he doesn't like meeting strangers. You should have seen him when I first came here. You were big and nasty weren't you boy?" Hercules spoke as he rubbed the beast's belly.

" Cerberus, can you take us to hades?" Hercules asked.

Cerberus nodded and turned on his heel.

After he was a decent bit ahead of us, I walked up to Hercules.

" Since when did you tame Cerberus?" I asked the man.

" The last time I came to the underworld. I wrestled Cerberus into submission and ever since he's been a good boy. You just gotta speak his language." Hercules explained.

" Right."

We continued following Cerberus until finally we arrived at a large door. Cerberus just laid down and Hercules laughed.

" Enter!"

The voice on the other side of the door ordered us to enter the room and Hercules nodded.

He put his hand on the massive doors and forced them open. And sitting in the middle of the room on a white throne, dressed in a white and gold suit and an eye patch over one of his eyes. He had silver hair and red eyes. He looked young, younger than Poseidon did at least. And yet he's supposed to be the eldest of the three brothers.

" Hello, Nephews. I've been expecting you." Hades spoke. His voice was soft and calming yet powerful. I was at a complete loss for words.

" What? Cat got your tongue. Did you expect me to be some big and brooding monster?" Hades asked me.

" Not to be disrespectful, uncle. But yes." I replied.

" Everyone always assumes that because I'm the king of the underworld that I'm some kind of monster. A lesson for you nephew, just because I rule the underworld doesn't make me inherently evil. I punish the evil, not the innocent. That should speak for itself." Hades explained

I nodded and Hades smiled.

" Now, on to the matter of your visit. Tell me why I should allow you to see the Cyclops?" Hades asked, his demeanor changing on the dime. From calm and collected to angered and loud. " And not a word from you Hercules, I only want to hear from him."

Hercules nodded and took a step back, letting me have the floor.

" I won't sugarcoat it or try to trick you, uncle. I need them. I have no other options. Poseidon has taken everything from me. And these cyclops are my best chance at getting back the only family I have left." I told the man.

" What are you talking about? You have family all around you. Or do you not see us as your family?" Hades asked.

" It's not that. I just don't know any of you. But Diana is different. She's my little girl. She's... The only piece of my humanity that I have left, and I don't want to lose her. I don't care about being a god a half god or any kind of God. I just want my family to have a good life. Grow up and find love without having to worry about suffering for her father's actions. That's it. I don't care about revenge or anything else. As long as i can get her back safely. That's all I need."

Hades cold stare turned back into his smile.

" Well, said nephew. I can respect the want to protect your family. I too have always only wanted to keep my brothers safe. But over the years Poseidon and Zeus have both changed. Their arrogance has led them from the path we all once walked. Sadly, I don't suppose they can be brought back. That doesn't mean I don't still love my brothers. Normally I would personally destroy anyone who would do my brother's harm. But in this case, Poseidon made his own bed. If he is to be brought down by your hands, then so be it." Hades spoke. He took a sip of his tea and then looked back up at me. " I've heard your case and I've decided I will allow you to talk to the Cyclops. whether or not they grant your wish is up to them. Take Persephone with you. The Cyclops don't like me right now. But they do enjoy her company. Brontes will be the one you'll need to convince. He is the eldest of the three brothers and the one who commands them." Hades explained. I smiled and felt a weight lift off my chest by his generosity. " I wish you well in your endeavors nephews."

I nodded in response and bowed to the man.

" No need, to be. Hades doesn't really like it himself." I heard a woman's voice in my ear. When I opened my eyes, I saw only who I assumed to be, Persephone. She was built strong. Her muscles were like those of the amazons. She had beautiful black hair and soft brown eyes." Come on, cousin. I will take you to the cyclops." Persephone spoke.

I nodded and made to follow the woman, but I noticed that Hercules stayed behind.

" Are you not coming?" I asked.

" No. This is your journey. I was only to get you in and out of Tartarus. The rest is up to you and you alone." Hercules exclaimed. I nodded and then continued to follow Persephone down into the pits of Hades Palace.

She was quiet, but not rude, if that makes sense. I guess she just didn't want to talk.

Eventually we came to a massive cell, that extended for thousands of miles.

She tapped on the doors of the cell and spelled out three names. Arges, Steropes, and Brontes. And magically three giant Cyclops appeared in front of us.

" Arges, Steropes, Brontes! It is so good to see you all again." Persephone spoke with a smile on her face.

" Persephone, as always, a pleasure. What can we do for you today?"

" It's nothing for me Arges, it's actually for this one here." Persephone spoke. She pointed at me and then moved out of the way.

" And what do you want?" * SNIFF SNIFF!" Blood of Poseidon!" Arges roared and the three brothers all frowned.

" I need a weapon made. And I came to request you all make it." I told the giants.

" You want us to make you a weapon? Like the three brothers? The ones who locked us down here. Why would we do that?" The biggest of the three brothers asked. the one I assumed to be Brontes.

" I know what it is that my father and uncles did to you. They used you and then wrongfully imprisoned you. And I am sorry for that." I spoke.

" So, what?" The last brother, Steropes asked.

" We forged their weapons and fought their battles for them. We did. Our people did. We faced Chronos alongside the gods and once they had won, they stuck us back in our hole. Why the hell should we help you? Are you going to free us?" Brontes asked. His one eye a flame with anger.

" No!" I replied.

The three brothers snarled and glared. I had a feeling that if they could reach me, they would try to tear me apart on the spot. These three were definitely much more powerful than Polyphemus ever could hope to be.

" I cannot offer you freedom. But I can offer you something much better." I told the brothers.

" What could be worth more than our freedom?" Arges asked.

I knew what it was they wanted more than anything. More than their freedom. The same all men want when they are wronged.

" Revenge. I can promise you the death of Poseidon." i told the brothers.

For a moment Arges, Steropes, and Brontes all looked to each other. They then looked back to me and grinned.

" A fair trade. A weapon for a life." Brontes spoke.

" Excellent. I pulled out the three boxes that D'Racka had given me and gave them to the cyclops.

they looked at me in confusion.

" I want you to incorporate those three metals together into a trident unlike any other." I told them.

" Oh, we'll do more than that. Extend your hand." Brontës ordered. And I did.

I put my hand into the cage, and he grabbed it and ripped something out of me.

" What did you do?" i asked.

" In order to make your weapon, we required a piece of your essence. Now we will get to work." Brontes explained.

The cage illuminated and the three brothers began working in tandem with smaller creatures with multiple arms and blue skin.

Those must be the Hekatonchires.

" Just wait, princess. Daddy's coming."



" Triton, my love. What is the matter?" Namorita asked as she clung onto the man's arm. Her bulgin belly rubbing against him.

" Namorita, I have made a mistake. Graver than any before. And I fear, it will cost me everything." Triton replied.

" My love, you worry too much. Forget about your father for just a moment and focus on something more important. Focus on your family. Your son." Namorita grabbed Tritons hand and placed it softly on her stomach. " I promise you; everything will be okay. Now, please come back to bed."

Triton smiled softly and grabbed his wife, picking her up into his arms, and brought her back to the bed. He placed her down gently and then joined her. Triton wrapped his arms around Namorita's back and placed them softly on her stomach. And the two returned to sleep.

But not before Triton felt the waves above him shudder.

" There's a storm approaching. I just hope by the end you'll still be here with me." triton whispered.