

Rhodes found himself transported to the Marvel universe where he assumed the role of a nobleman, the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He harbored aspirations of dominance, only to be unexpectedly drawn to Asgard, the mystical realm of the fairies, where he became a servant to Hela, the formidable goddess of death. Being bound in servitude for a lifetime was a dire fate, but providentially, he inherited the extraordinary genes of Superman Silver. These genes endowed him with the remarkable ability to grow stronger by simply basking in the sun and rapidly adapt to various challenges by evolving new abilities. The might of Silver Superman was beyond comprehension, granting him unparalleled power and dominance. He ascended to become the ruler of Asgard, asserting his dominion over the entire universe. When confronted with the name Thanos, he scoffed, proclaiming, "Thanos? This mere mortal? I could extinguish him with a mere breath!" I do not own this book or the cover page, if the owner request for me to take it down, leave a message. Ten chapters ahead on patreon.com/user?u=99529197

Shirokendama · アニメ·コミックス
97 Chs


Amidst contemplation, Rhodes weighed the decision of whether to end Amora's life. This individual had committed treason against his homeland, driven solely by the pursuit of profit, making his demise seemingly justified.

However, Rhodes opted to abstain from interfering in this matter. He recognized his unique status and understood that revealing his true strength would be unwise at this juncture.

Moreover, he turned his attention towards his companions and, subsequently, Amora. "It would be advantageous if I could manipulate their memories," he reflected.

With a mere thought, Silver Superman's genetic makeup underwent an immediate evolution.

"Ding! The host [Rhodes] has acquired a super ability: [Memory Manipulation]!"

This newfound superpower bestowed upon him the capacity to tamper with the memories of anyone he wished. Coupled with his recently evolved super spirit, it became an effortless task to modify the recollections of both Amora and his companions.

Amora continued to plead for mercy, stating, "Please, spare my life. I'm willing to exchange my treasure for my freedom!"

Rhodes didn't engage in further discussion; instead, he channeled his mental prowess, which manifested as tendrils of thought, and penetrated the minds of Amora and the three companions. After some meticulous probing, Rhodes successfully identified their memories and erased them one by one.

This way, Tessa and the others would have no recollection of the recent events.

Pondering the potential utility of Amora, Rhodes decided to manipulate her past memories, establishing himself as her master and ensuring her unwavering loyalty.

Having tampered with the memories of those involved, Rhodes took a step back and released Amora.

The enchanting witch blinked her eyes, turned around, knelt on one knee, and addressed Rhodes with fervor, saying, "Amora is at your service, my master!"

Rhodes found himself unexpectedly at ease with the situation. "Amora, stay in Asgard, refrain from acting recklessly, and await my instructions," he instructed calmly.

"Amora obeys," she replied respectfully.

After exchanging contact information, Amora's form levitated and swiftly departed from the alley, leaving only a vivid green afterimage in her wake.

In truth, Amora possessed formidable combat skills and potent witchcraft. In a genuine life-or-death confrontation, given Rhodes' current strength, subduing her would have proven arduous.

Fortunately, Rhodes had seized the initiative, capitalizing on the moment when Amora had lost control of her faculties, thereby avoiding a protracted battle.


Rhodes snapped his fingers.

Varys, Raymond, and Tessa simultaneously regained their senses, entirely oblivious to the alterations that had occurred.

Rhodes had skillfully manipulated their memories, causing them to believe they had paused briefly in the alley to evade the bustling crowds.

"I believe it's time for us to depart. These days, there seem to be fewer people around," Tessa remarked, wiping sweat from her brow while surveying the alley.

"Indeed, let's make our way back to the mansion before sundown," Raymond concurred.

Varys and Raymond walked out of the alley, arms linked, whistling cheerfully. Tessa waved a farewell to Rhodes.

Satisfied that his manipulation had gone undetected, Rhodes followed suit.

With such an extraordinary superpower at his disposal, he need not fear discovery while honing his combat skills in the future.

Upon their return to the princess's mansion, Rhodes and Tessa went their separate ways. As servants of the gods, each had distinct responsibilities, precluding them from mingling too closely.

Rhodes decided to capitalize on the remaining daylight to continue enhancing his strength by basking in the sun.

He returned to his room, donned his comfortable new boots, grabbed his cleaning tools, and made his way to the park to commence his work.

"[Power +1000]..."

"[Power +1000]..."

"[Power +1000]..."

Notifications continually appeared in his field of vision, while Rhodes sensed his physical body growing stronger. His once-slight physique had evolved into a more robust form, and he had gained a few centimeters in height.

Rhodes, brimming with newfound energy, contemplated his recent actions. "When Amora attempted to escape earlier, I detected it and promptly subdued her. My reaction speed is impressive, but even in combat, I harbor no fear."

After completing his park cleaning duties, Rhodes returned to practicing his combat skills. Beads of sweat trickled down his cheeks, and his formerly delicate visage now exuded determination.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Rhodes experienced a growth spurt of an additional three centimeters, and his musculature became more defined.

He was no longer the slender figure who had first entered the mansion.

As evening descended, Rhodes continued his focused study in the study.

After a while, he furrowed his brow and cast a wary glance towards the door. "Why does it perpetually feel like I'm being observed?"

In recent days, this uncanny sensation had frequently engulfed him, mirroring the eerie feeling of being trailed by Amora.

Rhodes had now developed a strong suspicion that someone was spying on the Princess's Mansion.

"The distance is too great for my spiritual perception, and my superpowers related to the five senses remain ineffective," he ruminated, deeply troubled by this enigma.