
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · アニメ·コミックス
137 Chs



Feels like college all over again, not that I finished mine in the first place, died in my 3rd year. Whatever for the last week I have been grinding non-stop, these glasses are amazing but they are going to be the death of me. They increase your reading speed by 18 times, but it also increases your mental fatigue by 18 times, which is fair I guess, it increases my learning speed by a lot since it saves me time, but to counteract the mental strain I have been meditating and drinking coffee and energy drinks this whole week.

To put it in simple terms, let's say I read 450-WPM (words per minute, this is my time a year ago, don't know why I timed it), with the glasses it's 8100 WPM, that's a huge boost, but it cancels out since I burn out so fast, I last 2 hours before I need to meditate to ease the headache, I just read, meditate read meditate to balance it out and every 2 days I collapse from exhaustion, then I sleep, wake up and repeat. This can not be healthy.

But thanks to that I learned a whole lot of spells, but I'm not that proficient in them, but that was not the goal.

9. The book is connected to my mind, any spell I learn will be added to the book. It also lessens the burden when I manually cast magic through the book.

10. The more spells there are in the book the stronger the book itself gets.

Gotta love my brain, the 10th condition makes it so the book is very weak in the beginning, if it was OP from the start the ability wouldn't even form, but now with these glasses, I can make it stronger at an exponential rate, meaning I'M BECOMING OP BITCHES, I read half of the Library at Kamar-Taj after I assured the guardian I was doing early reading and wouldn't try to use the spells unsupervised, and one of the Books was on Astral Projection, which I won't use since I'm Literally collapsing from exhaustion if I use it I might just die. But I only need to keep this grind up for 2 more weeks, then I will go to steal the Mind Stone from The Avengers.

I'm sure I can escape them with my current capabilities, Fighting them 1 on 1 easy, except the Hulk, Thor is a spoiled brat and still hasn't awakened his powers, I can send him to the mirror dimension, I would do that to the Hulk too, but I don't know if I will be fast enough to escape it, the Hulk mostly moves on instinct and impulses, I won't be able to play mind games with him, and if he catches me it's over. So if the Hulk awakens I will just leave and let the rest of them handle him.

For the next week, I will try to get as proficient as possible with the spells I have learned which will get me the title of Master.

(A/N Strange was in Kamar-Taj for about 6 months over the course of the movie, he learned fast, but most of his focus was on how to heal his hands, not combat, and he didn't have the Grimoire and the Glasses so yea)

-(one week later)-

The Bald One in all her greatness stands before me, "Mr. Ward, you have been improving at an exponential rate, even though your methods were.. Unorthodox you have fulfilled the requirement to gain the title of Master of the Mystic Arts, Congratulations. Master Ward"

I give a bow "Thank you, but why did you not make me take the oath?" it's great that I don't have to, really, but it's been bugging me a lot

She smiles "Master Ward, you may believe you are how shall I put this 'Mysterious' but I have lived for centuries, I can see that even without the oath you will protect the earth the next few years of your own free will, the reason being you are a very cautious man. Unless you are absolutely sure, you can survive on your own, you will not leave Earth, and if Earth is threatened by something we cannot handle you will join us since it's a threat to you as well, and you are not stupid enough to fight it alone"

I just sigh at her, Oh the irony, I'm like an open book to her, damn her for being an old wise woman, she is absolutely right, why would I risk going to space or other multiverses unless I'm absolutely sure I'm safe, and if something comes to threaten Earth it needs to be eliminated since it affects my safety and life here.

"Now that you are a Master you can come to me for teachings, you have very interesting ideas your spell 'Para-scythe' was it, it is an interesting spell" she casually activates my spell and it's even better than when I use it

"If you have any more ideas or questions come to me and we will see if I can help you out" and the Bald One just walks away leaving me jaw dropped, she copied my spell, and she is better at it than me, that's kinda unfair, but she does have centuries of experience with Eldritch Magic, even I made the spell, doesn't mean someone won't be able to use it better than me, I sigh again

Every one of the grandmasters has at least one Original Spell. even The Bald One's Tao Mandalas, that spell is taught to every student in Kamar-Taj but only she can release them like a boomerang and make them come back, that is because of her sheer proficiency and skill with the spell, she doesn't make them permanent just stable enough and calculates it's path so she can catch it.

These few days has been pure sparing almost all the time except for my lessons with the Ancient One, I have fought every master that is Currently in Kamar and I win 60% of my fights, I asked the boss about Project: Gilgamesh, AKA The Gate of Babylon the glorified missile launcher and the other project, Project: Enkidu I have no idea where to start with that one, I can make Eldritch Chains, but I can't give them sealing properties, I want to be able to chain the Hulk just like Fenrir. She gave me some ideas for Gilgames but said Enkidu was beyond the current me since Sealing Spells of that caliber are GrandMaster territory. 3 more days left


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Timeline 2015 May, Age of Ultron

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