
Marvel: Journal Writing

Traveling to the Marvel world, compiling the diary system, as long as the diary holder reads it, he can obtain countless skills

BlackGoku222 · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 033


[The host has triggered the first mission of the system: a major Marvel event!]

[Mission Notes: This mission is a continuous and unique mission. Once completed, you will receive generous rewards. At the same time, the system will not issue any other missions of any kind.]

[Mission Notes: Every superhero will have one or even several old enemies and shackles in their life.]

[As a person who already has a superpower, you also need to create an old enemy to ensure your status as a superhero in the parallel world "compiled in the diary."]

[It should also be noted that, as a time traveler, how can you not trigger a major Marvel event and take down a Galactus?]

[Mission Requirements: A qualitative change caused by continuous missions. When the host "defeats the old enemy" and when the host's strength reaches a certain level, it will lead to the "planet devourer."]

[Mission Assistance: Since the mission is a unique mission, the host can personally compile the "enemy," "name," "appearance," "ability," "identity," etc.]

[And every time the "enemy" is defeated, the host will gain a higher-level ability and the diary holder will increase by one!]

Back home, Suke was about to start compiling the fourth chapter of the diary.

When he suddenly saw the hidden task requested by the system.

It was definitely not a mandatory task; he could choose whether to accept it or not.

Suke felt more like a beneficiary of the system.

At first, he wrote that he had an old enemy.

But now, this supposed "enemy" could be completely edited by himself.

That is, no matter how strong he wanted this old enemy to be, this old enemy would be as strong as possible.

No matter how difficult he wanted to make it, it would be a headache.

Even the ability of this old enemy was compiled by himself.

Isn't this equivalent to working part-time as a dealer while fighting against the owner's cards?

However, looking at the things marked in the system.

Suke pondered a bit.

Indeed, every superhero has an enemy.

Once the old enemy compiled by himself becomes a reality, it will not only make the diary holder believe in his identity.

It can also indirectly solidify his identity as a superhero from a parallel world.

Much more convincing than what he compiled in the diary.

Most importantly, according to the system, every time you defeat the "enemy" you created, you can gain a higher-level ability.

Two birds with one stone!

Well, this is triggered when your own strength reaches a certain level.

So Suke isn't worried about that right now.


Seeing the system's hidden mission, Suke instantly felt better.

Definitely, every time you defeat the "enemy" you created, you will gain a top-level ability.


When the contestants, judges, and notaries are all my people.

How can you lose?

Thinking about this, Suke pondered for a moment, then turned on the diary editing system and began to edit.


New York, three blocks from Suke's apartment

"I've seen you before, you're the waitress from that café!"

Watching Natasha open the door and walk in, smiling and asking what she and Pietro want for dinner.

Wanda reacted immediately: "So, are you with that organization?"


Seeing Wanda and Pietro surprised, revealing a wary expression.

Natasha took off her coat and hung it on the rack.

"I used to be a member of SHIELD. Working as a waitress in that café is just a way for me to unwind."

"And weren't you informed that I will be your tutor starting today?"

With that, Natasha approached Wanda and Pietro.

Her smile was full of warmth: "Don't worry, I'm not here to spy on you or chase you, but to protect you."

"After all, you're only sixteen now. Although you're more mature than your peers, you still need a tutor."

"You can call me Sister Natasha, or you can just call me Natasha."





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