
Marvel Infinity Talent

Suddenly, Wang Yang, who crossed over to the Marvel world, became an apprentice of Kamar-Taj. He initially thought that he wouldn't be able to learn magic, but he awakened a system that allowed him to integrate fragments of other people's talents. "Detected a magic talent fragment. Should I integrate it?" "Integrate!" "Have you just started learning magic? How come everyone else is an apprentice, but you already mastered the use of the Sling Ring?" "Check for the talent fragment related to using the Time Stone. Should I integrate it?" Wang: "Are you really just an apprentice? How did you instantly learn how to use the Time Stone? I've been studying for several months!" "Perhaps my talent is stronger..." Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/InfinityTalent Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · アニメ·コミックス
188 Chs

Strange, look at my vishanti sacred sword

On the stage, Mordo and Strange fought back and forth.

The magic light kept shining.

Even Great Sorcerer and the others could not help but whisper when they saw this scene.

"Looking at this move of Strange, there is no problem in advancing!"

"This speed and reaction speed. This guy has already used several kinds of magic. I wonder how much magic he has learned!"

"This guy, Mordo has good luck. He can always find a good student!"

"But Mordo is going to be miserable. I think he will be beaten by his student. It will be a tragedy. A dignified Great Sorcerer is beaten by his disciple!"

"I think that this kid Strange is quite ruthless. Maybe he can teach Mordo a lesson!"

These few Great Sorcerers were gloating over his misfortune. However, Wang looked at the two people fighting in the arena and nodded slightly.

According to the average Sorcerer, Strange's fighting techniques were also quite good.

His attacks were very fierce, and each move carried a strong magical aura.

Although Mordo had many years of experience, he was still very experienced.

However, for a moment, Strange occupied the mountain peak and was forced to retreat repeatedly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mordo raised his hand to block, and Magic Shield instantly condensed.

Strange's attack hit Magic Shield, making a muffled sound.

Mordo kept dodging, and his footsteps were very orderly.

Of course, it seemed that Mordo had been dodging, but in fact, he was just trying to test Strange's strength.

That was why he had been defending and not attacking.

"Strange, your combat skills are very good. Then I won't hold back!"

As he spoke, Master Mordo also stopped defending passively and began to counterattack.

A fist smashed out, and magical runes formed on the fist, condensing into a pair of gloves.


When it collided with Strange's fist, a muffled sound rang out, and a powerful storm spread out in all directions. Then, the two continued to tangle together, and all kinds of muffled sounds rang out.

The two of them could be said to be evenly matched, and for a moment, they fought evenly.

The surrounding Sorcerers were also very excited.

"Strange is so strong. In just a little more than a month, he has already practiced his fighting technique to this extent!"

"Is Master Mordo's teaching level already so powerful?"

"Strange is truly extraordinary. Even though he is a prodigy, it's no easy feat to match the level of Great Sorcerer Mordo in a battle!"

"That's right, incredible, incredible. With this kind of power and speed, it is hard to imagine that he is just an apprentice!"


The surrounding Sorcerers discussed, and it was hard to imagine that Strange was only an apprentice.

Wang listened to the discussions of Sorcerers and could not help but shake his head.

Moreover, with Mordo's attack, he had finally fused with a lot of Mordo's magic talent and combat talent.

Not long later, the battle between Mordo and Strange reached a hot stage.

Although most of them were punches and kicks, the fluctuations they caused were not weak at all.

Coupled with the assistance of magic, it was also very interesting.

However, Mordo was a Great Sorcerer. After so many years of actual combat experience, he was naturally much stronger than Strange.

Mordo blocked Strange's attack with a single Rings of Raggadorr. Then, he twisted his body and arrived behind Strange. With a slap of his palm, Strange staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.

"Alright, Strange, let's stop here. Your strength is already very good, although your experience is still a bit lacking!"

"But you have to remember that if it was a real battle, you might have died from that attack just now!"

"So you have to remember that as Sorcerers, protecting yourself is very important!"

Mordo warned very cautiously.

"I understand, Master Mordo!"

"Alright, the sparring match is almost over. Now, let me see how your magic training is going!"

Although magic had been added to the battle just now, most of it was just the basic structure of magic runes, and no more powerful magic was used as an attack.

Since it was a place like this, it was naturally time to try it out.

"Alright, sorry!"

Strange nodded.

"Crimson Chain!"

In an instant, a crimson chain appeared in his hand.

Like a whip, it struck out instantly.

The crimson chain flicked out and went straight to Mordo.

Mordo shook his hand, and a Magic Shield appeared in his hand.


The red Crimson Chain collided with the shield, and red sparks flew everywhere.

As the two continued to fight, the arena began to shatter, and countless stone fragments flew into the air.

In the battle between these two, many Sorcerers who were at the side, could not help but become excited.

"Crimson Chain, isn't that a high-level magic?"

"Even as a veteran sorcerer, I haven't mastered this particular magic. How could an apprentice like Strange possibly learn it?"

"What a terrifying power. As expected of a high-level magic!"

"This Strange is really a genius. In just a month, he can actually learn this level of magic!"

"This is incredible. I don't even know this level of magic yet!"


At this moment, the sorcerers couldn't help but whisper among themselves, their faces filled with excitement and intrigue.

In the arena, the two were also constantly fighting. All kinds of magic collided, and the light was shining.

The magic light collided with each other very fiercely.

"Yes, Strange, your magic mastery is good, but it is not enough to defeat me!"

Mordo was very satisfied. At this time, he had a shield in one hand and a chain in the other. He was very calm in dealing with Strange's magic.

However, Mordo could not help but be secretly surprised at Strange's progress.

After all, given the limited time he had, it seemed impossible for him to reach such a level of mastery.

"Vishanti's Divine Sword!"

Strange was no longer polite and used the magic he had learned not long ago.

This was the most powerful attack magic.

As Vishanti's Divine Sword appeared.

Everyone present could not help but gasp.

"That is, that is, Vishanti's Divine Sword."

"Impossible, how can an apprentice master this level of magic!"

"Could it be that Strange will become our Kamar-Taj's hope?"

"Even Great Sorcerer might not be able to use the Vishanti's Divine Sword!"


As Strange unleashed such magic, there were occasional gasps and expressions of astonishment from the sorcerers, their faces filled with disbelief.

This time, even those Great Sorcerers who saw this scene could not hide the shock on their faces.

Strange was truly a genius.

Wang, who was in the crowd, was enjoying this scene.

[Ding... Detected magic - Vishanti's Divine Sword magic fragment. Would you like to fuse it?]

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