
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Good Times Newspaper

Under the afternoon sun, above a rocky plain.

Kyle and Steve, one person holding a sword, the other holding a shield, looked over the deserted land, spotting a dark green warehouse.

This view was also seen in the eyes of dozens of American soldiers. The sky was still as clear blue; the weather was perfect for an unexpected sneak attack.

"This might be tiring," Kyle said as he stretched his neck and shook off the dust on his uniform.

Steve stood next to him and sighed, "Kyle, you should wait and see until after the battle before saying such confident words."

Kyle smiled and looked around at the soldiers behind him. After a slight breath, he said with a commanding voice, "Are you ready? Today we destroy the enemy!"

"Yes, sir!" They all yelled with respect when given the order.

"Then take your weapons and follow our steps!" Steve yelled to his soldiers as the 40 soldiers in the group clenched the guns they had long in their hands holding.

Before this battle, most of them were scarred from dying, but the prestige of Kyle and Steve was several times stronger than their fear of death. The troops' morale was unprecedented, as Kyle's charisma washed away any doubts of failure.

"What are you waiting for? Start!" Kyle and Steve gave the command together, as the two took the lead in the front, with the soldiers following in a tight formation.

Looking at this scene, Carter exclaimed from a lookout point: "These two guys may change the pattern of wars."

"No." Carter shook her head in denial and thought to herself: 'It is guaranteed!'



More than three weeks later.

In New York, Brooklyn, and Wall Street.

The pedestrian people that entered the winter-filled streets gradually warmed under the morning sun. It was just after Christmas, immediately ushering in the New Year. Despite the engagement phase of World War II, the enormous economic city of New York still did not suffer from an economic depression during the war.

In the early winter of January, people in coats rushed around the streets, busy with their livelihoods and hobbies.

From time to time, hooded children can be found holding a stack of black and white newspapers and exclaiming on the streets where people come and go:

"The latest New York Times! Colonel Kell and Captain Rogers led a squad to annihilate German fortresses again!"

"Wall Street Journal! The two American heroes are glorious again; the German frontline has withdrawn 20 miles due to insufficient resources!"

"The victorious battle of the war, the Officer of Iron and Blood, who reversed the situation of the war, explains to you the enemy's defeats - 'The Glorious Road of Colonel Kyle'!"

The newspapers in this period are the first to print and publish front-line reports, not to mention the description of the victory.


A boy with a pale face, who sold his final newspapers, walked around for half an hour and bought two more stacks of Times News on the street before selling his own for a higher price elseward.

Facts have proved that even if World War II did not affect New York on the surface, people still worried about the frontline troops of the Allies, hoping and praying that they could end the war as soon as possible.

That boy who was reselling his last newspaper again was tired of walking around until someone from a few meters away waved at him.

"Can you give me a copy?" A blonde woman wearing a purple scarf smiled and waved gently toward the newspaper boy running across the street. Her fair hair swayed in the wind.

The boy immediately ran over and took the change she gave, giving the last daily report of his to the girl's vegetable basket she carried.

The boy widened his eyes and looked at the woman's delicate face. He couldn't help but praise: "Big sis, you look pretty."

"Your mouth is quite sweet." She smiled and patted his head, a warm smile that could melt the snow around her, making the gentleman on the street slammed into the streetlight while distracted.

"It's time for me to go home." The woman aired, elegantly carrying the food and newspapers in the basket, and began to return.

Although she said home, the place she is going is the apartment neighboring where Kyle lived. Kyle's home location is public, at 135 W 52nd St New York, NY 10019.

It is a classic European-style duplex apartment with a balcony garden. Kyle designed it himself with a construction designer when he bought it.


Seeing the woman heading home, the boy sighed and thought, 'I thought she discovered me...'

Looking at the woman's back, the boy started to transform into an older yet still young man. He had black hair, looked like he was in his twenties, and wore an army uniform with several badges.

- 'Unsuccessful extraction, Failed to Draw Out {The Judge's Azura}!'

This boy, now a young man, was no other than Kyle, who was going undercover to stay hidden from the media to relax and track Thena! He has been trying to obtain the Rare Purple Ability Card before she goes off the grid and disappears once more.

The problem was the time limit for him was too large. The good thing was that the more he extracted higher-ranked cards, the less time it would take next time. Now some lower cards take a second to pull. The Purple Card was possible to obtain, which was good for Kyle.

It still does not change the fact for him that extracting The Judge's Azura was too tricky for the last couple of days.

- {The Judge's Azura}: Grants Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, High Regenerative Healing Factor, Anti-aging, Minor Cosmic Energy Manipulation, Minor Photokinesis, Minor Thermokinesis, Concussive Blasts, Weapon Manifestation, Very Minor Molecular Manipulation, Minor Telekinesis, Minor Telepathy, Forced Cosmic Teleportation. - Rare Purple Ability Card. (4HR)

'Maybe I'll try another time...' Kyle thought with a sigh as he also returned home.


Opening his apartment door, Kyle looked around and smiled.

Kyle took off his boots and went into the kitchen. There was a large stove, which Kyle often used without his cooking Ability Cards for practice.

Sitting on a stool, Kyle looked at a newspaper and thought, 'The protagonists in the headlines of these newspapers are very different. They are not the grim old Officers who are armed with a gun. They are cool young men with swords and shields rushing to the enemy.'

Kyle looked at the newspaper, which read: 'Steve Rogers, 23, Captain America, Captain Officer.'

'The first battle in Captain Roger's life was to go deep into the third enemy zone with the current Colonel Kell, to break into the factory base, rescue the prisoners trapped, and break out. He is a patriot, a super soldier, a hero who symbolizes American justice!'


Kyle quickly visited his profile, and his eager eyes of his fell on the paper:

'Kyle Kell, 23, the fastest growing Colonel Officer in history.'

Seeing this, Kyle showed a grinning smile filled with satisfaction and read his next personal section:

'Colonel Kell is the youngest winner of the rank of Colonel in the history of the United States. He first sneaked into enemy bases and annihilated the German commanders and major forces in a counterattack, winning the opportunity to reverse the frontline's losses.'

'So far, Mr. Kell's campaigns to lead his marches have ended in victory. According to incomplete statistics, the number of killings recorded in his name has broken through 10,000; all real enemies fought in his battles!

He is a hero representing the symbol of American power! A war madman who has stunned the Germans. Nicknamed by friends and friends as 'Offizier für Eisen und Blut' or the Officer of Iron and Blood!'

'In the latest reports, the US President has awarded the Medal of Honor to Colonel Kyle, on his fast growth and achievements.'


After a smooth reading, Kyle's eyes closed with a soft smile. Although such a large-scale promotion was given in the reports, no one can blame him.

"I almost grew too quickly to a high-ranked Officer. Not to mention I barely take orders from anyone but the best of the army now. I'm glad I requested my vacation now. My next mission is somewhere freezing, so better get warm while I can." Kyle scratched his chin and opened his eyes again.

Today, Kyle decided to make one of his favorite dishes, Kung Pao Chicken, to celebrate his vacation.

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