
Marvel: I can Download Unlimted Abilities

After waking up one day, Bruce Lite found himself possessing the body of an American Agent that enjoyed all kinds of benefits, he made tens of thousands of dollars a month, he had power, and everything else he could dream of. But when he snapped out of his new found happiness, he realised that he was currently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And that's when the desperation set in. While his first reaction to it was that it was pretty 'cool', after realising that at some point in the near future, a purple freak would snap his fingers and he had a 50 - 50 shot at surviving, Bruce felt his whole body go cold. In the stories Bruce was familiar with, when this type of situation happened, the person in question would get some kind of ability, or maybe position in the world that could enable him to have a fighting chance. But no matter how hard he tried, there was simply nothing there for him to discover in the first place. He was a simple level 3 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that was it. No powers, nothing. Until after a while had passed, at a time where Bruce found himself slowly accepting his fate, he suddenly obtained the ability he was looking so desperately for. He could now download other people’s abilities. And while nothing in the world was free, and he couldn’t just become a God right off the bat, this gave him a real shot at surviving. But after being desperate for that long, would Bruce really be satisfied with just surviving?

BadBoyForBad · SF
58 Chs

Nick Fury

It was not the same as before, It didn't have the red and blue colors on it, and there was no star in the middle as well. The copy of the shield was completely black, making it seem ancient and mysterious.

After the modifications, the exterior of the copy was unrecognizable, not even Captain America would recognize that this was a copy of his shield. Even with the most advanced instruments to test, no one could find any similarities between the two.

Bruce's eyes flash a little, then he threw the shield forward without hesitation. With his powerful strength, the rotation speed of the shield managed to reach an incredible level..

At the same time though, Bruce used his Spider Telepathy to watch the flight path of the shield.


The shield struck a large tree, but with its massive momentum, the tree completely fell apart. Afterwards, Bruce turned into an afterimage, instantly flashing dozens of meters away.

He used the Body and shield as one ability, and the shield which had been flying in a straight line, was now turning back, almost as if it was being pulled by some mysterious force.

Bruce just raised his hand and easily caught the shield.

With the Body and Shield as one ability, the shield could return by itself within a range of 1,000 meters. While it was not as good as Thor's hammer, it was enough for Bruce. At least for now that is.

And now, whether it be attack or defense, Bruce had reached an all time peak. He reached an almost 'perfect' sort of balance.

Then, Bruce began training with the Shield. After all, although he had those two abilities, he still needed a lot of practice to truly reach the perfect state.

Like that, one hour passed…

During this time, he completely understood how to use his power. His current strength had even exceeded Captain America's when he was at his peak.

Even if he was compared with all the first generation Avengers, his combat power could be considered to be among the top few.

To perfect Parker's Adsorbent ability I should also need about 5 days, and for Captain America to recover to his peak state should also take about 3 days.

Bruce was in deep thought, as he knew the general trend of this universe. He would take part in the first New York War, as he still wanted some of the other superhero's abilities. If he did not join, he would not have the chance to even get near some of them.

Subsequently, Bruce returned to the room arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Captain America was a very self-disciplined man, he had been rigorously training according to the plan Bruce gave him, and he didn't need Bruce to remind him of anything.

Because of that, the two did not chat during his training.

In fact, if not for getting the rest of Captain America's abilities and the 5 million USD bonus on top of that, Bruce would not stay here at all.

Like that, time passed by bit by bit.

Meanwhile, Bruce was looking at some of the recent events on the computer. There was a video called 'Spider-Man' in particular that managed to get his attention.

He opened the video, and sure enough, It was Parker on the screen. He had officially begun his superhero life under Bruce's teachings.

At the same time, in the Avengers Base.

A jet landed at the airport, and soon after, Coulson and Hill were seen standing near the plane in their sunglasses, seemingly waiting for something.

The plane door opened and two men walked out from it.

One of the men was Hawkeye, and the other was a tall African American wearing an eye mask, with some dangerous airs about him.

After seeing the man all the agents stood even more upright, including Coulson and Hill. The man looked at Coulson and asked: "Where is the doctor?"

"In the underground base." Colson replied, looking very solemn.

This man was the level 10 agent, and current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury.

"Lead me to him, It's time now." Nick Fury said.

Afterwards, everyone walked into the Avengers base, and after multiple layers of security checks, they got into the base.

"How is the captain now?" Fury asked. It seemed that he really cared about this matter.

"The Captain has started his recovery training, and his helper is absolutely reliable. I believe the Captain will be back to his peak state very soon." Hill answered, holding a tablet with Bruce's picture in it.

"Is this a new guy?" Fury asked with doubt in his voice, he had never seen the man on the tablet.

"Yes, but he is very strong, and he was the most suitable candidate." Coulson replied.

Fury nodded after hearing that. It was obvious that he trusted Coulson very much.

"Those damned legislators have already got some negative views of the Avengers, we need to hurry up," Fury said. It seemed that even he was under a great deal of pressure.

Coulson and Hill looked at each other, deciding not to say anything. Nick Fury was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and he could meet the American president at any time. His rights and his status were obviously very high.

This was mostly because S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten many achievements before Fury got the support of the American president. But even so, he could not totally ignore those legislators.

"I'll set up another secret base, and It'll be very important. You and Hill will have joint leadership, and Barton will assist you from time to time."

Fury said, and the three men just nodded. They clearly knew about this matter before-hand.

After passing through countless layers of doors, Fury and co. finally reached their destination.

"Doctor!" Fury gave a shout.

A white old man looked up, and walked towards Fury with a smile. The old man was naturally Erik Selvig.

Fury took out some files and said,

"It's time!"