
Marvel: I am Sukuna

"If I want to eat, I eat. If I see an eyesore, I kill it. And if it entertains me, I throw it a bone." After a hopeless accident, Kai awakens his waited system alongside a revelation of his purpose in this new world. ===================== A/N: It has a gritty start alongside a mellow tuning of his character. Stick around to find out more! Join in my patreon for additional chapters! https://www.patreon.com/broskiii

Andrew_Basnet · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs


Jean who was currently trying desperately hard to control Kai, knew if she let go of her control, he could very well escape immediately. With the immense power that he had shown before, the few pieces of metal enclosing him were the least of his concerns.

"Kai, I know you're in here." Jean said out loud exploring Kai's mind and trying to reason with the fellow within. She purposefully tried to avoid his memories, in fear that would cause a reaction akin to what she had experienced today with Wolverine who had nearly stabbed her with his claws.

But the deeper she delved into his mind, the eerier the atmosphere became. It was like traversing through a labyrinth of shadows, each corner hiding a fragment of Kai's turmoil. Jean could feel the weight of his emotions—grief, rage, and a profound sense of loss.

"Where are you, Kai?" she called out in his mind, her voice echoing through the dark corridors.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon a memory, a vivid scene that played out before her. 

She didn't want to look in any further but the scene before was something she had never imagined a monster like Kai could have.

It was Kai and his brother, Leo, laughing and sparring in a sunny field. The memory was bittersweet, filled with a happiness that was now tainted by tragedy. Jean could feel the bond between the brothers, strong and unbreakable.

As she watched, the scene shifted, darkening as the memory of Leo's death unfolded. The pain and anger radiated from Kai, nearly overwhelming Jean. She forced herself to stay calm, to focus on finding Kai amidst the chaos.

"Kai, you need to control this," Jean said, her voice gentle but firm. "I know it hurts, but letting this power consume you will only lead to more pain."

A figure emerged from the shadows, Kai's form barely visible in the dim light. He looked at Jean, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I don't know how," he admitted, his voice shaking. "It's too much."

Jean stepped closer, reaching out a hand. "You don't have to do it alone, Kai. We can help you. Let us help you."

"I- I... please help me..." Kai reached out his hand but suddenly a dark entity got hold of Kai dragging him deeper as Jean steadied herself and followed quickly without hesitation.

The deeper she went, the darker and narrower the path got as if the very place itself was wholly alive. She debated if this was even possible but shook her doubts away for now as the path threatened to swallow her alive if she didn't move fast enough.

After what felt like an hour, she escaped the labyrinth within Kai's mind, landing herself in a puddle.

The darkness around her began fading slowly, revealing an eerie room filled with nothing but bones and blood. Jean's heart pounded as she took in her surroundings, the gruesome scene pressing in on her from all sides. The air was thick with the scent of decay and a palpable sense of dread.

"Kai," Jean called out, her voice echoing in the macabre chamber. "I'm here. I'm not leaving you."

From the shadows, the dark entity that had dragged Kai away began to materialize. It was a twisted, monstrous form, embodying all of Kai's pain and rage. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and its body seemed to shift and writhe like living darkness.

"Kai!" Jean shouted again, more urgently this time. She could sense Kai's presence within the monstrous figure, a flicker of his true self struggling to break free.

The entity turned its gaze towards Jean, a growl rumbling from its depths. "You... cannot... help..." it hissed, its voice a chilling amalgamation of Kai's and something far more sinister.

Jean steeled herself, stepping forward with determination. "I won't give up on you, Kai. You have to fight this. You have to take control."

"Ha...Hahahaha!" A menacing laugh suddenly echoed throughout the room, "Damn, the savior complex you people have is truly something..."

"Ah! I thought I could pretend longer but I guess I need to work on my acting a lot more." The figure slowly faded revealing Kai who was glaring at her in amusement. The markings on his body and his iconic two sets of eyes looking at her mockingly revealed that it was truly him.

"What's going on..." Jean's voice trailed off as she tried to make sense of the situation. She had been so focused on reaching out to Kai, she hadn't considered the possibility that he might be manipulating her.

"You think you can just waltz into my mind and fix everything?" Kai sneered. "You think you're some kind of hero? Or do you want to fix the mess your so-called professor created?"

Jean's resolve hardened. "I don't know everything you're going through, but I do know you don't have to face it alone. This power, this rage, it's consuming you. If you let it control you, it'll destroy everything you care about."

Kai's expression remained constant as he mockingly looked down on her, "And what if I don't care about anything anymore?"

Jean took a step closer, her voice softening. "I don't believe that. I saw your memories, Kai. I saw the love you had for your brother. That kind of love doesn't just disappear. It's still in you, buried beneath all this pain. Let us help you find it again."

"You're going to revive my brother? Or are you going to turn back time and make it so that the accident never happened?" Kai lazily asked walking forward, every step he took shook Jean's heart with fear.

She knew she had to get away but as she tried to move she realized she couldn't do anything further as if her powers couldn't work on this space let alone she couldn't bring herself to move even a single step back.

"I guess, cutting off your connection to your main body does work, temporarily sure but it works." Kai rubbed his chin as he approached the frozen Jean up close, "Let's see, this is still you so I am guessing the force above has not played its part yet but I can't ignore the connection you might still share with it."

"What are you talking about!" Jean said with frustration, no longer sure if she could even save him or if was she the one who needed the saving now. She knew for a fact that Kai was powerful enough physically but she never thought he could even outplay her mentally, was wearing the gigantic mask of Juggernaut a facade? 

Millions of questions raced through Jean's mind, each more urgent than the last.

'Hmm... I am sure if I actually try and kill her, the phoenix force won't allow me to rest in peace but then again... wait! Maybe I can...' 

A smirk left Kai's lips as he couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Ah! So that was it..."

Jean flinched at the sudden joyful demeanor of Kai as he glanced right at her, "Let's see... Rogue! I know you can hear me..."

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