
Marvel: I'm Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Carl travels to the Marvel world and carries the sign-in system with him. After signing for twenty-five years, I finally gained a strong force. Silver Superman template! The power of Superman in the Silver Age was much stronger than that of normal Superman. Traveling through time, eating raw kryptonite, blowing out stars…just when he flew out of the blue star for the first time, watching the sun. 【Ding! Dimensional chat group invites you to join. 】 

SlimeQueen127 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 11

Although I said, there is nothing I want to buy.

But Carl still took a look at the chat group store.

After all, I have one hundred thousand points in my hand, so it's useless to keep them.

After a closer look, Carl was speechless.

There are many products he can afford now, but most of them are useless.

Mengyakyu Sharingan, Conquerors haki...

After all, even if he bought the Sacred Light Rod and turned into Tiga, his combat effectiveness was not enhanced.

And one hundred thousand points can't buy a magic stick.

After thinking about it, Karl spent a few hundred points and bought a Superman suit.

Well, yes, it's Superman's classic red and blue suit.

To be honest, Karl himself doesn't like this color very much.

But this is the only shop in the chat group.

As for the remaining points, I had to keep them.

There are still many items that interest him in the chat group shop.

For example, the infinity stones, the power of the phoenix, the heart of the universe...

It's just that the large string of zeros at the back makes people feel a bit headache.

The chat group was lively for a while, then gradually quieted down.

After all, the time in each world is different.

Some worlds are day, some are night.

Take Carl himself.

When he got the Silver Superman template in his own world, it was early morning.

When I arrived at Shinobi World, it was evening.

So the time in each world is not the same.

Group members have their own affairs.

Carl also continued to take a bath.

After taking a shower and drinking a glass of wine, I went to bed and rested.

Naruto World.

Konoha, in a spacious house.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Nawaki are sitting in it.

Orochimaru explained what happened before.

"That place is indeed a trap. According to the state at the time, if Nawaki rushed in, I am afraid it would be life-threatening." Jiraiya also looked scared, "It's really dangerous. Fortunately, he rescued Nawaki... "At this time, Nawaki knew.

The handsome man who appeared suddenly saved his life.

At this time, Nawaki felt very ashamed.

He was originally a sunny boy.

Before Carl caught him, Nawaki thought the opponent was an enemy.

Unexpectedly, he was here to save himself.

Chapter 7 Sign-in reward, innocent Karl

Rope tree was very ashamed.

When Carl caught him before, he attacked the opponent.

"Well, he is a friend of mine."

Tsunade nodded.

She is the calmest person in the field.

After all, she found Carl.

Even Tsunade knew that Carl was not from this world.

And she also knew that without Carl, the Nawaki would definitely die.

After all, it was because the rope tree died that he asked for help in the chat group.

Carl is also here.

"Indeed, he said that he was commissioned by you to save Nawaki."

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade, hesitant to say something.

He pondered for a moment, but couldn't help asking, "How do you know this friend..." Orochimaru and the others, who grew up in Konoha Village with Tsunade.

The relationship is very good, similar to the relationship between Konoha's sannin.

In the village, I have never seen a figure like Carl.

So Orochimaru didn't know how Tsunade met each other.

Tsunade thought for a while, and said, "I met Carl occasionally outside the village." Naturally, it is impossible for her to tell the identity of Carl and the chat group.

Even if you say it, it's no good.

And the other party may not believe it.

So I had to find a reason casually.

"But he is a very reliable friend, don't worry."