
Marvel: I’m Behind The Scenes

It all start by young man named Charles Roadkill come to marvel universe where he doesn’t belong from first place. [Ding! Host Binds With Supreme Villain Trainer System.] [Ding! Host Binds With Heroes Always Win System.] [SVTS: System will help host train super villains. Stronger the villain and bigger the things they have done you will be rewarded.] [HAWS: System will help host to train super heroes to become stronger. Bigger the things hero accomplished or stronger the enemies hero won you will be rewarded.] Charles: So you want me become man behind the scenes?! ••• I’m making this story for fun so don’t expect much.

Just_XD · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Ch 1: The Rival

*Swish.* *Swish.* *Swish.*

In the streets of New York City if you are lucky you will see red shadow is swinging around. He is famous friendly neighbor of New York City Spider-Man. Currently he is in run reason is?

"Come back here! You weak piece of shit!!!" Angry voice echoes behind spider man. When spider man aka Peter Parker look back what he saw was man in black suit running on wall. Red lightning trail will left everywhere he goes.

Peter doesn't know who this guy is or where he come from. Few minutes ago he was doing one of his everyday crime fighting activities. But suddenly this game who named himself [The Rival] appeared.

Peter guessed this guy is mutant criminal with super speed well reason is he has super speed that's obvious. Anyway reason he is mutant… there is no other known race with superpower on earth so yeah it's obvious answer again.

Peter looked back to [The Rival] again and said "Knock it off dude. Why are you even chasing me? I thought mutants supposed to go after X-men or something? I don't remember having fight with mutants." it's lie though this guy isn't a first mutant he is facing also not first one cornered him. There is actually bunch of them: Mystique, Magneto, Polaris, Quicksilver (another super speed user.), juggernaut, etc.

There is truly bunch of them. So yeah this isn't a new new situation to him.


Suddenly spider silk Peter was swinging with suddenly cut off. "Oh man, not again." Peter uses his web launcher and creates another spider silk rope. Seeing his 34th try failed again [The Rival] is patience reached his limit.

"That's it! Wanna play? Then I will play with you!" [The Rival] goes back ground then start running in circle. His running speed slowly increases and slowly people around it felt strong wind. Seeing this Peter understood immediately what [The Rival] is trying to do.

Peter quickly landed on ground and shoots with his web shooter with hope to stop [The Rival]. Moment he felt strong wind and his spider sense start tingling like crazy he understood [The Rival] is plan. But his many years of experience as a science nerd told him it's impossible to create tornado just by running in circle. Even so evidence is front of him inside circle that created by [The Rival] small tornado is start forming. Also it grows speed visible to eyes.

So in the end Peter has no other choice to try stop [The Rival] before he fully creates the tornado. Even though his spider sense warning him it's dangerous without stop. But once he shoots his webs unexpected scene happened. [The Rival] jumps up and dodges from webs he aimed towards his foot and catches one of his lightning like trails?!

Lightning trail in [The Rival]'s hand suddenly at least become dozens of times stronger. Then [The Rival] throws it towards Peter. Peter who saw this scene jumped to side way as quick as possible but even so he couldn't dodge lightning completely. It hit him on his tight.

"Agh!" Peter fell down and start screaming in pain. [The Rival] seeing this smiled coldly and lifted him from collar. And said in deep voice: "Gotcha now you annoying bug. Do you remember me?"

Peter gritted his teeth in pain and looked at [The Rival] and asked: "Dude I don't have a no idea who you are."

[The Rival] laughed coldly before throws him on air then start hitting him. Because [The Rival] is super speed he landed more than dozen punch on Peter before he could touch ground. Then he ended his combo with spinning kick. Kick lands on Peter is chest and send him dozens of meters.


After hitting ground with back and start coughing blood from his mouth. [The Rival] comes front of him and bended down slightly before tooling off his mask and reveals face of man in his early thirties. "Now do you remember me?"

Peter remembers this man he was robber he caught few months ago. And he can swear in name of Uncle Ben he didn't had any superpower when he caught by him. Robber get closer to Peter. "You know spider man I don't hate you much. Because you caught me I meet [him]. I gained power beyond human. I might be even little thankful for you."

"I don't think beating people you are thankful is right way to thank them." Peter said in weak voice which earned him punch on face.

"Don't cut in when I'm talking. Like I said I was even little thankful for you. It was till I found out my daughter is death. Because you put me in prison my daughter is put in orphanage. And of course orphanage won't pay for her expensive medical bills. And because of this she died! Do you hear me?! She died! Because of you I lost my daughter!" In anger [The Rival] start hitting Peter on face.


Suddenly [The Rival] heard gunshot from behind him. He quickly turn around and saw bullet was flying towards him but because he was in super speed state he didn't panic much. He tilted his head and dodged from bullet.

He also saw attacker was police officer his hands were shaking and he looked scared. His hands and feet were shaking like crazy. [The Rival] or Robber looked at Peter then Policeman. Cold smile appears on his face.


With lightning trail Robber appears behind Policeman and stretches his finger and aimed towards little above policeman is ear. And said in cold voice. "Spider man I will give you choice. Now if you run away I won't chase you but if you chose this option then this brave policeman will die. My finger will directly drill into his brain. And because continuous shaking of my finger his brain will explode for sure. Or you can save this policeman is life by simply revealing your own face. I will give you ten seconds to decide. Countdown start now: 9, 8, 7, 6…"

Hearing [The Rival] is offer Peter hesitated little bit. In one hand there is life of policeman who tried to save him on other hand his own safety. This made Peter hesitate for the first time after becoming spider man.

"You don't need to worry about safety of policeman spider man." Just as spider man was about reach his mask warm old voice echoed in his mind. Peter immediately recognized the owner of voice.

"3, 2, 1, 0. Sorry pal. I guess Spider-man didn't care your life." Just as he was about kill policeman he noticed something wrap around his neck. [The Rival] turn around and saw it was tail of teen with blue skin. He smiled at him awkwardly with his pointy fangs then throws him into street light using tail wrapped on his neck.

But [The Rival] used his super speed spin on air and kicked street light then using recoil of kick just now to land on the ground safely. Blue skinned teen saw this then touches policeman is shoulder and teleports away with policeman. [The Rival] touched his neck that has red mark of tail just now.


Soon teen affairs again but this time he wasn't alone and it wasn't policeman just now. But man with red glasses and man with metal skin.

Seeing it was X-men members [The Rival] tried to run but suddenly felt someone is hand catches his ankle and pulls him down. Suddenly his legs goes down into ground and stuck there.

Seeing that he can't move anymore [The Rival] took a deep breath. And looked at X-Men members who circled him and said: "If I were you I won't stood like that."

"Robert Black you are lost stop struggling and cooperate with us peacefully." Cyclops said while reaching his glasses ready to knock Robert out if he did anything suspicious. Hearing this Robert aka [The Rival] just laughed and said: "You have no idea who you are going to provoke by doing this."

"You better tell us or you better hope that [him] you are talking about can save you." Wolverine said this while stretching out his admantium claws from his knuckles.

"Oh, [he] is already here. And you will fear from [him]." Robert said this while looking at sky. "[Savitar] the god of speed!"


Suddenly strange blue light pass by them. All members of X-Men send into air while Robert is taken away by the blue light.