
Chapter 15


Sry for the late Chapter.

Didnt like the last part of the chapter that much and rewrote it like 5 times after i finished editing the first draft...

Hope u like:)




POV Garp

I was in the middle of capturing a small town when a soldier ran up to me and stopped me.

All he knew was that I had received urgent new orders and needed to report to Eisenhower for a briefing immediately. I made short work of the town, ordering my small command unit to pull back 500 meters, then knocked out everyone in the town with my Haki in one powerful sweep.

After handing command over to my second-in-command, I sprinted alone at full speed toward the general's tent. There couldn't be many emergencies that would require my immediate summons.

Had something happened to the Howling Commandos? Had Hydra made a new move?

I ran through various scenarios, but nothing prepared me for the news from the general or my new mission.

Steve fucking Rogers had gone behind enemy lines alone to infiltrate a Hydra base and rescue his buddy, Sergeant Barnes, from captivity. I was surprised—wasn't Rogers just playing Captain America back home a few days ago? How did he even get to the front in Italy?!

My mission was as simple as it was complex: I was to head to Italy immediately and, ideally, ensure Rogers returned alive. At worst, I was to recover his body to prevent Hydra from getting their hands on the completed super-soldier serum. Not that the latter was an option for me. Rogers was one of the few people I genuinely considered a friend. There was no way I'd let him die here and now.

The other prisoners were secondary to my orders. If I could save them, great—if not, that was acceptable. But I would never leave lives behind if I didn't have to; that much was clear to me.

Fury and the rest of the Howling Commandos were also heading out on the rescue mission without delay. I was to be picked up by a plane within minutes and flown through friendly airspace to Italy, to Rogers' last known location.

But I shook my head. That would take far too long.

"General Eisenhower, that'll take too long. I'm faster on foot… just get me a map… I'll sprint directly through enemy territory!"

He stared at me in disbelief and was silent for a moment. Then, finally, he gave in and issued orders to an officer under him: "Cancel the flight! And get this man a map!"

Then he said quietly, "I hope you know what you're doing, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp..."

Determined, I replied, "Yes, sir, General!" Shortly afterward, a soldier stormed into the tent with a large map in hand. Together with Eisenhower, we calculated the fastest route. At first, he wanted to avoid larger towns and known Nazi army camps, but I didn't care about any of that. I would run through any obstacle in my path, no matter what it was—man, machine, wall… it made no difference.

"Are you really sure you'd be faster than the plane? You'll need to run nearly 1,600 kilometers! Just how fast are you?!"

"The last time it was measured, I reached almost 400 km/h… now probably much faster…" I replied absentmindedly.

'So, if I could maintain an average speed of, say, 500 km/h, I'd reach Rogers in about an hour and a half. Probably faster...Hopefully, that would be enough…' i thought.

"Fucking 400 km/h!" Eisenhower suddenly yelled. I looked over at him, seeing him staring at me with his mouth wide open. "Why the hell don't I know about this… and why the fuck are we still messing around in Normandy if you're that powerful?!"

I had often asked myself the same question... Why hadn't I been ordered to wipe out Hitler and his entire regime? I was sure I could do it… I probably wouldn't even hesitate… Hitler was pure evil in human form.

I'd even been close a few times to just storming Berlin on my own and smashing everything and everyone to pieces… the only thing stopping me was the thousands of innocents I'd inevitably drag down with him.

And according to our spies, Hitler spent almost all his time hiding in his bunker these days… one we hadn't been able to locate yet. If I stormed Berlin, I'd likely have to tear apart half the city before finding that bastard. And it's not like I'd be welcomed with open arms…

In summary, I replied, "No idea," and shrugged.

Then I gathered my things; the time for talk was over… the time for action had come.

Less than five minutes later, I was sprinting southeast.


POV Fury

"Shit! Motherfucking shit!" I screamed, letting out all the pain tearing through me at the moment. And to think, the mission to rescue Steve Rogers had actually started off fairly well… We got past Nazi and even Hydra defenses without any issues… but it was all just a trap!

Shortly after, it felt like the world was ending. We were caught in crossfire from all directions… Hydra had been waiting for us. They definitely had a spy in our ranks. Normally, I'd worry about the team or the spy, but here I am, lying in the dirt and my own filth. We tried to pull back and break out of the encirclement, but it ended with me stepping on a damn landmine…

One of my feet was nearly blown off, and my lower body took a heavy hit from the explosion. The rest of the team left me on my own orders; maybe they still have a chance to escape.

And all because of that idiot Rogers, who couldn't follow orders.

'Hopefully, Garp gets here soon… I was told he's coming… he should be able to find me with his Observation Haki…' I hoped, but I had to survive long enough and avoid being found by the enemy first.

'Shit, and right when I had to send the brothers off to Pearl Harbor… damn Japanese!' I cursed my luck. Just when my team was at its weakest, we got stuck with this shitty mission.

I heard several footsteps approaching and aimed my weapon at the newcomers. A group of German soldiers and a field medic had found me. The soldiers pointed their weapons at me, but the medic approached without hesitation and said in broken English, "Don't worry! We do not kill wounded… surrender, and you will be taken as a prisoner of war."

I knew my chances as a Black man were slim… especially in Nazi captivity. But what good would it do to take down maybe one or two Nazis with me by going down guns blazing? Nothing… so I nodded and gave my consent to be treated by the field medic.

POV Berthold Sternberg

When the Negro gave his consent, I could barely hold back a smile. He would be the perfect test subject for my own attempt at the super-soldier serum, once I patched him up.

Since Hitler cut my funding for research, I've had to make do and even serve as a field medic… what a humiliation for a brilliant mind like mine.

My serum is ready, and now I have the perfect candidate for a first trial. The hope in the Negro's eyes amused me greatly… he didn't know it yet, but he was going to die regardless of whether the serum worked or not… my own super body would later be proof enough for Hitler.

I couldn't wait to see Schmidt's stupid face when he saw my invention… that arrogant fool! Betraying our race and nation!

"Ladet ihn auf und steckt die Waffen weg! Ich werde ihn heilen und dann an ihm herumexperimenteren!"(Load him up and put those weapons away! I'll heal him up, and then I'll experiment on him), I ordered.

Whether the Negro understood German was of no concern to me… let him try to escape… soon enough, he'd be strapped to my table 24/7.

The soldiers nodded, loaded him onto our small transport car , as I took a bite of a piece of Panzer chocolate. This stuff was actually good… I wonder what the ration officers put in the chocolate?

Same time, different place


While Fury was transported by Berthold Sternberg, a German scientist and doctor, the rest of the Howling Commandos weren't faring much better. Within minutes of their failed escape, Hydra had captured them and was taking them back to their base. Their hopes now rested on Garp, whom they knew had been sent on the same mission.

As for Captain America, they had little faith in his ability to rescue them. They figured they'd soon find him in a cell alongside them.

Meanwhile, Rogers was slowly making his way deeper into enemy territory. In one hand, he held the wooden shield from his performances, and in the other, a pistol Peggy had pressed into his hand when she couldn't dissuade him from his mission.

So far, he'd only encountered small groups of enemy soldiers, whom he managed to defeat thanks to his enhanced body and, more importantly, his keen mind. He had no idea of the consequences his self-imposed mission had set in motion; he only wanted to rescue his friend from Hydra's clutches.

Shortly afterward, he spotted the heavily guarded entrance to the Hydra military camp. But he had no idea how to proceed. Charging in would be suicide; he wouldn't make it within 30 meters before the guards cut him down. Luckily, just at the right moment, a heavily armored Hydra vehicle approached the gate, and Rogers managed to grab onto the underside.


How exactly did that happen? Go watch the movie! I'm not writing out the entire film plot here:)


Steve had successfully infiltrated the Hydra base. "Now I just need to reach the prisoners and get out as fast as possible!" he thought, sneaking further into the facility.

Rogers pushed further into the labyrinth of corridors, moving deeper and deeper until he finally stumbled upon the prison block by chance. However, it was guarded by two heavily armed soldiers. Moving slowly, he crept up from the side, getting close enough for an attack. His plan was to take out the guards quietly, without setting off any alarms—hand-to-hand combat was his best option.

The plan was simple and swift, but things went differently. At the worst possible moment, the first soldier turned around, spotting Steve, who immediately panicked. Keep in mind, Steve had never truly been in a serious fight, let alone a stealth mission like this.

In his panic, he swung his wooden shield with all his might at the first soldier's face, catching him just under the helmet. The force of the blow splintered the shield, and a jagged shard pierced straight through the soldier's face, killing him instantly. The loud crash drew the attention of the second guard, who spun around, energy weapon raised.

Steve panicked again, unloading his entire magazine into the soldier's body. And then, suddenly, silence fell, broken only by the sound of Steve gagging and vomiting. It was the first time he had killed someone, and the feeling turned his stomach; he hated it.

His eyes remained fixed on the two bodies, completely paralyzed by the shock. Only the voices of prisoners calling out from the cells and the large ring of keys hanging from one of the dead soldiers brought him back to the moment.

"Get a grip, Steve! You knew this might happen when you signed up," he muttered to himself quietly, trying to muster the resolve to keep moving.

With one last look at the bodies outside, he entered the prison block and freed every living person he found in the cells. But what almost broke him more than the sight of the two guards was discovering that most of the cages held only rotting corpses. For every cell with a survivor, he found three containing nothing but the dead.

Quickly, he found his childhood friend, Bucky, who looked as though he hadn't eaten in weeks, even though he'd only been captured a few days ago.

"Shit, Bucky… you've looked better," Steve said with a teasing smile as he reached him.

Bucky responded in a mix of panic and disbelief, "Shit, Steve, is that really you? I heard what they did to you in the lab, but holy hell! You're bigger than me now!"

Then, as if he'd only just realized the situation, Bucky added, "Get out while you still can, you idiot! You don't want to know what they do to prisoners here!"

"Not without you," Steve replied, unlocking Bucky's cage.

The men of the Howling Commandos also regained their freedom, and Dugan quickly took command of the other freed prisoners. Together, they began retracing Steve's path, arming themselves with weapons from any Hydra soldiers unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Even armed, the Hydra soldiers were no match for nearly 200 escapees, plus one super soldier. Everything pointed to a successful escape as Pinky said, "We're almost out!"

Of course, the moment Pinky said that, everything started to go downhill. As if the universe had responded to his words, Hydra soldiers armed with energy weapons charged at the escapees, surrounding them in seconds.

Determination burned in the eyes of the prisoners. If they were going to die, they would take as many of the enemy with them as possible, hoping to ease the burden for their countrymen still fighting the war.

Naturally, a few cowards among them only pretended to be brave. But before the firefight could begin, the Hydra soldiers parted, and two figures strode confidently toward the escapees.

Johann Schmidt himself had arrived.

"Ah, the incredible Captain America honors us with his presence. Thank you for playing along with our trap, even if unwittingly."

Steve didn't respond, only clenched his jaw so hard his teeth ground together.

"Oh, please forgive my manners," Schmidt continued. "Allow me to introduce my good old friend, Sebastian Shaw—a brilliant mind, if you ask me… and so much more than that, though the world doesn't yet know."

Shaw looked over the escapees with a bored expression, his gaze lingering on Rogers only a bit lobger than on the rest, as if he had no interest in him. He then turned to Schmidt, asking, "You said he'd be here soon… how long do I have to wait for my new toy?"

"Patience, patience. He left Normandy about an hour ago… so we'll need just a bit more patience, and—"


An earth-shaking explosion echoed from an upper level, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Or maybe not," Schmidt finished, a wolfish grin spreading across his face as he looked back at the escapees.



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