

"You do know that you don't have to follow word per the instructions right?" My co worker said as he laughed at my current predicament

"Yeah sure, I know I would have messed the whole thing up if I rushed it. I am still wondering what goes in the head of that manager. Sure I did the whole thing very slow but at least I didn't cut corners." I complained as I remember how our manager pointed out my mistake as if I did something that can endanger the whole team

"Don't sweat it Mark. He will probably hate you for a couple of days and put you into the harder jobs but I am sure you will be fiiii *BANG* *TINK*....OH SHIT IS THAT TRUCK OUT OF CONTROL!!" My co-worker shouted as we heard numerous crashing sounds

We then saw a huge truvk carrying a heavy load blast through the smaller cars. It was swerving left and right and it doesn't look like it would be stopping its wild ride anytime soon.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT OUR BABY IN THE CAR!" An enraged woman shouted which I overheard

"I THOUGH YOU WILL BE THE ONE WHO WILL TAKE THE BABY!" An angry man which seemed to be the husband of the woman retorted back


"FUCK! I know I don't know anyone of you but which car did you left your baby in?" I shouted which got the attention of the couple

"It is a blue Mini Cooper." The woman said in which I immediately dashed into the street as the noise produce by the truck crashing through the traffic start to get louder by the second.

I left my coworker in the side walk as I dash to the street evading the speed cars. As I surveyed the area, I finally saw the only Mini Cooper in the road which just so happened to be in the direct trajectory of the Truck.

Without any hesitation I ran towards the little car and looked at the side windows to see if there is indeed a baby inside. I saw a calm baby that have his hand on his mouth without any idea that inpending doom that he might experience.

Since the couple left the car, logically speaking the door should be opened right? WRONG! The stupid couple locked the damned car after they left!

I never cared about the car to begin with so I pounded the front window of the car without any hesitation since destroying the nearest window near the baby may cause damage to the baby through the flying glass shards.

So I kept on pounding the window with all my strength until the window finally broke. The alarm of the car resounded loudly which startled me for a second which is a second wasted. I opened door and went inside the car and straight towards the baby.

The baby is on a baby seat so there is definitely going to be a custom seatbelt. So I immediately pressed the buttom and the seat belt released the baby.

However it seems like I am in some sort of Final Destination type of scenario because a godamned car came crahing straight towards the car. It is heading straight towards us so I have no choice but to hug the baby tight and crouch with my back against the window.

The expected crash happened and I was flung towards the opposite side of the car but I held unto the baby. I hit my head hard and my vision is affected. The world seemed to be spinning but the crashing sounds woke me up from my confusion.

I observed the situation that I am in. The whole left side if the car seemed to be unusable since the car crashed squarely towards it. The said car also pushed the Mini Cooped towards another car that is beside us. I looked at the back window of the car and see that the truck is still headed towards my location.

I was left with two choices. I either accept my death and just for my impending doom or I try to push the doors as much as I can in hopes that I will be able to move it.

And I chose to fight for my life. I pushed the door as hard as I can and by some sort of miracle, I was able to push the door and the car little by little.

I was able to push off the car and managed to leave fast enough that I was able to avoid getting demolished by the truck. I carried th baby to the side walk to the parants and applause resounded in my ears. They wer thanking me before my vision started to fade. Good thing that I already handed the baby to his parents before I lost my consciousness.






"Doctor! What happened to this man?" The mother of the baby asked as he looked at the dead savior

"He seemed to have died due to a heart attack. It seemed that he overexcerted himself and his body produce so much adrenaline that his heart was damaged." The Doctor said as he analyzed the result of his findings.

"There are also a massive damage to his legs. His muscles were clearly torn and it is such a miracle that he managed to walk as you said earlier. It seems like he produce what was called as hysterical stregth earlier." The doctor continued before leaving the emergency room.