
Chapter 9:" Looking at the Future"

Richard took all his laboratory, now only the arachnid's blood was missing.

"Alice, how's Felicia ? "(Richard)

"Very angry, and she curses you every time she opens her mouth, but now she's in the mansion, so fine " ( Alice)

While Richard ordered everything, he talk to Alice.

"Send her a message, I want to talk to her " ( Richard)

After a few seconds, Richard heard Felicia's voice.

"What do you want?" Felicia was very upset, she was already very excited to the point of giving her first time to Richard, but he only hit her butt, and took her to a mission where he practically did nothing, at this time Felicia wanted to give a punch or she would not be calm.

Richard knew that Felicia's skills would be very helpful in the future, that's why Richard would not mind pampering her a bit.

"Remember that you work for me, so take care of your words, but I have to admit that you have great potential, so he decides to allow you a request, as long as it is not unreasonable" (Richard)

Felicia does not doubt it

"I want you to take off this necklace " ( Felicia)

"Done " ( Richard)

"I also want to leave here, be alone this mansion is very boring " ( Felicia)

"No, you can only ask me one thing, if you want to get out of there, then you'll have to keep that necklace " ( Richard)

"...." Felicia tried to calm down, her boss had all the cards, so acting hastily could bring her problems.

"Then I just want to get out of here, I still want to go to college, as well as work for you, I also want a salary" Felicia was very cunning, so she could infer a lot from her little boss's response.

It seemed a little strange to Richard that Felicia was very cooperative, but he did not think too much about it.

"Say your price " ( Richard)

Felicia thought a little before speaking.

But after thinking about it a bit, he decided to annoy his boss for being greedy.

"Then I want to start with 20 million dollars per month, I also want a completely paid vacation" (Felicia)

Richard did not care much, he had his accounts full of money, so that amount is quite acceptable to Richard.

"Okay, but all your actions will be monitored, so if you make a mistake, then do not blame me for being stern " ( Richard)

Felicia did not expect that development, she felt a mixture of frustration and emotion.

Felicia still did not know anything about her boss, not only was she ridiculously strong, but also rich enough not to give absurd amounts of money to her employees.

Felicia's anger was replaced with emotion, now the only thing in her head was to discover the identity of her boss in order to conquer him, so Ishe decide that the next time I see her boss, Felicia will tempt him to go crazy.

"Then we have a deal, but I still have a small request, I do not know if my little boss can fulfill one of my little whims " ( Felicia)

"Speak " ( Richard)

"It's simple, I just want to know your name, so far I do not know how I should address my boss, and I think that is a great lack of respect " ( Felicia)

Richard did not plan to have a name, the less people know about him will be better, so he did not think much when he spoke.

"You can call me whatever you want, it does not matter " ( Richard)

Felicia is a little frustrated not to get the name of her boss, but this is also a good opportunity to annoy her little boss.

"Okay, so when I decide between Darling or Honney , I'll call you again " ( Felicia)

Richard wanted to refute, but Felicia had already hung up.

Richard could not help but smile, he already knew what Felicia wanted to do, but he did not care too much, Felicia was very wrong if she thought Richard could be tamed.

............ ..

The Osborn affair put a lot of stress on the environment.

Everything that happened in Osborn seemed to have been hidden, so all they said was about an explosion, the families of the wounded (dead) received a large amount of money, and with that the issue was over.

It should be noted that neither Gwen nor Richard had to work, so they had more time for themselves.

And during this time, Richard made his move to steal Peter's blood, it was much easier than Richard imagined.

These days Peter has been very stressed , so it was easy for Richard to convince him to go for a drink.

Although they were still minors, with money Richard managed to reserve a room so as not to be disturbed.

It was the first time that Peter had a drink that contained alcohol, so he did not notice the bitter taste of his drink.

And with that Richard had enough time to get 1 liter of blood, after that they continued without Peter noticing something.

After that the days continued quiet, if it were not that the rumor of a giant lizard ran through the streets of New York at night.

During these days, the news of the abduction of Tony Stark was more surprising than the lizard, to the point of turning the history of the lizard into an urban tale.

So Richard started buying Tony Stark's stock.

After the news of the abduction of Tony Stark, the Stoks of Stark Industries fell several points, this made Richard able to obtain the shares at a very good price.

Richard had created several companies to launder all the money that Kingpin got, so he also used a lot of fictitious people to obtain stoks.

The black market has a large number of identities to be purchased, and the best that these identities had absolutely everything, from history, to social security number totally true.

Richard was still hesitating to kill Tony Stark in order to get his company, Richard was sure he could get incriminating information to get Obadaya out of the company, so everything will depend on Ivan's performance.

But Richard's biggest headache was that when he wanted to crawl Spiderman to make a small team with the Scarlet Knight, Alice managed to get the information about three people with spider powers.

Richard knew that Gwen was going out at night to fight crime, so he would not have been surprised if only two people were spiders, but the third person brought many variables to Richard.

But since it also looked like he was fighting crime, Richard decided to take him as a future companion.


Richard had some pending issues.

First Tony, Tony's life did not really matter to Richard, but his life had a great impact on this world, Richard decided to wait a bit on this matter.

The second was the vampires, this was quite a time bomb, Richard had no control over them, so this situation made him quite uncomfortable, but since he could only wait, Richard had to rush his third plan.

The third thing that went through Richard's head was the formation of a team, Richard had already thought of Spiderman and Daredevil.

But Richard did not want to be casual and go directly to raise a team.

Richard wanted an event to unite them, that's why Richard has been watching Peter's uncle.

That is an event that will mark Peter for life, and Richard just wants to direct his anger at the right people.

What would happen if the people at the Hand had been responsible for the death of Uncle Ben.

Then one of Peter's main objectives would be to destroy the hand.

Richard had already captured some minions by the Hand, and after a lot of violence, Richard managed to make a small deal with them.

But for that, it only needs a few days.

Since Richard had already discovered that the human spider would fight in two days in a secret arena.

So that's why, at this moment Richard is eating with Mary Jane.


"You really surprised me when you invited me to eat " ( Mary Jane)

Where they were eating, it was an Italian restaurant.

Richard had saved this place from a robbery, so the owner invited Richard to eat at this place whenever he wanted, and the best thing was that Richard had a private room for these situations.

Richard already had almost everything planned, so that day had the night off.

The relationship with Gwen had its advances, but although their relationship had been accepted by their parents, George Stacy still put a curfew on Gwen, frustrating most of Richard's plans ( although Gwen escapes from her room to fight the crime)

Richard was already planning to kidnap Gwen to take her home and have a good night, but she was now very focused on her role as a hero, so Richard decided to give her some more time.

And not to think about Felicia, that woman was just a step away from driving Richard crazy, Felicia adopted the habit of no longer wearing clothes when she goes to the mansion, so Richard is only one step away from becoming a sexual assailant.

Richard wanted to domesticate Felicia, so he could not afford to take the first step or show weakness , Richard had to wait for Felicia to be the first to ask to be subdued.

So Richard decided to spend some quiet time with a woman who could call him a midway between Gwen and Felicia.

That's why he invite Mary Jane to eat.

Richard's mask only covered the top of his face, so it was not a problem to eat while keeping his identity a secret.

This situation seemed very strange to Mary Jane, but she was already quite happy to have been invited after being ignored for several days.

But the indifference of the Scarlet Knight made her sad.

"Do you come frequently to these places ? "(Mary Jane )

"Not really, today I was free, so I wanted to spend my time with a beautiful woman, that's why I called you" Richard was quite casual at the time of speaking.

But this did not seem to bother Mary Jane, the casual manner in which the Scarlet Knight spoke was quite refreshing for Mary Jane.

"And after this, can you do something else ? "(Mary Jane)

Seeing the eyes of Mary Jane's puppy, Richard hesitated a bit but in the end he did not care much.

"Sure, but I hope you can understand my situation, there are very few places I can go to, so do not be demanding " ( Richard)

Mary Jane was already satisfied only with the words of the Scarlet Knight, but she would not waste this opportunity.

"What if we see a movie, it does not have to be in the movies, with a quiet place is enough " ( MJ)

Richard was started more pleasing Mary Jane, being with her made him feel strangely normal Richard.

That was a nice enough feeling for a change.

"It's fine, but I decided the place " ( Richard)

Richard left several bills on the table and left with Mary Jane.


"Do you want something to drink ? "(Richard)

At this time Richard had taken Mary Jane to one of the apartments that he rent in New York.

Richard had several departments paid for some years, and the best thing was that they are impossible to trace.

Richard brought Mary Jane to see a movie, although the idea of ​​not seeing it passed through Richard's head, but he still decided to let Mary Jane choose.

So he only poured himself a glass of whiskey while waiting for Mary Jane's reaction.

"A juice is good " ( MJ)

Mary Jane did not wait for the Scarlet Knight to take her home , ( although she did not know that this was just a house for Richard)

Looking at the place, Mary Jane was very curious about this place.

"Have you brought another person to this place ? "(Mary Jane)

"I do not think, apart from the people who came to install everything, you were the first " ( Richard)

Mary Jane could not help but feel a little special, so that became more comfortable.

There were a lot of movies, and since everything was new for Richard, he decided to choose any movie.

Mary Jane curled up like a kitten next to Richard.

Feeling the softness in his arm, Richard decided to annoy Mary Jane a little.

Mary Jane did not expect the scarlet knight to put her hand around her waist, it was the first time she was close to a boy, but it did not bother her, it was quite a reassuring feeling , so she continued to watch the movie quietly.

I'm sorry for the disappearance, but my work has me crazy, not to mention that I have to finish my thesis in the least possible time.

But in my spare time I wrote several episodes, so I'll post them these days.

also to show my repentance, in the next chapter, Richard will graduate from his virginity.

so goodbye, let's continue with this great novel.

RaulXDcreators' thoughts