
Chapter 1: The Origin Story Of A Hero? Antihero? Anyway

On one regular sunny day in New York theirs was nothing out of place well not until this moment

an old woman probably about the age of 49 to 54 was walking the road on here way to work when suddenly she was robbed a guy ran right past here an snatched her bag

and as she called out for help no one came to answer but then there he was a guy in a costume that looked pretty high tech for the average person to get their hands on

the costume the man was covered in a black rob as he ran after the criminal and he had a sort of mask on that looked like it belonged to a skeleton with a big grin of a smile on it and it had some things that you would find on a gas mask and it had bright gleaming red eyes that looked like they where looking for it's prey as the man shoot off after the criminal at speeds inhuman as if he wasn't even touching the ground more like he was flouting at extreme speeds

and as he caught up after the criminal with movements so fast the no regular human could replicate or defend against he grabbed the criminal and pulled him onto the ground he then punched him into the stomach and then repeatedly hit the criminal on every inch of his body until every last one of his bones where broken

he then grabbed the old woman's purse and handed it to them right before he lit on fire a piece of metal with the image of a of a coffin with a face deeming a grinning face on it the symbol of a group of vigilantes called Laughing Coffin with their leader being just this same man who is named Death Gun a group of killers who protect those who pay a couple of fees mercenaries if you will also known as villains and gangsters to other but unlike other gangs they actually got the job and made sure that nothing got by them they didn't rob people or banks they where fair and always followed a decent code which they would show no mercy to those that cause unneeded violence in their part of the city while collecting a reasonable amount of cash in return

and treated all of those under their payroll and those giving the pay for protection equally no matter who payed more they were not greedy one of the most welcomed gangs around that most people of the large city respected

and yes that's me I'm Death Gun you see one day I was killed I then got reborn with some wishes from a mysterious survey and now I'm here running a gang of mind controlled killers with the only ones I don't allow into my gang being pedos anything else goes now matter what the fetish or kink whatever rocked their boat I didn't really care unless they break the code witch is a set of rules that I made and placed for all gang members to read and if they did they would met a fate worse than death

and I guess you wanna how I did all of this right well a few of the many things that I wished for included the ability to brainwash the weak minded contract or devil's deal which explodes the heart of all those that break the code the suit and weapons of death Gun as well as the ability to insta kill anyone In a mysterious way as long as I shoot them no matter how fatal or the location of the shoot even if it's just a small scrap they could die by a sudden heart attack chocking get hit by a random lightning strike hit by truck kun even suicide but it only works with guns unfortunately

and using my the ability of brainwashing a took down the baddest of gang members and mercenaries and let's just say after some through teaching the started to comply with my wishes and became fantic followers and I even have a few of people in the ranks of hydra and shield as well as people under Fisk and the Hand

and I even met punisher once which he's origin story hasn't happened yet but he works at a construction site nearby not the one from the tv show though I even got to a point to where we can at least have a conversation and he doesn't ignore me like the rest of almost everybody as by this time his family's already dead so his origin story probably isn't that far away

Anyway as I'm on my way to the gang base to which I enter the warehouse I noticed something was out of place as I entered my office

hm I'd never though that fury himself the director of shield would show up at my place so what's the purpose behind this lovely visit you here to recruit me or something

Fury- oh so you already know why I'm here so that speeds things up you Shield knows a lot about you and your little gang well although it's small in size it has some of the most wanted criminals within its ranks who have suddenly started turning aover a new leaf while following some mysterious guy who came out of nowhere that the government has no data on at all now can you tell me this who are you mister Death Gunand how'd you do it

Death- oh well I'm just a man with a plan and that plan is well it's very simple it's to bring peace to the world while doing the work that the government couldn't bare to do

Fury- and tell me what is that

Death- well to teach a lesson to those needed to be taught of course isn't that right men I said as out from the shadow came men dressed in a similar apparel to me with gray to black colored cloaks while some wearing skull mask with one of the bunch standing out from the crowd equipped with a large cleaver in hand

Vassago- what do you want us to do with him boss

Death- don't do anything he just came here for a talk and we don't want shield on our asses because we kidnapped their boss and remember what does rule 9 say in the code

Vassago- that we are not to exact violence for without reason

Death- yes it seems you know the code well now all of you leave Vassago you stay

Vassago- yes boss vassago said as he stood behind the chair that I sat in wielding he's cleaver getting ready to move at a moments notice

Death- Now as you were saying director

Fury- yes as the director of shield I and other agents of shield have looked into you and we have not found any traces of your existence or background as of now the only thing we could procure were your achievements of your capabilities such as being able to move at speeds that most humans would not be able to react to strength strong enough to break through steel doors marksmanship at the level to where you have killed all you victims with one bullet with strange occurrences of some of your victims who haven't been killed straight away having strange accidents after being shot such as a suddenly deadly heart attack extreme signs of late term cancer choking to death with no plausible cause whatsoever and the list goes on but heres what I want to know either you have some sort of extreme luck or you have some sort of powers that your not telling us about now which is it

Death- hm I mean I could tell you but wheres the fun in that now director if you can come back at another time I would be glad to have you just leave a notice of visiting because if not something might happen to you that I can't stop

Fury- oh are you threatening me now

Death- oh no no why would I do that I'm just telling you that if I'm not around and you happen to show up unannounced then some of my men might decide to get a little trigger happy that's all oh course if that ever happened I would need to kill them as in our code those that kill those beneficial to the world's future are to be killed on sight and have there head brought to me but anyway I'm going to need Vassago here to escort you out please so I hope me can have another chat like this in the me future but for now I'm going to need you to leave so

Fury- anyways I'll be leaving then just now that I will be coming back to chat

Death- ok have a good one and as soon as nick and vassago left I slammed my hand on the table as I started to think damn he's a very perceptive one how could he have known anyway it's to soon I can't let him bringing me into Shield so quickly huh anyway I'll have those hydra and shield spys I have take care of it anyway now I need a drink