
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · アニメ·コミックス
95 Chs

Chapter 52 Two Ways To Treat The Chapter 52 Two Ways To Treat The Captain!

Su Ke first used the demon's Ability to probe Rogers' thinking, and found that this guy's psychology was almost on the verge of collapse.

Guilt, sadness, sadness, all kinds of complex emotions mixed together, impacting his psychological defense line all the time.

It seems that what Nick said is right, Rogers' psychological problems are indeed very serious!

Su Ke shook his head, then looked at Wanda beside him.

"How is it? Do you feel anything?"


Wanda heard this, and then said with a puzzled look: "Why do I have to use Telepathy?"

From Wanda's point of view, it's fine for Su Ke to take action in this kind of matter. She is a little assistant, and she is really not qualified to take action.

But obviously, Su Ke doesn't think so.

He pointed to Rogers and said: "Your Ability is not very proficient yet, it is time to practice, so don't waste such good materials!"


You call the United States captain Rogers practice material?

When Wanda heard this, she felt speechless for a while.

But soon, she was a little moved, because what Su Ke said was right, the current Rogers is indeed the best experimental subject

"Shouldn't something happen?"

Wanda asked cautiously.

Su Ke shook his head.

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen!"

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of red energy suddenly flashed from her eyes, and Telepathy instantly activated...

After a few seconds, Wanda suddenly sighed.

"No! His thinking is too chaotic, and all kinds of complicated emotions are filling his heart. I can't wake him up at all!"

"If I wake him up forcefully, I might burn his brain!"

At the moment's Wanda has just Awakened Super Ability not long ago, so she can only master some basic Abilities.

As far as the current situation of Rogers is concerned, she really dare not mess around!

If it burns Rogers' brains, then Rogers will become a fool...

This kind of thing makes Wanda feel scared just thinking about it!

Su Ke thought about it, and then said:

"I have two ways to bring him back to normal. The first way is that we forcibly change his memory and delete everything about Carter's agent in his memory."

"Since he doesn't remember Carter's agent, then he won't be like this. This can be regarded as solving the problem fundamentally!"

When Wanda heard this, she was instantly speechless, because she felt that it was not fair to Rogers and Carter!

"What about the second method?"

Wanda asked.

"The second method is also very simple. We create an illusory dream for him, let him spend his whole life with his lover in this dream, and he will probably return to normal when he wakes up!"

"Sometimes human beings break down emotionally because they don't get a perfect ending!"

"All we need to do is to give him a perfect ending, even if this ending is illusory!"

Su Ke said the second way.

When Wanda heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, because he felt that this method was very feasible!

At least it is much better than Su Ke's first method.

"Then let's start quickly! Use the second method."

Wanda said hastily.

Seeing this, Su Ke stopped talking nonsense, and in the next second, the relationship between him and Wanda invaded Rogers' memory again.

To accomplish this, Rogers' consciousness must first be found, and Rogers' consciousness is hidden in his memory.

For a moment, Rogers' memory flashed before their eyes like a tide...

"found it!"

Soon, Wanda shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the memory was frozen in an instant. Su Ke saw something similar to a portal suddenly appearing in front of him. On the other side of the door was Agent Carter, and outside the door was Rogers who was trying to rush through.

In Rogers' mind, it seemed that he could be with Carter just by going through the door.

But things are not so simple, this is just his spiritual world, everything is fake!

"team leader..."

Wanda gave a cautious cry.

Rogers turned around in an instant, and looked at Su Ke and Wanda in front of him in astonishment.

"You... who are you?"

Rogers asked in surprise.

"We are the psychiatrists invited by S.H.I.E.L.D to treat you. This is Dr. Su Ke, and I am his assistant Wanda."

"Captain, you should know that all this is just fake! Why don't you give up?"

"Living in my own memory is a very painful thing!"

Wanda first introduced herself, and then began to persuade Rogers.

But Rogers shook his head.

"I know it hurts, but I still can't forgive myself, I owe her..."

Saying that, Rogers looked at Carter on the other side again.

His eyes were full of remorse and self-blame.