
Marvel DC Harem

Arthur Wolf has crossed over to the Marvel Universe with power to devour abilities. He starts to devour super powers to become powerful and to conquer the different females. Writers Note: I am translating and editing this story from a Raw website. WARNINGS : Do not read this story if you don't like harem. This will contain a very huge harem. The MC will have many many women with little character development so if you don't like this don't read or don't write a bad review complaining about this as you have been already warned. The MC has a system whose function is only for travelling to other Movie or TV series Universe. If you have no problem with the above you should give this fanfic a try.

CxD18 · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs


"He wasn't seriously injured just unconscious but his face has swellings and it will take atleast 2-3 months for his face to become like the past. But the bad news is our medical scans only pick up a very weak trace of heat from his body as compared to the previous data. I am afraid that he has lost his powers." Natasha reported to Nick Fury. Then she said with a bit weird expression "As for Susan she's… she's fine, just drunk and asleep."

"Drunk..." Hearing this answer, Nick Fury was baffled but didn't let it show on his face. And Steve Rogers had a stunned expression on his face.

"Explain this to me!" Nick Fury asked while looking at Arthur.

" I require one from the heroes as well! I think you know about 0-8-4 right? After finishing that mission, I was going out to for some fresh air, relax and get a drink. There I saw Susan at the bar, offered her a drink but she refused. Afterwards while walking around a bit I saw her going into an alley and saw someone suspicious following her there. Seeing a beautiful woman in trouble I went forward to help, but she misunderstood me as Puppet Master or something. I tried to explain and reason with her but she didn't believe me so I was going to leave. But out of nowhere she launched an attack on me, if it was someone else in my place he would have been dead or crippled, so I was forced to defend myself. And as she was drunk then, hence I knocked her unconscious and wanted to bring her to a hotel where after she sobered up I would've explained everything. But then I encountered a Bug."

Pointing towards Spiderman, Arthur said: "I don't know if you guys being superheroes for so long has gotten into your head and made you conceited? You just assumed that I was a villain or a bad person without inquiring or even interrogating me. And then after incapacitating Spiderman I told him my name so that he could know that I am a SHIELD consultant. But instead of calling SHIELD or The Avengers, he first notifies Human Torch. Without giving me the opportunity to explain he attacks me with intent to seriously injure me. I tried dodging and reasoning with Human Torch but he wouldn't listen, so I had to hit back in Self Defense, I also have the recordings of the fight from the hotel as proof that Johnny first attacked me."

"Can you return Johnny Storm's Superpower's?" Nick Fury did not respond to Arthur's story, he was naturally able to investigate about what happened. He mainly wanted to know if Human Torch's ability could still be returned. Even though Johnny did not have the best attitude but he was still a hero. Johnny losing his powers was not a good thing for Fantastic Four, some of their Old enemies would definitely use this opportunity to strike against them. He would have to now increase manpower and agents around them, maybe even deploy an Avenger.

Arthur just stayed silent and didn't respond on Nick Fury's question. He went to great lengths to Plan and make the situation advantageous for him in Devouring Johnny's powers. If he just randomly devoured Johnny's Powers then Fantastic Four, SHIELD and The Avengers would for sure move against him. With his current Powers it would highly disadvantageous for him to go against them all right now.

Nick Fury frowned, seeing Arthur not responding he assumed the answer would is negative. He then said: "The remaining members of Fantastic Four would be coming over soon."

Arthur responded: "Alright then, you guys have a discussion with them. I am really tired after all this farce, haven't even gotten some Shuteye since the Mission. I'll be having a Nap in the Helicarrier if you need me. Don't forget to pay the Hotel for the damages. Oh, and wake me up once Susan Storm is sober." Then he leapt onto the Helicarrier through the broken window.

"Agent Romanoff show Mr. Arthur Wolf a Quarter on the Carrier."

On the Warship, Arthur and went around the carrier curiously. He toured the places there as though he was a tourist on sightseeing. Of course, he was followed by Black Widow Natasha, probably assigned on him for surveillance. This was the style of SHIELD under Nick Fury they don't believe in anyone, not even their own agents. But little did Fury know that his paranoia was true and the snakes had already infiltrated The SHIELD. His organization was not his anymore and the traitors were just bidding their time to bare their fangs in the form of 'Project Insight'. Because of this even though Arthur had joined SHIELD, he wasn't going to stay here for long!

"I think you had deliberately provoked Johnny and devoured his ability. You have already swallowed Pyro's fire manipulation ability and you needed Johnny's Power, so you planned this." Black Widow Natasha suddenly whispered to him.

Arthur stopped to look at her and then said faintly: "Don't forget, if he was not so arrogant and charged and attacked me directly, I don't think I would have devoured his ability. So, even if I was interested in his ability, if it wasn't for him creating opportunities for me with his stupidity, this wouldn't have happened."

Natasha became silent hearing this, indeed, Johnny can only blame himself for being too arrogant.

"I will arrange a place for you. You should take a break for the time being. This issue won't be so easy to handle. After all, it involves Fantastic Four. Phil Coulson is also on his way here." Said Natasha.

Arthur just shrugged indifferently: "Alright, I'll just sleep till then."

Natasha didn't talk again and just bought him to an empty room.

This room looked quite normal, he didn't know if there were some Bugs or Bombs, but Arthur didn't care as he could just regenerate. He also believed that SHIELD wouldn't do anything to him right now. Since he has a lot of value in terms of combat power, and as long as he has value Nick Fury will try to retain or use him. But it doesn't matter, wasn't he himself using SHIELD influence to sort out his mess with Fantastic four?

So after coming into the room, Arthur simply lay down and started to sleep comfortably.


Thank you Riderhbr for donating your power stones every single day even when I said that I won't post for a while and motivating me.

I had my Mcq tests and vivas last week. so I had to study.

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