

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

V3 Chapter 34 - Duel of Harlem 3 - The Hero Awakens


Opening my eyes with difficulty, I found myself immersed in water, struggling a little I found out I could breathe easily as I was wearing an oxygen mask(?).

Worrying that I was captured by some secret organisation for human experiments I closed my eyes and focused my senses.

I found out I was in a tube-like structure suspended in a liquid that appeared to be water by metal appendages with needles inserted in my limbs, I got more and more worried about the experiment being carried out on me.

Stealthily opening my eyes I waited for them to adjust and focused on looking around, thankfully the liquid I was immersed in was clear like water.

I soon found a human-shaped silhouette sitting a small distance away from me seemingly dressed in a lab coat, the standard attire for mad scientists.

'He might be the person behind the experiments who took me as his captive, I don't know what happened to Sasha.'

Clearing my thoughts and calming myself, I renewed my determination to make the best choices in my current situation.

I focused on 'him', my adversary, to find out the perpetrator behind this atrocity, as my eyes adjusted and the silhouette became clear I recognised who 'he' was.

'He' was....















....my dad.

Shocked to find my dad being the hidden mastermind...




...no, never mind, he's not that capable.

'So this place is most likely his lab and this situation is most likely for healing purposes.'

As I got a good analysis of the situation, I struggled a little to get his attention as he was focused on the computer in front of him.

It seems my actions did their work as a beeping sound rang out in the room causing my dad to look up and stare at me.

He got up and walked near me and spoke something but his voice didn't reach me inside the tube.

I tried to speak but failed due to the oxygen mask, then I tried to covey with thoughts with my eyes full of emotions asking him to get me out.

'I guess that didn't work.'

I thought as I saw him not understanding it and still trying to talk to me.

After a few minutes tired of trying to ineffectively talk with each other my dad got up and came back with a paper with words written on it and pasted it to the glass.

It read

[Stay inside for a while for observation and further checkups.]

I was kept in my fish tank of cold water for another few hours as I watched the tubes attached to my limbs constantly supply liquid into my body.

After getting out and getting clothed I questioned my dad about my situation

"What is that and why was I in there?"

My dad started speaking explaining my situation

"It's the new medical bad designed by your mother and me, since your body was expelling a lot of waste from all over we had to..."

"What do you mean expelling waste all over? Do you take my body for an open garbage bin!?"

I asked stopping him midway.

"I would have called it excrement if not for keeping a little of your dignity, should I do that."

He retorted.

'Well, shit.'

I conceded and asked him to continue

"....I got it, my body expelled waste, so?"

"So we put you inside the medical bay as it has a patient cleaning mode."

said, my dad

"Show me,"

I demanded.

My dad pressed a button on his computer and the water inside the tube started rotating to form a whirlpool.

"The moving water cleans the patient and the centrifugal force pushes the waste to the waste removal ports we designed it with such a curve so that the waste could easily reach the ports for discharge."

After staring at the tube for a while I said




He asked

"That's a washing machine isn't it?"

I asked with a dead face (•_•)

"Well, it was your mother's idea."

He explained

"Got it."

(Ryan (X__X))

'I didn't see anything.'

Showing me a look of mutual understanding Dad continued

"Anyways, when we analysed the waste the reports showed that it consisted mainly of your blood, bone fragments, muscle fragments, organ tissue, skin tissue, ligament tissue, and even bone marrow and nerve cells."

"That's almost everything in my body, since I am fine maybe it was mostly the damaged parts?" 

I remarked.

"I would like to think so too but during the seven days you were unconscious, the amount of waste....

"Wait! I was out for seven days!?"

I asked Σ(゚口゚;)//.


Only to be Σ(゚口゚;)// once again by my dad's shout.


I apologised as I know how it feels.

 "So as I was saying the waste expelled by your body in the last seven days is almost a little over 25% of your total body weight."

My dad continued.

"How am I still alive!?"

I asked Σ(゚口゚;)// once more.

"It's thanks to the machine you were in, while you were unconscious you were constantly supplied with nutrients from the nutrient fluid your mother and I made to work with healing serum. It contains concentrate of all types of nutrients that a body needs to repair itself."

"While you were unconscious your body generated high amounts of heat so you were immersed in cold water to keep the temperature in balance."

Said my dad now used to being interrupted.

"So you used healing serum to heal me?"

I asked.

"No, we used no healing serum, only the nutrient fluid."

My dad said as he explained the situation.

"So why did my body heat up and how did I get healed?"

I questioned still not understanding what he meant.

"By the time you were brought here, you were almost completely healed except your body kept discharging waste so we analysed your situation and found out your body severely lacked nutrients and was eating itself up."

Dad said as he brought up a few charts on his computer and showed them to me.

"What else did you find out?"

I asked as I gave them a look over.

"Your body wasn't injured and healing, it was more like it was upgrading itself."

My dad said his conclusion.

"What exactly happened to my body?"

I questioned.

"You consumed nutrient fluids weighing almost 55% of your old body mass."

My dad said.

"What do you mean 'old' body mass?"(Ryan)

"After consuming all those nutrients your mass reached 116% of the previous one and your height increased by 1.7 cm in the past 7 days. And how did you even move like that when saving Sasha?"

Dad spoke and asked me about the situation.

"How do you know about that?"

I asked surprised.

My dad showed me the video from the news on his computer.

"So I am famous now?"

I exclaimed seeing the news clipping.

"No, your Aunt Heather erased all tracks of your face, so you'll be fine for now."

Dad said as he asked again.

"So, what happened to your body?"






"It's puberty, I guess?"

I answered trying to put the matter behind us.

My dad gave me a look like he was looking at something worthless.

"Yeah, you can't use that excuse, I checked for that, just in case. Your hormones are at normal levels."

(Richard) ( う-´)づ╤── \(˚☐˚")/ 

"Growth spurt?"(Ryan)

"The tests on your body indicate an increase in bone density, muscle density and the toughness of ligaments assumed to have improved.

Your organs show signs of being extremely healthy, even a little too much."

Said Dad as his demeanour turned aggressive.

"I got it!! I won't joke anymore. Look, I don't know what happened back there, I was running towards Sasha and I was slow, so I wanted to move faster and then, I just moved like that."

I answered truthfully.

"Like what?"(Richard)

"Like how you saw on that video, I don't know, it just happened!"


"Are you feeling alright now?" 

My dad asked concerned.

"Yes, I feel fine. In fact, I feel better than ever."

I answered truthfully as I did feel much better.

"Good, then let's go home." (Richard)

"Great, I can't wait to go back to meet Sasha."

I said happily.

"You can't."

Said Dad cutting my joy short.

"Why? What happened to her?"(Ryan)

"She's fine but your Grandma and her went to Kerela."(Richard)



"I don't know she and your Grandma talked about the incident in the room, and then my mother just booked a flight and left with Sasha."(Richard)

'And you had no guts to question Grandma for anything.'

As expected of my dad.

Check out my new book 'origin of blood'

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