
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

meeting Orora...again??(chapter 95)

prevously in chapter 94

Their battle raged on, a clash of titans amidst the ruins. War's pyric form allowed her to reshape her body, her flaming hand reforming each time Salva struck it. She launched fireballs at him, but Salva batted them away, his strength and resilience proving too much for her flames. He slammed his fist into the ground, creating shockwaves that disrupted her balance.

War retaliated with a powerful slash, cutting a deep gash into Salva's side. He roared but refused to back down. With a swift motion, he grabbed her by the arm and hurled her into a nearby building, the structure collapsing around her. War emerged from the rubble, her fiery form unscathed. She charged again, her sword blazing brighter than ever.

Salva met her charge with a thunderous roar, his claws striking her sword with such force that the ground beneath them cracked. He grappled with her, his strength overwhelming her fiery form. With a mighty heave, he lifted her and slammed her into the ground, the impact creating a massive crater. 

War struggled to rise, her flames flickering. Salva loomed over her, ready to deliver the final blow. Just as he was about to strike, a black arrow shot through the air, striking him in the side. The arrow's impact forced him back, and he roared in surprise and pain. 


Chapter 95

As Salva yanked the black arrow from his side, he felt a wave of decay spreading through his flesh. His scales and muscle tissue began to wither, eaten away by an insidious disease. Recognizing the work of Pestilence, Salva's regenerative abilities kicked in, fighting the infection and restoring his body to its former strength.

"What are you? Do not interfere in my battles!" War bellowed, her fiery eyes blazing with fury.Three figures emerged from the smoke and flames, the first horsemen of the apocalypse. Pestilence, wrapped in white bandages with a large helmet, stood with a bow in hand, her presence exuding a palpable aura of decay. Beside her was a figure resembling Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, his eyes glowing with a deadly light capable of turning people to ash as death spoke, "you where defeated sister, its time we fight as one, like we have done so many times".. The last figure, Famine, resembled a pharaoh's sarcophagus, his body etched with ancient hieroglyphs and possessing the power to control water.

Salva growled, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of these formidable adversaries. The battlefield, already a scene of chaos, seemed to darken with their presence. The mutants who had been fleeing now cowered in terror, their hopes dwindling in the face of such overwhelming power.

Pestilence was the first to strike, loosing another arrow that whistled through the air towards Salva. This time, he was ready. He dodged to the side, the arrow missing him by a hair's breadth and embedding itself in the ground, where it immediately began to corrupt the soil. Salva lunged at her, his claws slashing through the air, but Pestilence was quick, her lithe form dancing out of reach.

Anubis raised a hand, and a beam of light shot from his eyes, aimed directly at Salva. The light struck his arm, turning the flesh to ash on contact. Salva roared in pain but regenerated almost instantly, his arm restoring itself before the damage could spread further. He charged at Anubis, using his immense strength to break through the deity's defenses. Anubis tried to counter with another ash beam, but Salva knocked him aside with a powerful swipe of his tail.

Famine, meanwhile, summoned a torrent of water, directing it at Salva with the force of a hurricane. The water slammed into Salva, knocking him back and dousing War's flames as well. Salva struggled against the torrent, his claws digging into the ground to anchor himself. He roared defiantly, the sound reverberating across the battlefield. With a mighty effort, he broke free from the water's grip and charged at Famine, his claws glowing with heat as he slashed through the water barrier and struck at the sarcophagus-like figure.

War, recovering from the dousing, leapt into the fray, her flaming sword clashing with Salva's claws. "Stay out of this!" she shouted at the other horsemen. "He is mine to kill!" Pestilence ignored her while she said, "enough, we must kill him now, he cannot be allowed to affect our plan", firing more disease-laden arrows at Salva. He dodged and deflected them with his claws, but one struck his leg, and he felt the decay spreading. His regeneration fought back, and he snapped the arrow's shaft, hurling it away. Anubis joined in, firing his ash beams, but Salva kept moving, avoiding the deadly light.

With a burst of speed, Salva closed the distance to Pestilence, grabbing her by the arm and hurling her into Anubis. They collided and tumbled to the ground, momentarily stunned. Famine tried to engulf Salva in another wave of water, but Salva roared and unleashed a torrent of his own fire, evaporating the water before it could reach him.

War took advantage of the distraction, her sword cutting into Salva's side. He roared in pain, his regeneration slower this time due to the combined effects of Pestilence's arrows and the ash beam however, he wasnt dying, not even close, his fury only grew. He grabbed War's arm, stopping her next strike, and hurled her into a nearby building, the structure collapsing around her.

With War temporarily out of the fight, Salva turned his full attention to the remaining horsemen. Pestilence fired another arrow, but Salva caught it mid-air and hurled it back at her. She dodged, but it bought him enough time to close the distance and slam into her with his full weight, sending her sprawling.

death fired his ash beam again, but Salva was ready. He deflected the beam with a well-timed swipe of his claw, the light scattering harmlessly. Salva roared and charged at death, his claws tearing through the deity's defenses. He slashed at death, each strike powerful enough to shatter stone, and death could barely keep up.

Famine tried to intervene, summoning another torrent of water, but Salva was relentless. He dodged the water and lunged at Famine, his claws tearing into the ancient sarcophagus. Famine staggered back, trying to summon more water, but Salva was on him, his claws and teeth rending the ancient form.

Just as Salva was about to deliver the final blow to War, a black arrow struck him in the side, the same foul disease spreading through his flesh. He snarled, looking up to see Pestilence nocking another arrow. The other horsemen regrouped, War rising from the rubble, her fiery sword blazing brighter than ever.

Salva roared, his regenerative powers fighting off the disease. The battle was far from over, and now he faced the full might of the four horsemen, their combined strength bearing down on him with unrelenting fury. But he wasn't going to back down. Suddenly, lightning struck Famine, charring him as black smoke appeared on his body before he fell unconscious. Someone floated down from the sky as lightning crackled behind her. This person was, of course, Storm.

"Thank you, Famine. You showed me who you are, and you showed me what mercy you bring," she said as she landed.

"Ororo," Salva spoke, catching the goddess of the storm's attention. She responded, "I don't know why you decided to help us, Devourer, but thank you. I will not forget your kindness."


A/N: I have a confession to make. You know how I'm supposed to be stocking up chapters for my MCU alchemist fanfic (which I am 100% releasing soon)? Well, my ADHD acted up again, and I started to cheat. I've spent the past couple of days writing my array fanfic, which features a protagonist with an array formations system in supernatural worlds like Lockwood & Co., The Sandman, Dead Boy Detectives, The Wheel of Time, and so on. I've written so much that I am on chapter 20, just four chapters behind my upcoming fanfic. I need to refocus and stock up more chapters for that MCU fanfic.

P.S.: I just watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and ahh, WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY.