
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Back in the modern world, and Wanda's effort(chapter 31)

Chapter 31

"Thank you again, warrior, for your help. Without you, many more lives would have been lost," Trabin approached Oliver, who was now plucking feathers from the giant birds. The air carried a hint of gratitude, a mix of relief and the lingering tension from the recent battle.

[1 week later]

Within the wilderness of Vanaheim, where the terrain was a blend of towering trees and moss-covered rocks, several corpses lay strewn across the ground. Giant grey trolls, a literal walking tree, and several ogres shared the same fate, their forms punctuated by charred slashes and cuts. As the last ogre fell with a final cry, a figure emerged, holding a glowing orange sword. It was Oliver, the landscape echoing with the aftermath of his relentless battle.

"Well, this didn't age well," he groaned. After spending a week in one of the ten realms, Oliver felt a sense of disappointment. The white witch, whom they had sought out, turned out to be an even bigger letdown. Despite residing in a castle, she possessed no treasury or magical artifacts. She relied on sorcery for defense, employing manipulation rather than stockpiling powerful items. Oliver gleaned this information after infiltrating her castle, a place where the mutant girl, Jinx, was coincidentally held captive. The timing of the mutant and House of Mult's attack led to a misunderstanding, implying Oliver's involvement in a rescue mission. He chose not to correct the misconception, especially when it brought happiness to Illyana. Jinx, as it turned out, was a reality warper, an unsettling revelation that left Oliver feeling uneasy.

"That was weird," he mumbled as his blade cooled down. Oliver took the opportunity to thoroughly search the castle, but it yielded nothing. The white witch vanished without a trace, leaving behind an air of mystery. Despite Oliver's meticulous efforts, she left no clue to her existence. After the mutants, including Illyana, departed, Oliver decided to explore the realm of Vanaheim. There, he discovered a healing herb and a rock that projected flashes of random images from the future. Oliver chose to keep the latter discovery to himself; anything related to the future warranted cautious handling.

Which brings us to the present—Oliver, somewhat bored, experimenting with his array of powerful items. "I still don't get a chance to use the anti-metal blade against enemies." Unfortunately, the enemies in the realm didn't don metal armor frequently, hindering the sword's potential. Oliver glanced at his status screen, a smile playing on his lips. "It's crazy how fast the option remover is leveling up compared to when I was a lower level." The ambient sounds of Vanaheim's wilderness added a layer of serenity to the moment, juxtaposed with the vibrant energy emanating from Oliver's quest for discovery.

[Name: Oliver]

[MP:9.02/9.02(1 MP lasts for 1 minute, 1 MP can be recovered every minute)]


Option: You can grant one item two options, and depending on either the item's history, production method, use, or significance, it would receive a different option. But it can only receive 2 options, with a 50% chance of failure. Current grade: E, level: 2 (740/2,000) cooldown: 6 hours.]

Option-Remover: You can remove the option out of a single item, level: 1 (740/1,000) cooldown: 6 hours.]

"Well, anyways, I heard there was a chromatic dragon not far from this forest, so…" After he finished dissecting his game, he was about to head out when suddenly, the tattoo on his arm started to burn. The dense foliage of the forest surrounded him, with towering trees creating a green canopy overhead. The air was filled with the earthy scent of moss and decaying leaves.

"Huh." The tattoo in question was the one that Wanda gave him, and an unusual burning sensation began to crawl across his skin. "What is happening?" That's when a familiar feeling of being tugged appeared on his stomach as his world started to spin.

-scene change-

New York City, inside the emporium, the Scarlet Witch could be seen. This time, she wore normal civilian clothes, her auburn hair cascading down her shoulders. The emporium was a mystical haven, filled with floating artifacts and enchanted objects. The atmosphere crackled with arcane energy.

Wanda sat in the middle of the emporium, hands resting on her kneecups, which glowed with an otherworldly light. She concentrated, trying to tap into the vast forces surrounding her. The air felt charged, and the room seemed to hum with magical resonance. She put visible effort into her meditation, but suddenly, her concentration wavered, and she fell. "Agh, fuck!" she cursed, the mystical ambiance momentarily shattered.

"This is hopeless," she groaned. Another woman appeared, with dark chocolate skin, bright white hair, and piercing blue eyes. She wore a black leather dress that exposed certain parts of her body, creating a striking contrast. Storm, also known as Ororo Munroe, sat on the counter, facing Wanda. The emporium's magical artifacts glimmered in the background.

"Are you still trying to find that kid who got lost through time and space?" Storm asked. Wanda sighed in acknowledgment before getting up and walking towards the counter. "Have you maybe considered the fact that he is, you know, dead?"

Wanda shook her head in response. "If he did, the trace would have gone faint in an instant. The trace is still there," she explained. Storm, in her regal posture, continued the conversation. "And you said he could be at any point in time in every possible direction. Are you sure the trace you're currently tracking is the correct one? Not that I doubt your abilities, Wanda."

Wanda sighed again, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "I am sure," she said, offering a faint smile. Storm, recognizing the weight on Wanda's shoulders, reached out, holding her hand. "Wanda, I know you feel responsible for not being able to stop the kid from being dragged into the portal. It's not your fault. As long as the trace is there, he should be alive right now." The atmosphere softened as Storm pulled Wanda into a comforting hug.

After the embrace, Wanda sighed again, feeling the trace she left on Oliver. "Yeah, the trace is still there, although it has gone very faint over the past couple of days, which shouldn't be possible unless—" She paused, and Storm finished her thought, "Time flows faster for him." This realization sparked an idea in Wanda. "If that is the case, then I might have a solution," she said, stopping her coffee pouring, going back to meditation.

This time, she drew more complicated circles, and they glowed with intensities as time passed. The mystical circles created a breathtaking display of colors and lights, enhancing the magical ambiance of the emporium. "This should work," she declared, a smile forming on her lips, growing wider as the circles expanded.

Wanda's spell grew with much more intensity, and Storm shielded her eyes. A circle formed, creating a hole in reality, shaped like an oval. "Hhhhhh, I knew it!" Wanda exclaimed, and the spell emitted more sound than she expected. The emporium would have been disrupted if not for her protective spells. As the oval grew, something or someone passed through. It turned out to be a shadow. Expecting a lean, short, and skinny kid, Wanda's words died on her mouth as her expectations proved to be utterly wrong.


A/N well guys, that is the end of volume 2, lets hope that oliver has gathered enough material to face against the heroes and villains that i am about to put him up against, and boy would they be overpowered, i am talking about immortal type enemies and eldritch gods.

PS: i am going let you guess if the two woman above are going to be a reoccurring characters or not.