
Marvel: Born in Fire!

Born in blood and fire, scarred by priests, destined to whatever I want. I am Hiro Kala, the son of Hulk and the brother of Skaar. And this is my story! Warnings: -Strong to OP MC -Harem -Morally ambiguos MC -Son of the Hulk MC -Mutant MC -Waifu Catalog used as CYOA(but no mind controlling waifus or company)

EgyptianDio · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 28

"Your strongest member seems to be flying away." Scott said with a smirk as Kala hit Osborn in the back with a rock using his telekinesis. It seemed like the backhand he had gotten from Namor had damaged more than his faceplate, the rich son of a bitch had been somewhat pathetic since then. "You sure you don't want to just call it quits and spare yourself any further embarrassment?" The leader of the X-Men taunted the armored man as he shot a huge ray of red beam towards him.

"You think that Sentry is the only reason I'm a threat?!" Osborn yelled as he dodged Scott's attack and sent a blast of energy from his palm towards the leader of X-Men. "Don't underestimate me you brat!"

"We're not." And then he slammed down to earth as Kala landed a hit on his back. "I doubt that it would be possible to do so anyway." And then he raised two rocks with telekinesis and slammed them together with Osborn right in the middle of them.

Or at least he would have if one of the rocks were not destroyed by… whoever it was impersonating Carol, so the pretend hero only got hit by one rock.

"Annoying insect." Kala muttered as he levitated another set of rocks and sent them towards the fake Captain Marvel who seemingly turned intangible and let the rocks simply go through her form.

The son of Hulk looked like he was considering throwing more rocks for a moment, just because he could, but before he could do that; a projectile in the shape of a man flew towards them and made a huge crater between two sides where he landed, revealing Ares to be the said projectile.


Few moments before

The god of war would not admit it out loud under the threat of having his sinews ripped apart, like Typhoon had once did to his father Zeus, but he was starting to have fun.

Sure, that might simply be because he was punching Hercules in the face over and over again but that joy should have been offset by the fact that he was getting punched by Hercules as well. No, he was having fun because battling Hercules was fun; nothing more and nothing less.

He may have more than once claimed to hate his half brother for several different reasons, including but not limited to the facts that Hercules had once killed one of his sons and the fact that mortals seemed to adore the adulterer slash buffoon slash thief slash murdered brother of his while using his name only as a curse, but even he would never claim something as ludicrous as Hercules not being a worthy opponent. A stupid one maybe, but definitely not an unworthy one.

"What's the matter brother? Your hits are getting slower!" The demigod declared with a bloody grin on his face that Ares could not help but reciprocate.

"I could say the same about you!" He yelled as he threw a straight punch at Hercules's gut, which connected at the exact moment Hercules' hit connected with his head. For a few more moments, this exchange of hits continued till Hercules… stepped back.

And that was the moment something slammed into Ares with a force beyond anything he had felt since that time his father Zeus himself had landed a serious hit on him.

After he managed to get back on his feet, he saw what had hit him. A goliath that towered above even him and Hercules with stone like gray skin and long hair, and eyes that glowed with a bluish white light bright enough to momentarily blind him. He knew exactly who this was, Osborn's files had talked about him and his brother with many less than polite words after all. Skaar, the son of Hulk; yet he seemed to be quite a bit more powerful than the reports would have indicated. Meaning that Osborn had messed up, what a surprise.

"I am disappointed brother." Ares spat some blood and one tooth out as he glared at his half brother, who surprisingly didn't have his stupid grin on his face at the moment. "Letting someone else interfere with our fight? I thought you had more honor than that." He taunted Hercules, hoping for him to slip up and give him an opening; yet his half brother simply gazed at him coldly.

"When my fists and sword did not work against the Nemean Lion, I choked it to death. When I saw that your Stymphalian Birds' projectile feathers could tear a man apart, I used the pelt of the Nemean Lion as cover and shot them down one by one. When I was told to clean Aegean Stables and saw that they were in a state no man could possibly clean, I diverted a river and let the nature sort it out." Heracles declared with conviction in his voice and Ares could not help but feel himself get captivated in the moment.

"Time changes everything, including circumstances. And when circumstances change, one must change with them unless they wish to lose their place in the present. You know this better than anyone in our family, god of war."

At the words of Hercules, Ares could not help the grin that formed on his face. He wasn't sure if it was because someone finally gave him some amount of recognition for his status other than being an instrument of destruction, or the absurdity of the fact that Hercules sounding wise but he didn't care about it. Yet he also knew, that his situation was dire.

He was heavily wounded from his prolonged battle with Hercules and the hit from the son of Hulk, yet Hercules was in a better shape than him and now had a monster on a similar level to him fighting by his side. Even Ares, for all his pride, could see that his defeat was determined already.

Yet he still summoned his axe to his hand and leaped at them, for when had something as inconsequential as being in disadvantage stopped the god of war from fighting?!


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