
Marvel : Biohazard

This is the tale of a man reincarnated into the Marvel world through mysterious means, endowed with the mind control ability from the game Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge. Follow his journey as he navigates and thrives in this perilous realm, determined to harness his newfound powers and rise to prominence. ----------------------------------------------------- This is a chinese novel which i am trynig to improve as it has many grammatical mistakes amd sometimes makes no sense. i am a new writer , a complete novice trying to present a novel as i was fed up from all the unfinished but amazing fanfic. Your feedback is appreciated and please no hate comment. All credit for the characters and OC goes to marvel and original writer "Heart and eyes". UPDATE Schedule: DAILY

He_who_will_be · その他
14 Chs

Chapter 1- Title: "Echoes of Fate: Marvelous Beginnings and a Hero's Birth"

In a tidy and compact room, a four-door wardrobe, a comfortable bed, a computer desk, a chair, a computer, and a wall-mounted air conditioner are the main furnishings.

Murphy at the moment is in a very good mood. Although he failed to apply for a job today, he won a treasured movie from a senior at a stall organized by his alma mater at a price of 399 on a hard disk.


Before handing over the hard drive, the senior regretfully remarked to Murphy, "If it weren't for graduation, I wouldn't part with the movies I've treasured." The statement left Murphy perplexed, adding an unexpected layer of sentiment to the seemingly straightforward transaction.

Murphy was left speechless by the senior's statement. The solemnity of the small movie perplexed him further, prompting him to question the connection between graduation and the decision to sell the movie.

Upon returning home, Murphy settled at his computer desk, waiting for the computer to start. In the interim, he idly played with the hard drive in his hand, contemplating whether to grab some paper. The idea stemmed from movie scenes where people, moved by touching plots, couldn't resist taking action.

Back at home, Murphy settled into his computer desk, waiting for the computer to start. As he played with the hard drive in his hand, a thought crossed his mind — should he fetch some paper before watching the movie? He pondered this, recalling scenes from movies where people, moved by touching plots, couldn't help but take action. Perhaps, he considered, he might need something to wipe away the liquid that tends to gush from somewhere when the plot gets emotional. Undoubtedly, those were tears.

Once the computer was turned on, Murphy eagerly connected the mobile hard drive using the data cable. With a swift click of the mouse, he opened the newly-appearing mobile hard disk "G drive" in "My Computer." An initial wretched smile crossed Murphy's face, but it froze soon after, hinting at an unexpected discovery or disappointment.

As Murphy opened the G drive, a folder named "Marvel World" greeted him. With a sense of foreboding, he double-clicked to unveil its contents: "Captain America," "Iron Man," "The Hulk," "The Avengers," "X-Men," and more.


An uneasy feeling settled in as Murphy suspected that these file names might be mere camouflage. Despite attempting to regulate his emotions, he opened each file in succession, only to be met with disappointment – the anticipated "little movie" remained elusive.


Exasperated, Murphy humorously remarked, "Daddy, I said that all the 'movies' in the hard disk are really just movies!" Describing his mood with an internet meme, he likened it to 'Blue Skinny, Shiitake,' capturing the blend of disappointment and frustration he felt at that moment.

Browsing through the contents, Murphy realized he had already watched all the Marvel movies and TV series on the hard drive. Disappointed, he pondered, "So, the things on this hard drive are of no use to me?" Feeling deceived, Murphy regretted his decision to acquire an old hard drive with only movies inside, considering that he could have opted for a brand new mobile hard drive with the money spent. The pang of regret lingered in the air as Murphy reflected on his choices.

In the aftermath of his disappointment, Murphy grappled with a sense of distress. However, after a while, he managed to stabilize his emotions and came to the realization that, despite the regret, he wouldn't approach his senior for a return.


Acknowledging that the senior hadn't explicitly claimed the collection as "little movies," Murphy could only attribute the mishap to a misunderstanding. Trying to put the incident behind him, Murphy clicked through the folders repeatedly, hoping to stumble upon a movie he hadn't seen. In a bid to salvage some satisfaction and justify the money spent, he sought a silver lining in the sea of movies before him.

Unable to find an unseen movie, Murphy's attention was drawn to a shortcut icon. Recognizing it as "Red Alert, Yuri's Revenge," he mused, "Isn't this an old game?" With curiosity piqued, he double-clicked the icon, diving into the game.


Twenty minutes later, Murphy skillfully utilized Yuri X to seize control of the last enemy building, bringing the battle to a victorious end. Putting down the mouse, he exclaimed, "Hey, if I had Yuri's Ability, it would be a big problem!" Emotions ran high as Murphy found unexpected enjoyment in the vintage game.

Amidst Murphy's emotional moment, a violent tremor shook the surroundings, causing the walls to crack, shatter, and collapse. Murphy's vision blackened, and he lost consciousness.




1938. United States. New York. Long Island District


A mansion with a 20th century style is located here. On the second floor of the mansion, outside a closed room, a handsome tall white man walks back and forth outside the door anxiously, looking firmly from time to time towards the closed door.


"Darling, don't have anything to do!"


From inside the door, the screams of women kept coming out, along with the voices of doctors and nurses. It was obvious that the woman in the room was giving birth, but from the screams of the women gradually weakening, the situation seemed not to be optimistic.


After an unknown period of time, when the sound in the room calmed down, a middle-aged woman dressed in a maid's costume opened the door and walked out with a baby wrapped in a blanket.


"Mr. Spencer, the child was born smoothly, it's a boy!"


The father, Thomas Spencer, when heard that his child was born smoothly, was plunged into uncontrollable joy. He carefully took the baby from the maid's arms, he was happy, he asked the maid nervously: "how is my wife?"


Unexpectedly, a shadow crossed the maid's face, her eyes welling up with tears as she spoke to Thomas, her voice choked with emotion. "Madam, she was frail even before the birth. After bringing the child into this world, she returned to the loving embrace of God." The weight of her words hung in the air, casting a solemn mood over the room.

The maid's words hit Thomas like a sudden jolt, echoing not just in his ears but also reaching the tender ears of the newborn. In the infant's wide-open eyes, a restrained hint of sadness emerged, defying the typical expectations of a newborn's demeanor. It was a paradoxical melancholy, making the baby's emotions unfathomable to those observing this poignant moment.




Reeling from the shocking revelation, Thomas absentmindedly embraced the baby, oblivious to the fact that it wasn't just an object in his arms but a delicate, nascent life. The gravity of the situation momentarily obscured his awareness


Under Thomas's firm embrace, the baby's face contorted with discomfort. Despite the evident unease, the infant remained surprisingly composed, neither moving nor crying, but the dark eyes like jewels suddenly became much deeper.



Unaware of the discomfort he caused, Thomas finally eased his firm hold on the baby. In response, the infant's dark eyes briefly flickered with surprise before succumbing to mental exhaustion, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

On this day, Thomas Spencer became a father, yet the joy was entwined with sorrow as he lost his beloved wife. Amidst the bittersweet circumstances, a new life emerged named 'Murphy Spencer,' marking both an arrival and a departure in the world.

Then in 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany. 

The Second World War broke out.

In 1941, the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor, infringing upon U.S. interests. The following year, in 1942, the United States officially entered the war. This announcement sparked a nationwide surge in enlistment, particularly fervent within various universities.

An ordinary art student, 'Steve Rogers,' hailing from the slums of Brooklyn, New York, embarked on a patriotic journey to join the army. Born with a thin physique, Steve's path to military service was destined to be challenging, fraught with ups and downs.