
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 8


Inside the beautiful palace of Asgard.

Odin stood on the balcony in his normal clothes, looking up at the sky full of stars, his single eye seemed to see the great battle in hell across the dimension.

Feeling the powerful power of that Kyle, his face was the same as always.

From behind her, Frigga approached and said in a low voice: "She is such an amazing goddess that even I can feel the strength of her."

"She is truly remarkable, thanks to her, the destiny is no longer clear."

"You seem to be very calm, Odin." Frigga reached out her hand to stroke Odin's eyebrows: "The you before was majestic but full of sadness."

"Did she make you change like that?"

"I can feel it, Frigga." Odin took her wife's hand, lowered his head, and pressed her forehead tightly against his wife's forehead, feeling this warm moment: "Her appearance is very important to Asgard, I can feel it."

"The future of Asgard has changed, a change that makes me feel gratified but confused."

"Believe me, letting nature take its course is the best way."

Frigga comforted him.

Odin smiled: "Perhaps you are right, she may become an indispensable friend in Asgard in the future."

"Do you want to make an alliance with her?"

"I don't know her origin, but I know that she has ambitions that go beyond my imagination, what she did on Earth and in hell is to form her own kingdom of God."

Frigga was a little puzzled: "Don't you seem to be afraid of her ambition? Just like you back then, you fought everywhere and even provoked the Celestial Group."

Ambition is the basis of motivation, and a powerful god with ambition is terrifying.

Hearing the Celestial Group, Odin laughed dumbfounded, as if he remembered the brilliant but shameful experience back then.

"Her ambition is different from mine, at first, she wanted to use the will of the Odinson family to conquer all the worlds and let the glory of Asgard spread throughout the universe, but she is different, she wants to be purer, she wants go beyond the multiverse."

"Beyond the multiverse?" Frigga was surprised.

"I believe she will become a new great existence."

Frigga nodded silently and then realized something.

"Just, will the omniscient city gods notice her?"

Odin shook his head indifferently: "The group of gods who hide and have fun, how could they be the opponents of an ambitious and powerful god, that group of self-delusional, stupid and arrogant guys, even without her, someone in the future? The sky also destroys itself."

Old Zeus was quite ambitious at first, but after years of erosion, he gradually became obsessed with desire and sank completely.

Even Zeus's strength is not inferior to himself at his peak.

And it is still uncertain whether Zeus will come into conflict with Athena, after all, Zeus, an LSP, saw the goddess who surprised him and may have to kneel and lick first.

It is not without precedent.

"I don't have much time, I just hope that Thor can mature as much as possible, otherwise he will not be recognized by Odin's power and will become a qualified king, and Loki." He said that his two sons, Odin's head hurts, thousands of years of training, Thor's character has not changed at all.

Recklessness, pride, arrogance and other shortcomings have been highlighted in young Thor.

And Loki seems very smart and approachable, but in reality his heart is full of calculations and cruelty, he even stabbed his brother a couple of times, which is much more difficult to handle than Thor.

If he falls in the future, he won't be surprised if the two brothers separate.

Frigga was not so worried and said with tenderness on her face: "They are all good children, Thor and your personality are very similar at the beginning, you also matured after becoming king, and Loki I trust him, he is not impassive with his family".

"On the contrary, his feelings are more delicate and sensitive."

"We just have to guide them little by little to become better and more mature."

Odin also understood, but shook his head helplessly.

He could only sigh softly, the old father was always full of worries about the growth of his children, but Odin remembered Kyle, she was forming her own army, the two selected children were endowed with great power, for the Asgardian protoss, No. . . .

Odin began to plan silently.


In Athens, he built an orphanage called Tonili on the poorest street, the orphanage used to be a school, but it was bought and transformed into an orphanage.

The goal is to accept and adopt those poor and helpless children of Athens.

And now in the orphanage, Nora, who was the oldest, stood in the dilapidated living room, looking at Bart and Tina, who were honest and well-behaved in the chairs in front of them.

Nora is a fifty-year-old woman, her temperament is very gentle, so she is the children's favorite.

But now Nora was furious, she had no idea that Bart and Tina, who were usually the best behaved ones, would escape from the orphanage while they were praying.

After finding out, she searched like crazy with several other people.

Even when the goddess Athena appeared she did not pay attention.

As a result, when they were considering calling the police, these two little villains flew from the sky into the yard, almost scaring them to death, thinking that they were possessed by some demon.

When Nora saw the two children return, she sighed in relief, but at the same time she was furious and pressured the two little villains to clean the room to teach them a lesson.

But it's more worrying for Bart and Tina.

Under the "oppressive" gazes of Nora and several others, Bart and Tina were still hurriedly sharing their experiences.

Just as Bart and Tina expected.

Upon learning that Bart and Tina ran away to participate in the selection, they actually succeeded.

Very lucky to be selected by the great goddess Athena and become the warrior of god.

Nora and the others couldn't accept this sudden surprise.

It never occurred to them that the two children they raised would become The Chosen Ones, which explains Bart and Tina flying out of the sky.

After a few breaths, I finally accepted this fact.

Nora's slightly round face was blushing and she approached Batty and Tina excitedly. She stretched out her hands to hug the two well-behaved children and cried in surprise.

"I'm so proud of you, you're the best."

"The great goddess Athena takes pity on us, I must pray for Athena, thank Athena for her kindness."

Several more people came up and hugged Bart and Tina.

They are a group of good-hearted people who fight for orphans to have shelter, some of them have persisted for several years, ten years or even twenty years, they have given everything for this and this is their painstaking effort.

Also consider those poor children as your own children.

Since the creation of this orphanage, hundreds of children have been taken in and many more have grown up, worked, married and started families.

But to maintain such an orphanage, they have spent all their savings.

For the sake of their children, they even go back to working part-time, or even working two jobs, to earn money to buy supplies.

There are also older children who send food and money from time to time, but still cannot make ends meet.

They had thought of many ways before and Nora was still wondering if she was doing a good job. Even though she was tired, she didn't want her children to go hungry.

But now that Bart and Tina have been chosen by Athena, they are happy because they know that these two lovely children have a bright future.

As for the idea of using Bart and Tina to get something for the orphans, it never occurred to them.

They live in poverty, but there is a kindness to them that many people don't have.

Bart and Tina wiped the tears from the corners of their mothers' eyes. Although Bart has matured, he still behaves like a child in front of his mothers, as usual, he puffed out his chest and said loudly: "Mother Nora, Tina and I are now saints, we will protect you and Athens."

Tina nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Nora and the others looked at each other, gently stroked the heads of the two children, and said in a low voice: "We think you can do it, because you are our favorite children."

Bart and Tina suddenly laughed.

Their mothers' praise made them both very happy.

During this conversation, Bart suddenly frowned, turned his head and looked out of the patio door through the living room door, and Tina did the same.

"What's wrong with Bart?" The delicate Nora saw the abnormality between Bart and Tina.

"Mother Nora, someone is here."

Bart stood up and walked towards the door with Tina, Nora and the others exchanged glances and quickly followed them.

Sure enough, when I arrived at the complex, I opened the metal railed gate and there were more than a dozen cars driving on the road in the distance outside the gate.

Although they are all SUVs, they are all expensive and high-end imported cars.

The convoy stopped in front of the orphanage, the door opened and many people in suits and with extraordinary temperament got out of the car.

The faces are clearly from different countries.

A group of white men in suits approached and saw Batty and Tina standing at the door.

Seeing this situation, Nora and the others immediately subconsciously fell in front of Batty and Tina.

"who are you?"

Nora was the first to speak, although she was wearing old clothes at the time, she was as fierce and vigilant as a lioness with messy hair.

Several others did the same.

The leader was the heads of the FBI and CIA agencies in the United States. Seeing Nora's attentive gaze, the head of the CIA quickly said: "I'm sorry to bother you late at night, Ms. Nora, I am the deputy director." from the United States federal agency James, I am here to visit you this time and I hope to talk to you."

Her attitude was surprisingly modest.

There is no gesture of arrogance or contempt towards the people of small countries on the part of the white knights.

The same happens with the heads of state of other countries.

To be the person in charge of this kind of thing, no one would be an idiot, especially the scene where the goddess Athena easily destroyed an island tens of kilometers away was still vivid.

And just now, behind Nora and the others, two small-looking little ones flew through the air, and the two loud noises were not fake.

It can be said that relying on Bart and Tina alone can kill everyone here.

Who would dare to provoke such a person?

As the saying goes, a mother costs more than a child, this is also the last word.

Nora and the others were a little surprised, but they understood the reason after thinking about it for a bit. Nora's expression softened a little, and after looking at the people standing in a circle, she hesitantly said, "You can come to the church." "But I hope they keep their voices down, my children are sleeping."

"Of course, as it should."

Everyone hurriedly nodded.

Nora whispered a few words to the people around her, then she took Batty and Tina's hands and led them to turn around and walk towards the church.

The size of the orphanage is relatively large.

The building is located in the center and has three floors, with an area of 1,500 square meters, the third floor is the children's dormitory, the second floor is the teaching floor, and the first floor is the cafeteria.

The church is installed on the left side of the main building, and supplies and clothing are kept on the right side.

Along the wide square, guided by Nora, they arrived at the church.

This church is obviously Greek in style, with chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling and some ancient Greek characters and murals carved into the walls.

The statue in the center was clean, wearing leather armor, riding a horse and holding a spear and shield, that statue is Athena.