
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 5

The two boys entered the temple area and the news immediately spread throughout the temple.

This made many people feel incredible. The heads of the special agencies of several major countries immediately exerted their authority and rushed towards the main entrance of the temple along the special passage through the crowd.

When they arrived here, they saw two children holding hands in the temple, filled with confusion.

Some of them reacted quickly and immediately took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the two children.

"Give orders to subordinates, Immediately find out the background of the two little guys."

"Let's see how powerful the warrior chosen by the Goddess Athena will be" The head of the FBI looked solemnly at Bart and Tina.

Behind him, a man in a suit had his eyes slightly turbulent, and a hand in his pocket moved.

But Bart and Tina, who are the center of attention, don't know what happened at this time.

When the two children arrived at the temple, they didn't seem to feel any pressure. They crossed the barrier with ease, but when they arrived at the temple, Bart and Tina didn't know what to do.

"Bart, it seems that we have entered, what should we do now?" Tina turned her head to take a look, but the adults' eyes immediately caught her and she quickly turned around.

Those adult eyes are scary, like the eyes of the big bad wolf in the fairy tale told by mother Nora.

Bart thought he was a man and was very nervous now, but with his sister by his side, he immediately gathered his courage, pretended to be strong, patted his chest and said loudly: "Let's go find the Goddess." Athena."

Just when he was pulling Tina to run towards the temple.

Suddenly, in the center of the temple square, the scepter that symbolized victory burst into brilliant golden light.

The dazzling golden light shot straight into the sky, pierced the black clouds, and illuminated the sky.

This sudden movement immediately surprised everyone. Is the goddess Athena about to appear?

Just as people imagined, the golden pillars of light that connected the sky dissipated and turned into strands of sacred golden feathers floating. I don't know when, in the air, she appeared, wearing a white gauze dress swaying, wearing a crown. of flowers and laurels, supporting the right to victory. The beautiful goddess with a staff floats in the air.

Her golden hair was blowing in the wind.

Holy and noble.

The divine radiance of the goddess sprinkled the land, making people feel ashamed and afraid to look directly at them, Those who had made mistakes and had dark personalities could not help but feel remorse, They lowered their heads, as if a glance at the goddess was a blasphemy.

In the temple the two selected children, Bart and Tina, with their heads held high, their eyes full of admiration and little stars.

"Goddess…" Tina murmured, her eyes shining.

The goddess is so beautiful.

"Goddess Athena~" The boy Bart also blushed at this moment, stuttering and feeling a little lost.

The goddess slowly descended from the sky accompanied by golden feathers all over the sky, looked at the two children who barely reached her waist, and said in a low voice: "Bart, Tina, your kindness and bravery have touched the stars, tell me now,!" Are you ready!" to protect this beautiful world?

The voice was ethereal and full of tenderness.

"I am ready, Goddess Athena, I want to protect Mother Nora, Mother Neville and all the family companions."

Facing the beautiful and gentle eyes of the goddess, Bart seemed to be injected with courage, He slapped his chest and said loudly.

Although Tina was a little shy, she gathered her courage, nodded her head, and said softly, "I'm ready too, Lady Goddess."

"Love and protection are the most beautiful qualities of the human being, You will use this to accompany the stars and protect love and the world with the power of the stars, In the name of Athena…"

The voice gradually became louder, and the vast will of the gods revived.

Athena raised the scepter of victory and, in the name of God, granted the power of the stars.

I saw that above the sky, the sky was covered with stars, and the bright stars formed two large and mysterious patterns.

One is Scorpio and the other is Taurus.

The goddess looks at the stars with bright eyes.

Bright stars shone in all directions, The mortals of the city Athens raised their heads and looked at the two patrons, Stunned, they seemed to see the young men in noble and beautiful golden battle suits fighting against evil spirits on the battlefield of the Ancient gods.

Destroying the world with a punch and a kick, facing the powerful gods, to protect love and justice, they are not afraid even if they are covered in blood, With shocking screams, full of anger, the bright little universe bursts, hitting, That Battle spoke of the indifference and cruelty of the gods.

That kind of solemnity, that kind of desolation, that kind of willingness to move forward without fear of life and death, makes people's blood well up and boil.

I can't wait to be there, become those fighters and die together.

Such a scene is also deeply engraved in the memory of the two children, Bart and Tina.


The scepter lightly hit the ground, and in an instant, like ripples on the surface of the water, the golden ripples spread around and around, In the sky, the pattern formed by the two stars became brighter and brighter, Finally, The dazzling starlight turned into two waves of Light Rays that fell from the sky.

In an instant, Bart and Tina were involved.

In the bright golden starlight, the two children floated out of thin air, and the two children were surprised and excited.

At this moment, the silhouette of a mysterious and magnificent ancient city suddenly emerged, full of ancient Greek style, and the buildings were like corners of history, with infinite vicissitudes and antiquity.

There are a total of twelve bridges between the huge and beautiful buildings, surrounded by countless stone pillar statues like proud giants.

The most striking thing is the largest temple in the center of the city. It is hundreds of meters high and wide. On the high platform of the top floor, there seems to be the throne of a goddess, dominating all living beings.

The silhouette of the city is like a dream, like a bubble, like a ghost, separated from reality, but it seems to be related to reality.

The two children were attracted by the shine of the golden stars and came to the city.

From the city buildings, two brilliant golden rays of light rushed into the sky in an instant, connecting with the two star patterns.

Suddenly, a sacred, high-level, and vast aura emerged from him.

Everyone stared at the two golden rays of light.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see something in the golden beam of light.

Sure enough, as the golden ray of light slowly dissipated, two animals made of gold appeared, like star patterns, a majestic and powerful golden bull with two giant horns on its head, a crawling scorpion and two sharp horns, Pincers and tail with a poisonous thorn at the end.

Although the forms are two animals, there is an incomparable dignity.

While people were still dazzled by the two golden animals.


Hearing the sound of piercing in the sky, two animals suddenly pierced through the sky, drawing flames from their long golden tails and plunging into Bart and Tina's bodies.

At the same time, the bright patterns on the sky dome scattered the starlight, and the starlight continued to sink into the slender bodies of the two children.

Plop! Plop!

The two children's eyes instantly became hollow.

The sound of two hearts beating rhythmically shook the sky like thunder.

People have begun to realize that these two children are undergoing an amazing transformation, and it is also this transformation that will allow the two children to leave their mortal bodies and become warriors of the gods, On the battlefield of the gods. ancient gods, a warrior who dared to shake his fist at the gods.

"Quickly, take pictures carefully, It is best to take pictures of the evolution process of the two children, We may be able to analyze them when we return."

The heads of the CIA and FBI hurriedly whispered to their subordinates.

However, no movement was heard.

Immediately upset and looked back, he was surprised to discover that several of his subordinates wanted to look at the goddess Athena in the distant temple with stunned faces.

What's good about a goddess? ummm..

It's really beautiful, Athena's beauty moves the soul, but this kind of beauty makes people unable to look directly and even have dirty thoughts.

"Damn it, idiots."

The CIA chief shouted angrily in a low voice and immediately woke up the group of agents below him.

The agents shook off the beautiful figure that lingered in their minds and quickly took out a high-precision camera and pointed it at the sky.

Bart and Tina's minds were completely blank at that moment and they just felt like they had come to another world.

Two older brothers wearing very beautiful golden armor are teaching them a mysterious and ancient fighting secret.

Furthermore, the two of them seemed to have spent a long, long time in this world.

Here, feel the stars, feel the vast universe, and awaken a kind of power called small universe.

Finally, the two succeeded one day.

The two felt their own stars and awakened the small universe.

The moment the small universe woke up, Bart and Tina's blank eyes came to life.

The two of them seemed to have matured a lot at the same time and their temperament had also undergone a great change.


Two terrifying auras burst out in an instant, rushing in all directions like vast and monstrous waves.

Affected by this force, even the entire city of Athens trembled violently, The most important thing is that being suppressed by this impulse, everyone felt that the sky was about to collapse, Disaster and the end of the world, despair and despair were born. fear.

It was also at this time that people realized at the same time that these two children had completed their transformation into gods.

After subconsciously bursting into arrogance, Bart and Tina also realized that something was wrong, they quickly withdrew their aura, and everything returned to calm.

The two raised their hands in disbelief.

Do you already have such powerful strength?

I can even feel that if I hit with all my strength, the entire city of Athens will be directly shattered and millions of people will fall under this blow.

If the two of them hadn't suddenly experienced ten years in that world, perhaps they would have changed their minds.

"Bart, Tina."

At that moment, the soft voice of the goddess Athena reached their ears, waking them up, Bart and Tina looked at each other and their figures blurred instantly.

Such speed is so exaggerated that it is shocking.

At least the heads of organizations in various countries are paying more and more attention to the fighters selected by the goddess Athena.

In front of the goddess Athena, Bart and Tina knelt respectfully and said, "Your Majesty hers."

Athena, or Kyle, looked at the little warriors she had chosen and molded in front of her, and said in a low voice: "You initially awakened to have a small sixth sense universe, but you are not strong enough to protect this world, are you?" ?, You still need to get stronger."

"Yes, Her Majesty."

Bart and Tina have serious faces. After the transformation, they have mature minds. Not only have they not changed their beliefs in the goddess, but they have even become more serious.

Now, if the Goddess wants Bart and Tina to die, both of them won't hesitate.

"The construction of the sanctuary continues, You can practice in the sanctuary, I have given you the corresponding qualifications, Your progress will be very fast."

Bart and Tina naturally followed the words of Goddess Athena, but Tina hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Your Majesty, I..."

Kyle saw the thoughts of the two and said softly: "You can come back at any time, this is your home."

For the family members in the adoption home, Bart and Tina couldn't let him go. The most important reason for the two to be selected was so they could help the adoption home that was already in financial trouble.

Of course she won't be a bad person.

And for her, orphanages and adoption homes around the world are the basis for forming saints.

"Thank you, Her Majesty." Bart and Tina immediately showed cheerful smiles.

Kyle nodded, turned his head and looked into the distance, his expression became a little indifferent: "Who allows you to spy on the gods?"


The victory scepter lightly hit the ground.

In the next second, right away from Athens.

On an uninhabited island dozens of kilometers away, a monstrous column of thunder suddenly fell from the sky.