
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 41

The creation of Bronze Saint Cloth and Silver Saint Cloth is very simple, because Athena does not have much divine power in the two Saint Cloths.

But the golden sacred clothes are completely different, Bart, Tina, Ayla and Elvis, the golden sacred clothes that Samael wears can only be called fake sacred clothes in a certain sense, and they have some characteristics of the golden sacred clothes, incomparable toughness, and increased microcosm.

The true golden sacred garment is the true armor of light.

She recovered the sacred clothes worn by Bart and others, and reconstructed them, consuming a large amount of scarce materials such as Ulu metal, so that all the sacred clothes in front of her, including the twelve golden sacred clothes, were truly displayed.

The eighty-eight golden sacred vestments, together with the life given by Athena, resonate.

The blue sky has become dark in an instant, and above the night sky, the stars are shining brightly, and the eighty-eight stars are shining with dazzling light.

Eighty-eight rays of light travel across the sky connecting their own constellations.

Rumble ~~

The entire sanctuary trembled and countless animals looked at the starry sky. Her mere thought did not know what power was, but her genes allowed them to know what awe was.

All the creatures, at this moment, bowed their heads, as if they were surrendering for the birth of the eighty-eight sacred robes.

The scene is beautiful and dazzling.

It's a shame the audience is just Kyle.

Kyle looked at the Saint Cloths cheering him in the beam of light, overjoyed, this is her own Saint Cloth created by herself, just like her son's.

She also sincerely hopes that these sacred clothes can accompany the group of children to take a step towards the top of the universe.

The golden sacred garment is far from the end, but it is a more powerful sacred garment, and even a divine garment that shines with the brilliance of the gods.

Under the pull of the starlight, each piece of sacred clothing slowly floated with the ray of light, and bronze, silver, and gold boxes contained them, blocking the sacred brilliance.

He raised his head and looked at the eighty-eight metal boxes of sacred clothing floating in the sky.

Kyle's red lips moved slightly: "Go, find him and wait for your master."


In the next second, as if stars were blooming, the eighty-eight boxes immediately turned into rays of light that collided with the sky and disappeared above the sanctuary along with ripples in the dimensional space.

For Kyle, the seeds are already planted and the next step is waiting for the flowers to bear fruit.

"The eighth sense~" Kyle slowly closed his eyes.

His Majesty the Pope will act next.


Earth Sanctuary.

Bart and a group of holy fighters have not trained yet, For everyone, the most important thing at this time is to strengthen the cosmos.

Each one was located in their own palaces to meditate.

As Pope, Kyle lies lazily in the Pope's Palace.

In the bedroom, he swiped his phone and watched the news.

Your avatar is connected to the main body, as the main body improves, your body will also grow accordingly, however, because it is an avatar, your avatar will not exceed the strength of the main body and will be weaker by two small levels, this is the limit, the main body is about to enter the eighth sense, so the avatar is the normal seventh sense, and the cosmos is considered deep enough.

Of course, once the main body enters the eighth sense, this body can reach the strongest state of the seventh sense in a single leap.

The latest hot news, besides the battle in the Gulf of California, is the kidnapping of Tony Stark.

Kyle naturally knew where Tony was now.

With his ability, spiritual perception has been able to cover the entire earth for a long time and he can see what is happening with Tony.

Mmmm, something miserable.

Now it's a bit like watching a movie in his previous life, eating melons.

However, she only paid a little attention to him and did not pay much attention to him, as for saying that she was going to save him, it was completely unnecessary, the fate of the two did not have any intersection and their levels were not at the same level.

His attitude towards Tony was completely indifferent, at most he ate melons.


In the sky above the shrine, a piercing sound sounded and Kyle also decided to ignore it.

However, it is completely different for the fighting saints in the sanctuary.

Samael from the Virgo Palace, Elvis from the Lion Palace, Bart from the Taurus Palace and other people who were meditating suddenly felt a sensation and separated from the meditation, Sure enough, they saw a golden light passing through the outer wall of the palace and falling towards the sky, in front of everyone.

When the light dissipated, he revealed his own Holy Cloth Box.

Looking at the Saint Cloth Box, everyone could clearly feel the resonance coming from the box.

Bart of the Taurus Palace slowly got up, walked to the golden box, stretched out his hand to touch the lines on the box, and smiled happily at the cheers and jumping emotions coming from inside.


Stretch out your hand and lightly click on the box, in the next second, a golden light shines, the golden box opens automatically, and a huge and realistic golden bull stands in front of you.


The Taurus disintegrated, turned into parts of the armor and shot at Bart, in an instant, the noble and beautiful golden sacred clothes covered his body.

"Ha, what a powerful force!"

Feeling the majestic energy contained in the golden sacred cloth, Bart's face showed surprise, but the surprise only lasted a few seconds, and the golden sacred cloth on his body disintegrated again, turning into a golden bull and standing on the golden box again. 

This freezes the look of joy on Bart's face.

"Huh? Do you think I'm too weak? Bastard."

Sensing the displeasure on the golden sacred cloth, Bart smiled in disbelief.

what is this?

The armor didn't like his teacher, who was so nice, Bart's face changed, and the happy mood became unhappy again.

He then took a deep breath: "Tch, do you still want to achieve the seventh sense?"

"I still need to work hard!"

Bart looked at the golden box angrily, turned around and returned to his original position, sat cross-legged and began to meditate. Meditation is a means for fighting saints to accumulate microcosms.

In addition, there are other extremely cruel practices.

For example, Ayla, in addition to meditation, is a planet full of flames in the main sanctuary dimension world, she has to endure the intense heat and expel the icy air every day until the asteroid is extinguished from flames.

After the trip to Asgard, Bart and the others focused on practicing.

Before reaching the seventh sense, no matter who it is, the speed of cultivation is very fast.

In addition to people who fit into the constellation, talents are the most outstanding group in the world.

It can be said that there are no obstacles in the way.

With the guidance of Kyle, a super strong man, not to mention the speed of progress, it can be said that everyone is making progress visible to the naked eye every day.

Aside from this, the rest of the Saint Cloths are also looking for suitable teachers.

Three months passed very slowly.

It's almost winter.

During these three months, everything was so peaceful that even ordinary people felt a little uneasy. Of course, there were many supernatural incidents, but the government successfully covered up the truth.

It is also worth mentioning that during these three months an important event occurred.

That is, Tony Stark, who was originally thought to have mysteriously disappeared and was even judged dead, was successfully rescued and then created an incredible steel suit of armor.

This high-tech weapon can be said to be completely ahead of modern technology for at least a hundred years.

At Stark's headquarters, there was a huge battle with another huge Iron armor. This battle was filmed by passersby and posted on the Internet.

Who wouldn't look forward to armor like that?

In the subsequent press conference, Tony also admitted that he was the owner of the armor and that the superhero Iron Man.

Also accompanied by the classic IamlronMan, the prelude to the era officially began.

Villa with ocean view in New York.

Tony returned to the villa in the car driven by Happy, At this time, the villa was completely dark, As soon as he entered the lobby, the clever butler automatically turned on the lights.

With the bright lights illuminating the spacious and luxurious living room, Tony seemed to see a figure on the sofa, his footsteps stopped immediately, he tilted his head and squinted at the figure, saying, "Who are you?"

The other party was able to invade his villa openly, and even the clever housekeeper Jarvis did not respond or warn.

This has shown that the other party has modified Jarvis's network.

He couldn't help but be careless.

"We originally had a script prepared by you, but it's a pity that you didn't follow it, I should be able to think about it, Tony, you let the previous plan go to waste"

The visitor raised his head, black leather jacket, eye patch, bald black man, impressively officially Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

Tony frowned, walked to the bar, tapped the bracelet twice, and then poured a glass of whiskey indifferently, without looking back: "I think you're not used to whiskey."

The meaning of the words is obviously that I don't want to give you drink.

Fury didn't change his face, he didn't pay attention at all, but looked at Tony's back: "We have been paying attention to you, Tony."

"Hey?" Tony poured the wine, closed the bottle cap, looked at the information on the smart bracelet on his wrist, turned and walked to the sofa opposite Fury, sat down and took a sip of wine: "So, what's the origin of your SHIELD with such a high level of information encryption? In fact, it takes me more than half an hour to decrypt your information."

"Is that guy named Coulson one of yours too?"

Although it was a question, the tone was extremely firm.

Fury crossed his hands on his chest and his posture was full of oppression: "The world you originally existed in was fundamentally different from ours, what you saw was banquet and feasting, but what we saw was endless darkness and death."

"But the world has changed now, Tony, and you are well aware of the change in the world."

"So? You want to recruit me to be an agent?" Tony smiled disdainfully.

Let such a rich man be an agent? Unequal status aside, with his personality, who would dare to make him an agent? Nobody can control it.

Fury shook his head: "What I need is not an agent, nor a rich man, I need a superhero."

"You are that superhero" The one-eyed man's sharp gaze looked directly into Tony's eyes.

The latter's character itself is quite rebellious and has no fear at all in front of eyes that are enough to make ordinary people afraid. He even leaned on the sofa and spread his hands in a funny manner: "Do you need a superhero?"

"Believe me, the world needs superheroes, to a certain extent, I can represent the world" Fury's face remained unchanged.


Hearing this, Tony looked at the boy in front of him with a mentally disabled expression.

"Are you curious about what SHIELD is?, SHIELD has been established since World War II, its appearance is to deal with unexplained supernatural events around the world to this day" Fury slightly explained the meaning of SHIELD.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated, after all, it is said that it deals with the whole world, but there are still some countries that it cannot penetrate.

After all, even if Maozi in the East is so corrupt, if he dares to do something, the other party will dare to send troops directly.

Tony is well aware of this, but he also knows that the power and status of the SHIELD agency must be very high.

"This world has changed Tony, it has begun to go out of control, aliens, demons, gods and other powerful existences have appeared one after another, it has shown that this era has gone into an uproar, no one knows what will happen to the Earth in the future, we need a power to protect the world."

"The power to protect the world?"

"That's right" Fury took out a document from the side and dropped it on the glass table in front of Tony, The latter looked at Fury, took the document indifferently, opened it and flipped through it.

When he saw the contents inside, his eyes moved involuntarily.

"I didn't expect the White House and Congress to pass this bill, When did they become good people?" Tony's tone was full of sarcasm.

The essence of America is capital, and capital is power, and what this social structure presents is that interests come first.

A group of people in power would actually pay a huge price to form a powerful team for the sake of the world's security, and this team was not controlled by them, in the past, it must have been foolish.

Fury pretended not to hear Tony's blunt sarcasm about those in power, and he thought so too.

"Okay, I have to say that your eloquence is very good, I am very interested in this Avengers plan, but why should I form this team under your leadership? I think I can do it myself" Tony waved the document.

Tony hadn't thought about it before, but this plan has merit in Tony's heart.

But he couldn't believe the call SHIELD.

"This matter is out of your control, Tony" Fury said bluntly: "You can form this team, but you will be the target of the government and even all parties, they will wait for you to complete this team and then mercilessly steal your achievements."

"Even if the Stark Group has influence and connections, your connections will betray you, the interests involved in this matter are too great and it can only be supported by SHIELD."

The reason is very simple, now, in this world, the high-level forces of various countries have gradually realized that although the world is still dominated by technology, it is already moving towards the direction of evolution, if the appearance of the Mansion of God is an introduction, then California is the source of the fire.

That shocking battle took place several kilometers away and the aftermath nearly destroyed a city.

This kind of power is far inferior to technological weapons.

The evolution has become a trend, SHIELD has recently received a lot of information, in the past six months, the number of homeless people has decreased at an alarming rate, and information about cases of accidental death and disease has gradually increased.

why is that? Isn't it because of the need for a large number of test items?

For Tony to form this kind of team alone is a big piece of fat and attracts covetous glances from all sides, and even a giant like the Stark Group can't resist it.

The Xavier Academy for Teenage Mutants is the biggest example of this.

If it hadn't been for the last-minute return of the suspicious Omega-level Phoenix Girl, who displayed undeniable strength, the mutant child at the academy would have already been dismembered on a test bed somewhere.

Tony was silent and, like Fury said, he did understand.

"I have watched what you are doing Tony, I think you will make a decision, human beings need their own guardians, I think you are not willing to see those damn greedy things that come out of nowhere and want to destroy the earth, but we can't do anything "

"History has told us what will happen without strength."

Tony's eyes moved, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "Who else is there besides me?, I don't want a clown to join my team."

These words already proved that Tony agreed to the plan.

But Fury directly shook his head: "Your team? You are just one of the members, Tony, you will not be the leader of this team."

"I don't need a team of Avengers throwing a pool party before going on a mission."

Tony got very angry when he heard this: "Water? Do you think there is someone more suitable to lead the team than me? There is also a pool party, which is also relaxing, Do we have to maintain a state of tension all the time?"

"That is the biggest damage to the team, believe me, no one can adjust emotions better than me"

Tony started to talk nonsense, but Fury was unmoved: "Don't talk about it Tony, in my personnel analysis report, you are the most unstable point, no one knows when you will go crazy."

"If it weren't for your recent change, you wouldn't be an Avenger at all."

"What, do you think I really care about being an Avenger?" Tony was really angry now, didn't he come to invite him? Not to mention how much sincerity there is, but not only did he not say good things, but he also hit his face face to face, how could Tony, who is proud of his personality, bear it?

He immediately expressed that I was not willing.

However, Fury ignored this kind of rebellious psychology, In his eyes, Tony has a child's mentality and has not grown up.

He changed the subject and said something else: "Your armor is a good thing, it is no coincidence, someone will ask you to hand it over soon."

"And for good reason".

"Hey, what are you kidding me? The MK armor is mine and no one can take it from me" Tony said with disdain.

Fury shook his head: "You have to cut it some slack, Tony."

"I know you should have a good friend in the military who becomes a member of the Avengers." Fury didn't name him directly, but Tony already understood it, frowned and thought.

"Fuck, those greedy guys."

Tony cursed secretly, but he still committed.

But Tony is very confident, what if he gave him the MK armor? Condensing the fruit of his wisdom, he believes that it is impossible for those guys to copy him.