
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 36

In the eyes of everyone excited and anxious.

I saw two figures descending from the sky, falling heavily onto the wide mourning field.

The two are obviously the protagonists of this duel, Taurus Saint Bart and Thor.

They were both tall and well built, and Thor was wearing an Asgardian dress.

He wears a red cloak, holds Mjolnir, and wears a helmet, majestic and majestic.

The whole body is wrapped in threads of electric light, like thunder.

As for Bart, the beautiful and noble golden sacred garment was covered over his body, his sturdy body fit perfectly with the majestic sacred garment, the beautiful and stylized armor, the shoulder armor raised, the leg armor had sharp spikes on the His knees and helmet were like a golden bull, his horn seems to pierce the sky, he wears a white jade cloak on his back and dances in the strong wind.

Surrounded by wisps of golden air, he wears a golden helmet.

Just from the shape, it is already full of visual impact.

Muscular, burly and armored they are the true romance of warriors, which excites countless people and warriors of Asgard.

Great cheers echoed throughout the dueling arena.

"Thor Odinson~~~"

A loud, long voice rang through the air, causing countless Asgardian warriors to cheer and shout along with them.

"Thor, Thor, Thor, Thor…"

This is Thor, Asgard's invincible thunder god and the future king everyone in Asgard hopes to trust.

"Bart, Bart~~"

In the warm atmosphere, the sonorous voice resounded again.

Asgard will not spare her admiration and applause when she faces the outsiders, although the battle has not yet begun, Bart's turbulent and dominant momentum has already conquered them.

"Bart, Bart, Bart, Bart..."

In the sound wave that was about to break through the sky, the general excitement and warm atmosphere of the duel field had reached the extreme.

In the turbulent atmosphere, Thor, the protagonist, could no longer contain the monstrous fighting spirit in his heart, He extended his hammer and pointed it at Bart, who was standing in front of him with his arms crossed, and smiled openly: "Bart, let's enjoy today's battle."


Thunder exploded and the pupils of his eyes flickered with infinite lightning as he spoke.

"Come on!" Facing the towering Thor, Bart's eyes lit up with an emerald green light.


When Bart's voice fell, Thor stopped talking nonsense and stepped forward with his right foot. His legs were like igniting a barrel of oil, igniting a terrible explosive force, and when the air wave burst, Bart's whole body Thor instantly rushed to Bart.

Seeing this, the latter was not far behind, threw his cloak violently, stepped forward as well, turned into a beam of light, and rushed towards Thor in an imposing and domineering manner.

The distance of a kilometer is nothing more than the blink of an eye for the two of them.

In the eyes of hundreds of thousands of eager eyes, Thor and the golden and emerald Bart collided.

Thor brandished Mjolnir and punched forward, while Bart squeezed his right hand tightly with the golden glove and punched.

Mjolnir collided with the golden glove in an instant.

Boom! !

At this moment, time seemed to stop for a moment, and in the next second, with the fist and Mjolnir as the center, a terrifyingly huge shock wave swept in all directions in an instant, and the shocking explosion sounded like thunder, making that everyone's eardrums seem to be shattered.


The entire dueling field shook violently, and air waves receded in all directions with smoke and dust, completely enveloping the figures of Bart and Thor.

And in the smoke, terrifying electric lights intertwined with emerald green air currents and flickered.

The momentary collision was like a spark that struck the earth, exploding into a devastating shockwave like a natural disaster.

This time, all the people in the dueling arena were beaten into silence.

Everyone has forgotten about the shouts and cheers, everyone, regardless of men, women or children, is worried about the situation of this battle.

After all, it is not uncommon for strongmen of this level to confront each other, even in the past dynasties of Asgard.

Who will win? Who will lose?

Nobody knows, but it is a completely unpredictable battle that excites and excites people.


The terrifying impact turned into waves that fogged the air, dust and smoke filled the sky making it impossible to see the situation inside, everyone stared at the two figures looming through the smoke.

Finally, a terrible gust of wind suddenly erupted inside.

The strong wind blew away the smoke and dust in an instant, and before the people could react, they saw one of the figures shot backwards like a cannonball in the distance.

Look closer.

It was actually Thor, and Thor shot back, flying tens of thousands of meters, and then hit the ground hard, smashing the ground into a large deep hole, even the Mjolnir in his hand flies into the distance.


Everyone in Asgard couldn't believe their eyes, was Thor about to lose like this?

The answer is of course no, Thor was lying in the deep pit and it only took him a second to recover, however, before he stood up, his pupils suddenly shrank and his super strong senses gave him an early warning.

The hairs all over his body were about to stand up, Thor shouted angrily without hesitation, and the divine power in his body was completely released.

Thunder and lightning erupted from his body, and he extended his right hand, pointing in the direction of Mjolnir in the distance, accompanied by the flashing lights of Mjolnir, the hammer floated towards Thor.

At the time of the slide.

I saw a golden figure fall like a meteor onto the area where Thor lay.


With the energy of destroying the world, it was crushed heavily, and in an instant, the ground trembled and the mountains trembled, and the endless cracks spread wantonly like spider webs, densely packed, and the terrible impact of the airflow drove gravel and dust.

Obviously, if Thor takes a step slower, he will suffer a severe blow.

Fortunately, Thor's strong fighting consciousness allowed Thor to dodge the blow, but he had already fallen behind the pace.

The common people and fighters in Asgard may not have noticed this, but the rest of the saints in the subjective battle stage, Loki, Sif, and even the gods of the Asgard clan have seen it.

Loki's eyes shone solemnly, but he made no sound.

Tyr, who is missing an arm and is the most powerful war god, said slowly: "Thor, there are problems, he is still too careless, Bart has mastered his fighting rhythm."

The follow-up words are not finished, but the Asgardians are very clear that Thor will definitely face the turbulent attack of Taurus Saint Seiya next.

Facing an opponent of the same level, or even stronger, the pace of the battle has already determined the outcome.

"In fact, he is the strongest golden saint under the command of the goddess Athena, whether it is strength, speed or combat awareness, it is incredible, if Thor wants to catch up, it will be difficult" Glancing briefly at Kyle on the throne, he shook his head with a tone full of dignity.

The rest of the gods also nodded in agreement.

There was also a storm in my heart.

Although they already knew the strength of the saints, they still underestimated them, The two confrontations alone have basically set the direction of the situation.

However, such an opponent feels worthy of a challenge.

The Asgardians looked at each other, their eyes glowing with fire.

The Asgardians could see it clearly, and Thor on the dueling field also understood that he had now completely put himself into the role of fighting, and knew that the opponent he faced was the most terrifying existence in his life.

The next thing he has to do is get his rhythm back.

However, Bart won't give Thor any chance.


The golden figure pierced through the dust and smoke, mixed with boundless, turbulent and violent aura, and aimed directly at Thor who was sliding near the ground, with a terrifying speed that did not match the shape of his body at all.

Bart's figure arrived first and rushed to Thor's front, the golden light shattered, Bart's body turned, his right leg went up and down, mixed with a huge force of hundreds of thousands of tons, pointing at Thor.

Bart's body fell heavily.


A terrible force rubbed the air and even dragged terrible sparks.

Thor's pupils reflected the golden boots that were getting closer and closer, Just in time, he summoned Mjolnir, and before he could think about it, he directly held the hammer high in front of him.


The duel field shook violently again, the turbulent air waves roared, and a large pit with a diameter of a kilometer was shattered from the ground, the dense cracks around it spread like spider webs, and Thor couldn't stop his leg at all, to step on Mjolnir, hit Thor's chest.

His breastplate is dented.

blew it!

Thor was crushed into a pit a few meters deep and spouted a mouthful of blood, If Thor didn't have the body of the Asgardian gods and divine power to protect him, or just this one, it would be enough for Thor to lose the duel directly.

But still, Thor suffered many injuries.

But he wasn't finished yet, a big hand passed through the smoke, dust, and rain of gravel, accurately grabbed Thor's neck, and grabbed him alive.

Thor felt that something was wrong, but he also clearly caught a flaw, the Mjolnir hit directly and hit Bart's stomach armor, however, the hasty blow did not exert its full power at all and Bart completely ignored it, with his visor golden under the helmet, I couldn't see his expression clearly, but the fierce look in his eyes was extremely eye-catching.

Simply grabbing Thor's neck like this, he slammed him hard into the ground.


Thor had no power to fight back, blood was spilled again, Thor was like a puppet, he was crushed and then caught again, Bart hit him like a shot put.

Thor's body roared and shot towards the edge, and finally hit the wall at the edge of the duel arena.


The enormous force shattered the wall, pieces of rubble buried Thor in it, and dust and smoke slowly spread.

This entered into a crushing duel, causing the entire dueling field to fall silent.

Everyone stared at this scene, looked at the ruins of the collapsed wall where Thor was buried, and then looked at the domineering and majestic Bart standing on the field.

In the next second, a huge sound wave immediately resonated throughout the world.

"Bart, Bart, Bart, Bart."

"He is too strong, Bart, he is too strong, Odin is at the top, is this the golden saint under the command of the goddess Athena? It is incredible that he defeated Thor with such force that he could not defend himself."

"These are the strong, this is fighting, this is power, and power is eternal, Thor has met his opponent, haha."

"Incomparable strength and a speed that does not match his figure, this is simply the most perfect fighter."

The people who were sitting watching the battle on the duel field immediately stood up with blushing faces, shouting excitedly, clapping and whistling.

The clamor was almost manic, regardless of men, women, young or old, everyone looked at Bart with fanaticism and obsession in their eyes.

Obviously, less than a minute of the battle had completely conquered them and their blood was already boiling.

"By Odin, he's never seen Thor like this." Volstagg, one of the three Asgardian warriors in the subjective stage, opened his mouth wide.

This fat warrior has followed Thor for thousands of years and knows how strong Thor is as he fights east and west.

It can be said that whether it is against powerful opponents, flame giants, or otherworldly armies, Thor is like a god who dominates life, holds Mjolnir, controls thunder, and destroys all opponents.

He is like King Odin in his youth.

He symbolizes victory.

Today, however, Bart made him break this inherent concept, sometimes Thor will feel embarrassed when facing powerful opponents, but in the end he will be the winner, but this time, even the loyal Volstagg is not sure that Thor can really win. .

Beside him, Fandral, who is also one of the three warriors of Asgard, can still maintain his so-called elegance, stroked his carefully trimmed short beard and shook his head: "He is too strong, Bart is definitely Thor's most powerful opponent." strongest I have ever had in my life.

"The strength and speed are not comparable to Thor at all, and even the fighting consciousness seems to be stronger than Thor, who has experienced many battles, it is too incredible."

"Yes, generally speaking, such a strong man is already the strongest existence in the Nine Realms, except for Odin, he should be listed in the history of the Nine Realms, worshiped and admired by countless people." Another Hogan warrior's eyes moved.

He felt that he was going to be conquered by that boy, it was a total conquest.

Not only him, but also others, Asgard worships true warriors and strong men, in battle, Thor hardens from punch to flesh, such a tough fighting style directly hits the hearts and souls of Asgardians.

For Asgardians, this kind of fighting is what the strong should have.

Any plots and tricks in the battle will be discarded, even if they win, they will not be convincing and will even be permanently nailed to the pillar of shame by the Asgardians.

Sif looked at the three of them, then looked at the majestic and powerful Bart standing on the field below and touched his cheek: "I feel like this boy is going to conquer me."

"Um, Sif, you're thousands of years older than him." Volstagg stroked his messy curly beard and reminded him.

"For our almost eternal life, thousands of years are no problem." Sif didn't care at all.

Volstagg was helpless and didn't know what to say. In fact, as Sif said, for the long-lived race, the age difference is not a problem at all, which is completely different from ordinary people.

It's just that he didn't expect Sif to have the idea of feeling empathy for another person.

After all, the three warriors know that Sif has always liked Thor, but Thor himself is as ignorant as a fool and is even willing to show mercy to the entire Nine Realms.

The three warriors looked at each other and did not express their views on the matter.

Anyway, Thor doesn't seem to have any ideas about Sif, and the two are not husband and wife, so it is normal for Sif to empathize with each other.

While communicating here, Loki didn't care about the conversations of his companions at all, he was completely immersed in the pleasure that his stupid brother had run away, and he could see that arrogant and stupid Thor being beaten at random, Is there something happier than this kind of thing?

Not at all, what kind of love is love, that's a fart, Uncle Loki just likes it.

Loki, who was in a good mood, was already secretly looking at the picture of Thor being defeated like a downcast rooster, and the happy Loki almost didn't laugh out loud.

Well, when you go back to the banquet, you should have a few drinks early in the morning and "comfort" your stupid brother.

But when Loki was still fantasizing, there was another movement from the dueling field.