
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 21


While chatting, Tina and Bart tapped the water with their right foot and the water droplets under their feet exploded, the two turned into two rays of light that pierced the air, traversing a distance of 10,000 meters in the blink of an eye. eyes and reached Alfred.

They fell from the air like a feather.

Bart stretched his arms, while Tina stretched her waist and stretched her muscles.

"Well, do you see anything?"

"The details of the battle are slightly flawed, Tina played very well at the beginning and gained a bit of an advantage, but then she got careless and you regained her advantage. Afterwards it was a bit difficult to fight against Tina." Alfred began to detail the battle between the two, and comment on its disadvantages and advantages.

This is the habit the three of them had since they fought.

It is precisely because of this habit that they continue to improve.

Tina nodded: "In fact, Bart is more sensitive to combat than me, and my tactics are somewhat immature."

With his sixth sense, many of his tactics cannot be fully used, or he has very little time to practice, and the precondition is to use the fist (finger) at the speed of light to attack the central nervous system of the brain. enemy, Even a saint with the seventh sense may have to be restrained, and the person who has been hit by this trick will directly fall into a state of paralysis.

The cosmos cannot burn or act, and there is enormous fear in its heart like a poisonous sting, so the power of thought fades away.

But with only the sixth sense, he couldn't reach the speed of light strike at all, In fact, the speed of sound strike could also be used, but it was not very powerful, However, before this move came out, Bart stole his rhythm.

Knowing everything, Bart wouldn't give him the chance to use this trick.

There is also a scarlet whirlwind move, which uses waving arms to cause natural disasters such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning. It is not a strategy of dealing with the cosmos, but only physical strength. The most important feature of this move is that the Attack range is extremely large and can cover hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in an instant, Clear everything around you in an instant.

It's a pity that it doesn't have much effect on holy fighters of the same level, and high-level soldiers needless to say, or it can be used as a cover move in battle.

To put it bluntly, the practice time is too short, the cosmos is not strong enough, and the cultivation of combat methods is not proficient.

Bart does not have so many things, The prerequisites for Taurus are not great, and he is especially suitable for him, Originally, his physical talent is better than Tina's, When he grows up, he will also be a standard strong man, Perhaps it is the traditional physical talent of Taurus and has an advantage in fighting, Simply better than Tina.

But when they reach adulthood, they all reach the seventh sense, so it is not certain who will win or lose in a fight.

After all, just like the Scorpio constellation, the ability to pierce the surface is quite terrifying, especially the destructive power of the crimson penetrating explosion.

Although Tina may look like a child, her dedication to victory is not weak at all, she is just holding back her desire for victory. Even if it is Bart, she does not want to lose. She bears the title of one of the twelve golden saints and wants to become in the strongest.

As for the degree of her cultivation effort, she is even better than Bart.

Of course, she is still inferior to Alfred, this practitioner is almost masochistic, apart from only practicing and fighting, as if only these two things exist in his life.

That belief and perseverance seemed to last throughout his life.

Therefore, among the three of them, Alfred is the strongest, and is now one step away from the late stage of the Sixth Sense, while Bart and Tina have just reached the middle stage.

The three of them communicated for a while, and when Bart's physical condition almost recovered, when he was planning to fight Alfred, a voice interrupted the three of them.

"Alfred, Bart, Tina."

The ethereal female voice made the three of them raise their heads abruptly.

"Under the crown~~"

"Come to the temple, I have something to tell you."


The three of them looked at each other and immediately turned into three rays of light rising towards the temple in the sky.

I must say that the city is vast, and it took a long time to reach the temple at the speed of the three of them, the three of them landed at the gate of the temple, the gate of the tall and magnificent temple was already open, Following the stairs, the three of them walked towards inside.

The interior of the temple is very large, in the distance, there are twelve Takamatsu stone pillars supporting the temple, on the stone pillars there are images of saints and gods of all eras, and the history of fighting evil gods, It seems like you can travel back in time at a glance. The magnificent temple has many windows on the edge of the wall, and sunlight shines outside.

It makes the interior very bright.

There was a long red carpet on the light and transparent floor, and the three of them walked along the red carpet to the deepest place in front of the statue of Athena.

At that moment, in front of the statue, Athena was waiting for the three of them.

At a distance of about five meters, the three of them immediately knelt on one knee, lowered their heads, and said in a respectful voice: "Her Majesty~~"

Athena, still dressed in light white gauze, wearing a wreath of flowers and laurels and holding a victory scepter, turned around, looked at the three of them, and said in a low voice, "Get up."

"Yes, Her Majesty~~"

The three stood up and Alfred looked at Athena's beautiful face, and the love that was suppressed in her heart was about to explode like a volcano, but Alfred's rationality made him suppress this feeling.

He knew very well that Athena was the residence of the supreme god, which he could never touch, and there was only one thing he could do, which was to protect her with his own life.

Looking at the lush little cosmos of the three of them, Kyle's eyes shone with satisfaction.

In a short time, the three of them have made great progress. In a few years, they will surely reach the seventh sense.

At this time, you can afford to wait.

The slanted light shone on her body, making her even more robust and beautiful. Under the light and shadow, her beautiful eyes reflected the faces of the three of them, and Kyle's red lips opened slightly: "Alfred, Bart, Tina, one crisis is spreading throughout the world."

"The source of this crisis seems to come from an evil existence, and its greedy eyes are watching the fighting saints who have not yet awakened."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the three of them immediately trembled, Alfred frowned and a cold look crossed his gradually handsome face, and he immediately said: "Your Majesty, I request to depart immediately, we must not allow that Evil to touch to those who have not yet awakened."

Bart and Tina also agreed.

Kyle nodded: "You are responsible for this matter, it is related to the future of the Sanctuary."

"Also, you have to be careful. I feel that this evil is very powerful, so when you act, someone will help you."

"Yes~~Your Majesty!"


Athena raised the golden scepter of victory and lightly tapped the ground to make a crisp sound, in the next second, a golden magic circle containing a mysterious pattern appeared on the ground under her feet, in the astonished eyes of the three people, They saw the composition of this mysterious pattern, the golden development slowly flows.

Three metal boxes emerged from there.

There are two golden boxes and one bronze box. The four sides of the boxes are engraved with patterns belonging to different constellations. The decibels are Scorpio, Taurus and Phoenix.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

The eyes of the three of them were fixed on the metal box, the eyes were shining brightly, the heart was beating, and the sound seemed to resonate with the metal box. The three of them felt that the box seemed to call them.

"Your Majesty, this is~~"

Alfred's expression became agitated, he had already thought about what he was.

"This is your holy cloth." Sure enough, Athena gave the answer that all three wanted.

The emotions of the three of them changed and their expressions were full of excitement.

Sacred armor, this is the armor that only Saints can have, and it is also the symbol of Saints. Only when you wear sacred armor can you be called Saint.

The saints of all ages used them to fight against powerful gods, the tragic and destructive battle made the three of them long for it, in a trance, it seemed as if they saw the sound of Scorpio, Taurus, etc. From the three boxes, the hysterical and heartbreaking scream of the sacred armor.

That unwavering and brave breath is engraved on him.

"Sacred armor are companions of the saints who communicate the soul, They have their own souls, do not disappoint them, do not disappoint yourself, they grow with you, I hope to see you use them and shake the fist of justice against powerful evil."

Athena spoke slowly, her voice was soft, but it contained expectations for the future of the three of them.

"We will not disappoint you, Your Majesty."

The three of them were infected with the thrill of anticipation, and their blood boiled immediately, determination on their faces.

A minute later, I saw three golden and scarlet rays rushing towards the dimensional rift from the temple.

On the roof of the temple, Kyle looked at the three who disappeared through the dimensional crack, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly and he murmured, "Let me see how you will behave in the face of such a test."

After finishing speaking, he immediately pondered.

Using alchemy, he has mastered the way of creating sacred clothing, but on the contrary, although the core material he found after burning stars is good, it is still not enough.

The sacred armor he handed over to the three of them was already seven or eight percent of the original sacred armor, but she was not satisfied.

"Uru metal? Looks like I need to go to Asgard."

Kyle whispered and slowly closed his eyes.

In space, in the Earth's eastern hemisphere, three bright gold and red meteors passed through the atmosphere and fell toward the ground.

Space station and army in space.

The satellite captured this, which immediately caught the attention of several countries.

However, when I saw the figures of the three shooting stars through the captured images, I immediately felt strange and the responsible organization department began to use the limited information to analyze them.

Trident Base Building, New York.

Nick Fury, the director of the analysis department, looked at the information flowing on the huge screens in front of him, and there was a hint of thought in his one-eyed eyes.

In front of him, there are three rows arranged neatly, with hundreds of computers and employees running, and he is in front.

Nick Fury suddenly asked.

"What conclusion did you draw?"

The analysis department agent who was dressed on the side immediately said: "According to our investigation, Tina of Scorpio, Bart of Taurus, and Alfred of the alleged Phoenix have been here recently and often disappear mysteriously, Our people dare not monitor them directly, but with some surveillance cameras and thermal imaging cameras installed."

"According to these monitoring and thermal images, the three of them often disappear suddenly, and the disappearance time is irregular, one day, two days, and this time the longest disappearance, five days."

"The images recorded by the space station were these, before passing."

Speaking of this, he used the instrument in his hand to operate it, and saw that one of the huge screens froze for a moment, and then showed a dark image in outer space, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and then three meteors They came out of it.

"We analyzed that the place the three of them went to should be another parallel space or dimensional world, where the legendary shrine is."

"According to the comparison of the images, every time the three of them lose their temper, their image will change a lot, such as their height and facial features, these are all signs of growth."

"You mean they will go to the sanctuary and then grow faster for unknown reasons?" Fury was thoughtful and was also inclined to this analysis in his heart.

"Yes sir." The analysis department agent then said with some doubts: "But there is one thing that is very strange, the way to go to the sanctuary and return to the earth before is to return silently, but this time…"

"There's a lot of fanfare." Fury took the words.

"Yes, we have reason to believe that this is not without reason, and there must be something going on inside that we don't know about."

Fury nodded and began to think deeply, the agent next to him was very insightful and when he saw his boss, he remained silent.

Fury looked directly at the big screen and whispered, "So, what prompted you to change your path? It is a warning? Is it an oath? Or… are you looking for other saints?

"Have you calculated the trajectory of his actions?"

"According to the final calculation, your final landing point should be in the Kuro area in the east."

"Kuro?" Nick Fury frowned.

Yes, he can intervene at any time in other places, but it is not impossible in that country, but the moderation is too great and he does not want to provoke that giant.

"Pay attention to a place and observe the movements there at any time."

"Yes, director."