
Marvel: Become Athenea

Traveling through the Marvel universe and transforming into a girl, fortunately inheriting the broken divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. When you encounter a crisis, become the Goddess of War Wisdom, wear noble and beautiful sacred clothes, hold the scepter of the Goddess of Victory and the Shield of Justice, form a holy warrior to protect you, create a sanctuary and stand tall in the heavenly city and hell against all invading enemies. Tear the sky, crush the earth, Eighty-eight saints passionately fight for the goddess and defeat the enemy, killing all the hypocritical gods and demons who covet the world. Kyle will lead his saints to the top of the universe, surpassing the five main gods and becoming the main god. This story is a translation, you can search for it with this name: 美漫:变身雅典娜

Jose_Figuer · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Chapter 19

A minute later, everyone was sitting in the rest cabin of the plane, Logan was sitting smoking a cigarette and a wisp of smoke rose.

He looked at the floating smoke and fell into memories, as if he saw the tragic and desperate world twenty years later.

He started counting.

Cyclops, who had lost his hearing, stared at Logan's mouth, but fortunately he understood the language of his lips.

"I come twenty years later, maybe you don't believe it, twenty years later, the Xavier Mutant Academy for teenagers has become ruins, and the Brotherhood mutants only have a few people left because of hunting, in the end we survived in the sewers like rats".

"As I said before, twenty years later, the school has become history, and a few people who don't know what kind of force took away all the students and are doing cruel experiments on them."

"Only Kitty and I survived in hiding."

Hearing what Logan said, everyone's eyes immediately widened, and the saber-toothed tiger stood up straight with his face full of indifference, with an expression as if you are crazy, brother.

"What, Logan, are you kidding?" Storm's face was filled with disbelief.

The same goes for everyone else.

Logan shook his head helplessly: "But that's the truth."

"It was a truly desperate world, the end of the mutants, the death of the high-level combat power of the mutants, which posed no threat to the existence of military and politicians, we were like a piece of meat on a board. exhibit, being the target of a group of greedy dogs, which ultimately caused a tragedy to happen, they captured mindless mutants, sat back and experimented, trying to create a serum that would allow humans to evolve."

"In fact, they succeeded, after slaughtering countless mutants, they created the so-called super soldier serum, after injecting the serum, humans will evolve to acquire corresponding abilities."

"Then many legions of superpowers were formed, and then a terrifying world war of superpowers began, and the world was torn apart in that battle."

"The greater the power, the more ambitious people are born, they try to subvert the rule of the world, and some even want to become gods."

"Finally, the Sanctuary made a decision, they sent a golden saint who killed all the legions of superpowers and those ambitious people in an instant with incredible power, this also made Kitty and I no longer hide."

This period of history is a tragic past that Logan does not want to remember, for him, that kind of helplessness and despair made him want to die with those bastards several times, even though he knew that there was a high probability that they would arrest him and turn him into a Laboratory mouse.

Fortunately, due to Kitty's existence, he still held back and waited until the Sanctuary made the move on him.

Logan's deep and painful voice made the people present enter it and see that desperate period of history in a trance.

"Sanctuary? Golden Saint Seiya?" Mystique suppressed the shock in her heart and asked, "If that's the case, those people arrested mutants for no reason, why didn't the Sanctuary act sooner?"

"Didn't the goddess Athena say that saints must protect the world?"


The others also nodded.

Logan said bitterly: "That's why I travel to this day, it's for God's punishment of mutants."

"Punishment?" Everyone was shocked.

"Yes, according to the story, you should have achieved it today, the newly awakened fighting saint and the already blackened Jean fought and destroyed the entire city, causing everyone in the city to be affected and die, including you, it caused the death of innocent people." , caused the boy to collapse and the blackened Jean took the opportunity to mind control him."

"And Magneto persuaded the blackened Jean to use the boy's powerful power to forcibly kill a large number of high-level officials from various countries who did not like mutants, because of the boy's powerful power and the gods behind After him, all countries surrendered, Magneto has already managed to change the status of mutants in a certain sense."

"But this also planted the seeds of future mutant tragedies, Magneto is too arrogant and domineering, anyone who opposes mutants will be brutally killed, which has long left human beings dissatisfied."

"Not only that, but because he controlled a fighting saint, he finally angered the goddess Athena."

Logan sighed: "Although it is said that Magneto released control of the child after the incident, he was calculating the gods and finally suffered a backlash, the angry Athena instantly destroyed Magneto and Jean."

"After that, what I told you before happened."

Logan leaned on his back, took a drag on the cigarette and exhaled slowly, relying on the demos was undoubtedly the safest way to remove the weight on his heart, and it also made him relax a lot of the pressure that he had accumulated.

And when the others heard this, they were so surprised that they were almost speechless.

They were still digesting this gruesome story, and Logan was in no hurry, he was simply waiting silently for them to direct it.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the saber-toothed tiger said: "Logan, what about me?"

He still cared more about himself, logically speaking, with his super self-healing ability, he should have survived that battle anyway.

However, Logan looked at his older brother, who always fought with him, and ruthlessly broke his fantasy: "You are dead, your self-healing ability has no effect, and you were crushed into dust after the battle of Saint and Jean".


The saber-toothed tiger was still reluctant, but he still made a decision in his heart, that is, he must never provoke the saint fighters in the future and, by the way, the woman named Jean must also not be provoked. 

Not to mention her strength after being blackened, she dared to plot against the gods, which is also bold.

"So how did you travel back?" Mystique finally digested Logan's narrative, got the point, and asked.

Others also looked at Logan.

Logan took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw the ash: "It's Kitty, she developed a new ability after growing up, which can allow someone's consciousness to travel back in time and change history, when we avoid the chase, many Sometimes, it was thanks to his skill that we escaped the inevitable situation of death."

"It's just that the time cannot be too long, because human consciousness cannot withstand too long a span, otherwise the consciousness and nervous system will collapse."

"And my will and my self-healing ability reach this point, so the adventure went directly to the present twenty years ago."

Not to mention her strength after being blackened, she dared to plot against the gods, which is also bold.

"So how did you travel back?" Mystique finally digested Logan's narrative, got the point, and asked.

Others also looked at Logan.

Logan took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw the ash: "It's Kitty, she developed a new ability after growing up, which can allow someone's consciousness to travel back in time and change history, when we avoid the chase, many Sometimes, it was thanks to his skill that we escaped the inevitable situation of death."

"It's just that the time cannot be too long, because human consciousness cannot withstand too long a span, otherwise the consciousness and nervous system will collapse."

"And my will and my self-healing ability reach this point, so the adventure went directly to the present twenty years ago."

"So the mutants were persecuted and the Sanctuary took no action, Eric and Charles were determined to work hard for the mutants, but they offended the goddess Athena, and they were given the most severe punishment."

"It's just that the price is too high."

Mystique said something silently and there was another sentence that she did not say, but everyone understood it in her hearts.

That's how merciful Athena is, she is still a god, and the cruelty and indifference of the gods are fully revealed at this moment.

I can't help it, everyone is scared.

If it really follows the historical trajectory, then...

After a long silence, Storm changed the subject:

"I didn't expect Kitty to have such abilities, it's really unexpected."

The others also nodded.

Needless to say, this is nothing short of a miracle.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that God gave mutants a chance, if it were not for Logan who took Kitty away, if it were not for Kitty and Logan's successful escape under various activities.

If it weren't for Kitty, who had the ability to time travel, and Logan- who simply had the ability to travel twenty years and bear the cost.

Then there will be no today and there will be no possibility of changing history.

"So Logan changed history in a sense." Mystique said.

She also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The main reason for her to follow Magneto was to change the embarrassing situation of mutants, but she didn't expect that because of Eric's previous idea, it would anger God and lead to the tragedy of the mutants.

There is still a chance for redemption.

"It's a pity that I am still late and Charles is still dead." Logan regretted it.

"No one wants this to happen, the teacher also hopes that the children will improve more and more, we will inherit the teacher's legacy and protect those children so that they grow up without problems." Storm comforted him.

Logan nodded silently.

At this moment, Hank, who had calmed down, suddenly said: "According to Logan, it stands to reason that the battle between the fighting saint and Jean has caused an irreversible situation and more than half of the city has been destroyed, even if Logan "It doesn't help the matter now, the central key point is to save everyone in the city and control the blackened Jean."

This point is very important.

When the others heard that truth, their expressions immediately became serious.

After all, in this historical trajectory, Logan was late, in a battle of that level, Logan couldn't change history at all, so what happened? To change history?

Logan frowned: "It is Kyle Isabella, according to the future trajectory, although I did not participate in this big event, I know very well that she should not appear at this time, if she appeared in that story, then such a tragedy would not have happened."

This is something Logan hasn't been able to figure out.

After arriving in the city, why did that powerful golden saint suddenly appear? There is no reason or reason whatsoever.

Several other people were also puzzled.

"Who is this Kyle Isabella?" Mystique asked.

Several other people are also very curious.

Logan thought for a moment and said simply: "You are also very clear that the goddess Athena selected an army of holy warriors among humans, the holy warriors are divided into bronze, silver and gold, in the future, this army of holy warriors is very powerful, in the end, each of his Bronze Saints has the ability to destroy planets with ease."

"Not to mention the golden saints, according to legend, each of the twelve golden saints has the power to destroy galaxies, almost like gods."

Destroy planets? Destroy the galaxy?

This description made everyone almost unable to breathe, they couldn't even imagine how powerful it was, such power was not something human beings should be able to imagine.

"The twelve golden saints are established in the twelve palaces of the zodiac that are established in the universe, these twelve golden saints sit in their palaces to maintain order."

This short sentence seems to allow everyone to see that in the vast universe and starry sky of the future, there are magnificent palaces standing tall, twelve golden saints who look like gods wear golden sacred clothes and guard the palaces, people are shocked.

How good is that? Although the saber-toothed tiger is blind, there is still a trace of admiration in the gray pupils.

This is the behavior that the strong should have.

Golden Saint Seiya ~~

The saber-toothed tiger suddenly had an idea in his heart: what to control the mutant brotherhood, it is simply too petty, the sanctuary has already entered the universe and has become the residence of a god who protects one side in the universe. vast starry sky.

Logan continued speaking and his tone became heavy: "But this Kyle Isabella is the fourteenth of the twelve gold saints, and the most mysterious Golden Saint Seiya."

"Wait a minute, isn't that twelve gold saints? Does adding one also equal thirteen? Why did they suddenly become fourteen?" Storm noticed the blind spot and hurriedly interrupted.

The others also widened their eyes.

What the hell is this talking about?

Instead, Logan took it for granted: "Isn't it normal to have thirteen Golden Saints? It is said that Gemini among the twelve constellations are two twins."

Speaking of the twins, he especially highlighted his tone.

This made everyone suddenly realize, that makes sense.

Logan said angrily, "Don't interrupt me, okay? "You're all going to keep interrupting me."

Everyone quickly apologized and motioned for Logan to continue, and Logan nodded in satisfaction. It must be said that it feels very good to teach people. No wonder the teacher likes to teach students when there is nothing to do. , it turns out that it is for this reason.

"I don't know what zodiac sign Kyle Isabella is, but he seems to have an unusual relationship with the goddess Athena and, according to legend, she is not only the most mysterious of the Golden Saints, but also the strongest."

"According to history, she once personally killed another terrifying existence from another dimension that tried to invade this universe, and even destroyed that dimension directly in one fell swoop."

"Some people speculate that she may be a golden saint of a certain constellation in the previous generation, who once followed the goddess Athena to participate in the battle of the gods, but survived for some reason, she may be the old monster among the old monsters."

After finishing speaking, Logan lowered his voice a lot, looked around and arranged for the words to be perceived by an "old monster", who suddenly appeared and killed him.

After everyone heard it, his hearts were overwhelmed.

I have to say that it is too exciting to spy on the truth of a certain period in the history of the gods.

However, everyone finally believed Logan's ridiculous words, after digesting them, Storm looked at everyone and said, "No matter what, since history has changed, we cannot start senseless wars, we must prevent future tragedies."

"First of all, we have to find the blackened Jean~~"