
Chapter 16 part 1

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: So we have officially hit the 2nd Avengers' movie, this is the good part of the MCU tbh. I really can't wait to hit Civil War, my Spider-Man is about to start popping off. There was a request for a Peter Parker-Jessica Jones spin off where they save crimes. I honestly like that idea, lmk if yall would read that. I could do that as a separate story or as an after story credit type thing if you want. LMK what you think about it. Enough of that, let's get to the story, you know why are here:

"Ah man, this is too easy" whine Naruto as he sliced through a Hydra foot soldier before using his sword to block a series of bullets that were shot at him.

"Don't say that kid, last time things got hard, we lost you" retorted Tony in his Iron-Man suit as he flew overhead.

Naruto rolled his eyes at Tony's words as he continued to race toward the fortress. He glances to his left and Captain America raced by on a motorcycle.

"How come I have to walk everywhere but all of y'all get to fly, this is some major bullshit" complained Naruto as he continued his march of death towards the Hydra base.

"You could always catch a ride with us" stated Natasha as she and Clint zipped by in a SHIELD car. Thor briefly was seen using the back of the car as a step stool, the Hulk was heard roaring in the background.

"Oh, Nat you can catch a ride any time you want" replied Naruto cheekily

"Kid, I missed you so much, but at times I wish you would just shut the fuck up" groaned Tony, voicing the current state of the team.

"Kiss my ass tin can" replied Naruto as he used one soldier as a bat to hit another soldier.

"Language" warned Steve as he slammed his shield into a tree causing the tree to fall and crush more grunts.

"Language" mocked Naruto as he pulled his sword out of a soldier's head

"Did Cap really just say 'Language'? I'm an adult, everyone here is an adult. Hell, I've seen Naruto be an adult in my house" said Tony

"I said I was sorry about the guest room" exclaimed Naruto as he climbed a tree before jumping tree to tree, planning his attack angle.

"Yeah but nothing about my bathroom, my balcony hot tub, my kitchen, my workshop, Pepper's office, and in one of my suits" snapped Tony

"This could not possibly be any worse, all of you now know my business" sighed Nat

"Good for you guys" said Clint, ruffling Natasha's hair

Nat growled as she felt a shift in the air and pushed Clint back just as blue beam of energy sped by where they had been standing together.

Clint eyed a tank in the distance and lined up at shot before releasing it and taking cover behind a tree but had to glance back as it never it.

When he peeked, he was rewarded with another blue beam of energy grazing his side and he hissed.

"Oh did you not see that coming?" mocking asked a blond native man before he disappeared in a blue

"Shit, we got a super fast enhanced individual in the field" reported Natasha as she slide to a stop next to Clint, applying a pack of field bandages to the open wound on his side. She looked toward the tank that had just shot at them, only for it to explode.

"Tank is down" said Naruto as he walked out of the tank' explosion.

"Okay, I've taken down their shield, I'm going in" said Tony

"Okay, Steve will follow you in, I will make sure nothing goes in or out of the fortress" agreed Thor

"I'll let you know when I have the scepter in my hand, Thor. And remember kids, watch your language or Cap will have to give you a time out" muttered Tony as he landed and made his way inside.

"That 'language' thing was a mistake wasn't it?" asked Steve with his head hanging

"Yep" answered everyone

"it isn't going anywhere is it?" asked Steve, his head still hanging

"Nope" was the united group answer

"I didn't think so" mumbled Steve as he made his way towards the Hydra base.

"Guys, do I bring in the secret weapon to stop the Hulk?" asked Wade Wilson over the coms.

"Sure" answered Naruto as he watched the Hulk throw a car in the air and use a tree as a bat to send it flying.

Covered in his normal red and black suit, Wade raced through the dead bodies and destroyed cars and ripped up trees, his hands full as he walked up to the hulk.

"Hey big guy, sun's getting real low." said Wade as he got the green giant's attention.

"AAAAGHHH" roared the Hulk

Wade simply raised his hands, holding up the tiny kitten in the Hulk's line of view, causing the giant angry beast to fall backwards.

Slowly the green giant ball of anger issues regressed back into a man, Bruce Banner, knocked out on the snowy floor.

"Guys there was another enhanced, this time a female, don't engage. But don't worry, I got the scientist, Strucker." reported Steve

"Cool, because I got the scepter" added Tony "Let's go home then. We should throw a party" as he climb back into his suit to rejoin the group.

In the Jet on the way back to Stark Tower:

Bruce groaned as he opened his eyes, the soft lighting of the jet not hurting head. It was like this with every transformation into the Hulk, no matter what condition he was in before hand, he awake in perfect health.

"Hey Doc, wassup" greeted Naruto cheerily

"Glad to see I didn't hurt you whiskers. Sorry about the Code Green" replied Bruce

"Nonsense man, the hulk is the best. Thor tell Banner here, how great the Hulk is" commanded Naruto.

"It was truly a sight to see. I have traveled throughout the 9 realms, but never have I seen anything like it. The gates of hell are filled with the screams of the Hulk's victims." said Thor with a big smile

Bruce groaned

"Don't worry brother, there is no shame in feeling joy in the heat of battle. I, myself have had many relations with females fresh off the battlefield. Nothing like feeling the rush of 'Thank God, We're Alive Sex' as Naruto and Natasha have put it." continued Thor

Bruce groaned again, this time burying his hand in his face.

"Listen Banner, you did good out there. If there was really an issue, we'd have stopped you" said Tony as he walked by, stopping by Thor and Steve.

"We did it guys" said Steve

"indeed we did, this is a most joyous occasion" added Thor

"Something is a little off about how easy that was, we ran into a pair of enhanced individuals and there was advanced alien tech in their hideout." said Tony

"You sound worried" noted Thor as he picked up on Tony's tone.

"There was signs that they used the scepter like they used the cube in the past, they used it as a power source. I would like to take a couple of days to scan it and see if I can track the enhanced and any left over tech they might have."

"I see" muttered Thor "1 week, we have a celebration, we enjoy our revels, you scan it and then I take it with me back to Asgard where you humans can't abuse it."

"That's more than enough time Thor, I'm glad you understand. What about you Steve, do you enjoy the revels?"

"Sure Tony"

"So you do revels, but not bad language shame on you Steve" sassed Tony

The jet landed and they watched as the SHIELD doctors grabbed Barton from the medical bay.

The Avengers slowly followed after as Doctor Helen got to working on Barton as quickly as she could. Tony sighed in relief as soon as he saw Barton getting treatment before he walked over to his lab to start the scanning of the scepter.

"You sure he's going to be fine, we need him. We pretend to need him, it really brings us all together" asked Natasha

"This isn't my lab, so it's not as fast, but he's going to be as good as new." stated Helen

"What is this stuff doc?" questioned Barton from his side.

"It is a synthetic nana-molecular accelerate designed to stimulate the mitosis of your cells to heal you faster. It's actually really amazing, we stole the concept from Hydra. The entire thing is based on Naruto's healing factor" answered Helen

Tony watched in and handed Barton a cup of lemonade with a straw.

"Is this it? Did we lose him?" rhetorically asked Tony with a small smile on his face.

"Nope Tony, jokes on you. I am going to live forever. Because the doc here, is remaking me out of plastic." retorted Clint

Helen just chuckled

"So Helen, you pulling up to the party?"

"Tony, you know I don't have time like you do to party. I have to master the science behind this process." replied Helen with a hmph.

"Well, Thor be there?" Helen went on to ask after a short moment of silence.

"It's his idea to invite you" replied Tony.

The next night:

The party hadn't been a massive college rager or a wild high school blow out. It had been classy, Pepper finally got to meet Jane. Thor growled at the sight of his ex, but disappeared with Doctor Helen for a little bit. Naruto and Natasha spent the entire night trying to convince Bruce to pick a girl in the room. Clint just kind of chilled. Tony watched with cation in his eyes the entire time. Steve just sipped some beer, a slight smile on his face. Sam and Wade manned the bar, pouring drinks and getting tips. Lou sat in the corner reading a book, with noise canceling headphones on. All in all, it was a good party,

It was when the party had winded to just the SHIELD personal that it was most enjoyable for our group. Thor's hammer sat on the table, the main group all around it. Pepper had turned in hours ago. Fury had called Jane back to base as well. Thor sat in a comfy recliner, nursing a cup of old whiskey. Sam and Steve were to his right, in a pair of bean bag chairs that Tony had kept from college. Natasha sat on the tight loveseat, Naruto's head in her lap as he laid out across the rest of the small couch, dozing off slightly as she played with his hair. Tony sat on the end of the much bigger couch, to his left was Barton tapping lightly on a small drum with drumsticks. Helen on the other end closer to Thor. Wade sat between Helen and Barton. Maria Hill sat on a normal wooden chair, behind and between Steve and Sam.

"So the hammer, how does it work?" asked Barton

"My father always said 'Whoever be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor', so if you are truly a man of peace, a warrior of justice, you can lift the hammer." answered Thor

"May I?" asked Barton

"You are all welcome to try" smirked Thor

Barton rose from his seat and Tony said "None of us are going judge you if you can't get it up Barton, you've had a tough week"

Clint chuckles before he grabs the handle of the hammer before groaning as he failed to lift the hammer.

Thor chuckled before Tony stood up himself and said "If I lift it, does that mean I rule Asgard"

"Sure, why not" answered Thor sarcastically

Tony rolled his eyes before he tried to lift it.

"Your not worthy Stark, only a handful in the universe are" stated Thor

Tony growled before he summoned and hand blaster from his Iron-Man suit and tried and failed to lift it again.

Even when Rhodes returned from the bathroom and put on his hand blaster from the War Machine suit and helped him, they both failed to lift the hammer.

Banner tried and failed as well, but ended his attempt in a fake roar as if he was going to Hulk out, but that made people uncomfortable, it wasn't funny.

Wade chuckled before declining the chance, Sam tried and failed as well. Lou looked at the hammer before looking at Thor and going back to his book.

Steve stood up and finally Thor focused as he felt the hammer jerk when Steve tried to lift it, before he put zero effort into this pull, refusing to lift what he could.

Thor chuckled nervously and Steve and him locked eyes.

I can lift it

I know

The unspoken words were communicated via their eyes and nothing.

"What about you Nat?" asked Barton

"I don't need that question answered" stated Nat, her rubbing the softy snoring Naruto's hair still.

"So, what's the trick?" asked Tony "Does it require your fingerprint or something?"

"Or it could simply be, that none of you are worthy" said Thor, a brief glance at Steve

"Bullshit" groaned Tony

"Steve, Tony said a bad word" said Maria Hill

"Oh come on, you told her about that" groaned Steve

Nobody got to say anything else as an explosion rocked the room, knocking over the table and sending Thor's hammer sliding towards the now awake form of Naruto.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But none of you could be worthy. How could you be worthy? Not with the blood of the innocent on your hands" said a scratchy voice from the top of the stairs.

"Huh?" said Naruto as rubbed the sleep from his eyes, before seeing Thor's hammer at his feet and lifting it effortlessly.

"Here you go Thor, you must have dropped this" said Naruto offering it to the Norse Legend.

"Oh my, look at that, the blond murder machine is worthy. I guess that makes sense, I too murdered a guy. I was once controlled by string, but I'm nobody's puppet." said the scratchy voiced robot

There was a smaller explosion as numerous Iron legion suits crashed through the wall and attacked the group.

A/N: That's all I got for you, this will be a 3 parter just like the last movie. Should be done by February tbh.

LMK what yall think, hmu on twitter at HKM_FF. Drop a review. Blah blah, yall know what it is.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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