
Marvel:Anime Template System

John Raymond was an average man, he worked from 9-5 at an average day job  he didn't work for a black company or anything, just an average office workspace. The funny thing was that he was a prodigy when it came to the arts,  Art, Music, Literature where things he aced back in school and he was praised for it, but they didn't help him here One day he was walking home from work when he saw a child on the road chasing a ball you know where this is going, right? he is now Alex Nill and trapped in the Marvel Universe with no escape, but there is hope for survival due to the Anime Template System! Watch as Alex has as much fun as he can with the help of Anime Characters

WorstMasterpiece · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Dropping this shiiiii

as some of you may know already

I've dropped this shit



because I can't write for shit

anyway, see you at my next dumpster fire of a novel (that will probably also get dropped)