
Marvel - Shinobi Login

Lawrence a doctor died because of overwork before he gets reborn in the world of Marvel unfortunately he has no superpower however one day he buys a VR game that changes his life forever.

Sakata_Kakashi · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Shikamaru Vs Hashimoto Part 1

Hi everyone it's Hashimoto, it's been a month and a half since I logged in the world of Naruto and as the youngest som of the 3rd Hokage I was able to access his collection of Jutsus and records about various details on Chakra manipulation, body inhancement, history of the Shinobies with complete detailed maps of the lands.

Although I have acess to all the details from his personal library however I was not able to go through all of them and decided to learn some of the eassy jutsu with less Chakra consumption such as

Wind Style: Thrust Lv2,

Shadow Clone Jutsu Lv2,

Earth Style: Heavy earth,

Earth Style: Lite earth,

Chakra detection Lv3,

While learning the Jutsus I discovered while learning one jutsu I can also improve my status and the Jutsu I like the most are Earth Style: Heavy earth, Earth Style: Lite earth since using Heavy earth on my clothes I can always train my body and incress my Chakra , Stamina , Indurance etc and using heavy earth and wind Thrust I can fly.

Besides learning Jutsus I have also become friends with Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru and a few days ago I finally met with Konohamaru and his friends who came to visit me with Hiruzen accompanied by Ebisu and Danzo.

From then on Konohamaru started staying at my house and I think I am bonding with him very well but for some reason he wants to protect me and calling me sickly uncle or youngest uncle in public.

End of Hashimoto's Pov

Back to present day

Shino Academy

"Everyone gather up we will soon start our Taijutsu class. " calls out Mizuki while Iruka is holding note book and a pen at theside while looking at everyone with serious face.

"I hope Naruto doesn't challenges Sasuke. " says Choji with a sad face just from remembering the one sided beating Naruto gets everytime and as if a trigger is pressed just the moment Choji stopped his comment Naruto went ahed and challenged Sasuke making Shikamaru to say "What do expect. "

"Come on guys Naruto won't be humilited ... on second thought i take it back. " before Hashimoto can compete his words the development infront of him made him change his words and inside he cane to a conclusion 'Although Naruto trains a lot and achieved a strong body however he lacks proper training with a Taijutsu style and a good teacher, maybe i can help him overcome this by teaching the Academy Taijutsu style which father taught me. '

"Did you say something? " asks Shikamaru when Sasuke leaves the training groung from anger .

After Sasuke left no one tried to chease him and just continued the class then Mizuki calls the next duo for battle "Next up Shikamaru Nara vs Sarutobi Hashimoto. "

"Don't tell me you are going to forfeit even before we begin Shikamaru? " asks Hashimoto with a serious face when Shikamaru raises him hand making him angry sisince this is going to be the first time for him to fight someone after getting in the Shinobi Login World so he wants to know if he can win.

"Actually on second thought lets give it a try. " says Shikamaru with a sigh understanding Hashimoto will be very disappointed if he doesn't complete the dual and he is confident in defeating someone who just joined the Academy recently and from his dad he is also aware of the fact that Hashimoto regained his consciousness not long age 'Let's just end it as fast. '
