
Chapter 4

At night, the Stark Expo was full of lights, making Stark Expo lively because Howard Stark was now in full swing, and high-level military and politicians wanted to win him over. It can be said that Howard's Stark Industries is the world's largest arms dealer, and even Umbrella cannot compare.

"Welcome to the Modern Miracle Exhibition Hall, the world of tomorrow, a stronger world, a more perfect world!" The car directly entered the exhibition hall door and Shane walked down. Many military and businessmen greeted Shane along the way.

Shane looked at Rogers, smiled friendly, and then Albert Wesker and 3 blacks as bodyguards, guarding Shane. Now Wesker hasn't got the super power of G virus, but I believe it will soon. "Super Power Out of Control" and "Super Body" are the key to improving his own power.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have invited Mr. Howard Stark." Shane didn't even look at the red car. The experimental results can be seen in the world's black technology without first mentioning the imperfect magnetic levitation car invented during World War II. Level.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I tell you that in just a few years, your car will leave the ground while driving." Howard wiped off the lipstick of the kissing girl and introduced her proudly. The girls behind him cooperated with Howard's speech Remove the wheels of the red car. The four wheels of the red car replace the four devices to support the ground.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now I tell you that as long as you have Stark's anti-gravity technology, all this is possible." Howard pushed the putter to demonstrate Stark's anti-gravity technology, and it only floated for a while Failed.

"Oh, I said in a few years, right." Sure enough, Howard's foresight offset the embarrassing scene.

"Howard, you are doing well. Your anti-gravity technology will make the world a big step forward." Watching Howard and the military drink after the expo, Shane said with a wine glass and smiled. "It looks like your pharmaceutical company business is now better than the arms business. Although anti-gravity technology is good, it needs to invest a lot of temporarily unrecoverable funds, and drugs are now what people need most." Howard looked at Shane. It is said that this is actually a normal phenomenon. During the Second World War, medicines were sold because of the influence of the environment and the war. Take the output of medicines for one year as the income. The income in the United States is 90 billion U.S. dollars, and Europe has reached 200 billion US dollars , Asia reached a horrible $ 250 billion. Europe and Asia were the battlefields of World War II, so Howard said that Shane's pharmaceutical business was better.

"People don't invest in you, it doesn't mean I don't." Shane said looking at Howard thoughtfully. "You mean." Howard lighted up when Tang Tian said this.

"This is the idea of ​​humanoid mecha and the information and ideas of new energy. I believe you can develop similar technology. I will give you 100 billion US dollars of investment every year, as long as you research what I said." I took out the energy battery information and power armor information copied by the Umbrella spy in the Hydra part from the suitcase. In fact, it was prepared for the purpose of allowing the steel suit and new energy to be developed earlier, and then inviting in his son's Tony Stark was even more perfect.

"Genius idea, good design concept, I did not expect that you are also a genius scientist." Howard looked at the data and said in amazement.

"Okay, we have the opportunity to continue to cooperate, goodbye." Shane watched his expected goal achieved, and left. Howard was immersed in the data, which did not find Shane's departure at all. After the experiment of the "Super Soldier" program ended and the hijacking of high technology, Shane considered going to the movie world to plunder technology. This was a quick and powerful way.