
Chapter 3

During World War II in 1942, Europe was in a state of war. At that time, the situation was already cloudy. In order to avoid the excessive sacrifice of American soldiers once the war began, under the order of President Roosevelt, a top-secret plan code-named "Operation Rebirth" began. the study.

Umbrella is also invited to participate in the "Super Soldier" program because it is a gene and biopharmaceutical company. The scientist sent out is William Birken, a biological virus scientist. Another scientist in the field of viruses is Shane's fiancee, Alexa. -Veronica virus has also been successfully researched in her hands, and she will wake up at an Antarctic base 15 years later, and get superhuman strength to return to the world.

Howard Stark's new Stark Expo is about to begin. Howard Stark, a competitor and partner, invited Shane, ​​the chairman of Umbrella, to invite Shane. He didn't want to go after looking at the invitation. Because in the presence of an arms trader who once established an interstellar civilization, the expo that did not even successfully invent magnetic levitation technology is really not enough. Now Shane has the help of artificial intelligence 'red post' beyond this world. very fast. It 's a pity that 'Skynet' and 'Wiki 'don't exist now, so I can only go to the movie world to grab it myself.

However, in order to get in touch with Howard Stark, this expo is still going. Shane made up his mind. After the end of this time, he obtained samples of super soldiers and research materials, and then secretly produced super soldiers on a large scale. The other World War II Shane has no interest. It is just a matter of handing over the capricious things to Captain America. He also has to travel to other movies to plunder high-tech technology and various genes. Now he should just start developing. Great fortune.

"Steve Rogers." With the sound of the Army Registration Officer's voice, the long, thin bones waiting in his seat, the frail Rogers went to register again. After reviewing Rogers's family and physical information, the officer was not polite enough to 'kick' Rogers back with his body completely unsuitable for recruitment.

"The war continues to ravage Europe, but the rescuers have set out, and every strong guy is ready to defend his country." Music and black and white video, old-fashioned cinemas play black and white film movies, In the movie theater, Rogers came to the movie theater to watch a movie that was both a movie and a war mobilization.

"Even small children like Timmy are making their own contributions, collecting scrap metal, and adding fighting materials to the front-line hard-working fighters. Good job, Timmy!" When Timmy picked up the scrap metal for commentary, a harsh voice appeared: "Who cares about this, let's play the movie." "Be respectful." Rogers whispered, who didn't know if he wanted to watch the movie was disdainful or didn't listen. At that time, there is no **** with a combat effectiveness of only 5 for Rogers.

"Come on, let it go, play the movie already" The man who had no patience started to scream. Although it made the movie goers speechless, no one stood up.

"Shut up." Rogers, struck by the army, spoke directly to the guy. The result ... outside the cinema.

"Alas." In the alley outside the cinema, Rogers paid the price of standing up. The man did not leave Rogers' head, and finally was Rogers's best friend. The future winter soldier-James Barnes arrived just a few minutes later. The man ran away from James, then told Rogers that he was a sergeant of the 107th Infantry Regiment and will be deployed to England tomorrow, and then invited Rogers to the Stark Expo at night.