
Marvel's herobrine

Star_monarch · ファンタジー
41 Chs


Sif is handed over to Ethan who arranged her to be with ancient one. Ethan took a wild session with both of them while the women blushed at the things he do. He won't leave them until they fainted due to exhaustion.

Ethan gave Odin the power of his dimension and also gave him a promise to permanently eliminate Ragnarok. For that he send ineof his clones and killed every being that can pose Ragnarok. Now asgard will have no beings to cause Ragnarok.

Hela is now in a dimension while Ethan covered the two women who are sleeping soundly with a blanket and goes to Norway to tear open the gate, he then moved into the dimension. He saw a plump woman with black hair and green tattered dress.

She drew her swords but they didn't come out she is panicked as her powers are also not working and she is frozen in her place.

Ethan smiled at her and spanked her ass a few times then said," you'll belong to me from now. Your wish is to conquer the universe correct. As long as you don't destroy the planets I can give you an endless army of undead. Become my concubine Odin gave you away to me in exchange for eternal life and permanently ending Ragnarok".

Hela is surprised by his words while he show her everything, she is so mad that her became red with anger. She then looked at Ethan while he hugged her removed the bind. She wants to push him away but Ethan didn't even budge.

She struggled for a few seconds and surrendered to him. Ethan then said," in the contract another condition is that I'll convince you to be the queen of asgard but you can't hurt any asgardian without a proper reason other than that you can do anything you want and so you're forbidden to wage war on midgard".

Hela thought for a few seconds and said the conditions are tempting, Ethan told her his oyer conditions and formed a contract with her as he provided her with infinite energy and unlimited supply of undead.

Then he carried hela to the bed in kamar-taj until she fainted he did the deed and slept with her in his arms. Then after she woke up he gave her the army and power then sent her on a conquest.

Odin announced Hela's identity and also her succeeding the throne surprising all asgardians as well as Thor and loki. But after both if then are defeated by her with a single move no one said a word.

Hela took her wolf and the army given by Ethan and then like a battle maniac she is she started wars and killing and conquering the other worlds and integrating then Asgard.

Like this a few days have been passed Ethan's clone is taking care of his daily affairs while Ethan is enjoying here with 3 ladies. He did many naughty things to them liek dressing them in several outfits and then taking the pleasure to next level.

The magicains also achieved major progress in the dimesnion and kacilius successfully killed the first god, Hermes and took his divinity then after he is back he asked ancient one who is in the clone form.

Ethan granted his wish and resurrected his wife. Which made other sorcerers jealous.

With his wife he started to train and challenge other gods to revuve his children. There is a competition started between magicians.

Although many of them are here for ressurection of their loud ones some are against it and only dedicated to learning the magic in the dimensions. They gathered many powerful spells from the wizards and structures of the game.

Ethan on the other hand is soending his life wth leisure as for why he didn't revive his mother. She simply rejected it saying she didn't want to live in this workd anymore and told him an apology and felt proud her so grew this powerful.

Ethan also gave up pursuading her after that and chose to tell this to Natasha after afew days. He gave ancient one a few spanks each day as she is getting more bold each day. Even sif started to get more bold.