
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs


" Dude, we just beat the avengers that's so awesome!"

Santo said to Julian.

" I can't believe they attacked us; I thought the avengers were supposed to be heroes."

Noriko said

" It's alright Nori."

David said rubbing the woman's back.

" How's Laura doing? Iron man really laid into her."

Sooraya asked.

" Laura will be fine. She's got my healing factor."

Logan said as he walked into the room.

" Logan!"

The kids yelled

" You kids did good out there today. We're all proud of ya."

Logan said congratulating the kids

" What about Red? How's he taking things. He and Laura have practically been inseparable since they got here."

Julian asked.

" He's doing fine. No real injuries at all. I swear that kid's becoming more and more of a monster every day. For now, however you all need to worry about yourselves. Get washed up and enjoy the rest of your day. Tomorrow Classes and Training will resume."

" What?! Classes how will that work?"

Cessily asked

" Same as always."

Logan said before leaving the room.

Asura and Laura were down in the medical Lab. Asura had next to no injuries. Laura however was still pretty banged up.

" Damn it, why'd you go and do that?"

Asura asked.

" Because I love you."

Laura said through the pain.

" Nothing is worth seeing you get hurt. But thank you for having my back Laura."

Asura said holding the woman's hand.

" Always."

Laura said with a smile.

" That's the first time I've seen you smile. You really are beautiful Laura. I love you my little Wolverine."

Asura said making Laura blush.

" Now you're blushing too. I never thought I'd see the day."

Asura joked.

" Shut up and kiss me."

Laura said as she pulled asura down and kissed him.

" Awww! Isn't that sweet."

Cessily joked as she and the New X men all walked in.

" We were having a moment. A sweet one. And you guys ruined it. Thanks."

Asura said.

" Eh, you know what fuck it."

Asura said before kissing Laura again.

" Hey Laura?"

Asura asked through their kiss.

" Hm?"

Larua asked

" You think you're good to go?"

Asura asked.

" Yes."

Larua replied.

" Good. You all get out."

Asura said.

" What are you talking about man? We came to see you guys."

Santo said not getting what Asura was talking about.

" Come on santo. trust me you don't want to see what they're about to do."

Julian said leading the poor man away.

" See what I still don't get it guys."

Santo said.

" Ah! Harder Asura."

Laura's moans filled the hall.

" That santo."

Noriko spoke up

" Oh!"

santo said finally catching on.


" Hey, you two finally done?"

Cessily asked as she came back downstairs.

" Yeah, what's up?"

Asura asked

" We were all going into town and wanted to know if you wanted to join us?"

Cessily asked.

" What do you think love?"

Asura asked.

" Mmm, I don't care."

Laura said as she snuggled into the blanket.

" We'll go. It'll be a chance for us to have our first real date love."

Asura said picking the woman up.

" Okay."

Laura said.

" we'll meet you guys in thirty minutes that should give us some time to get washed up and dressed."

Asura said to Cessily.

" Alright! I'll see you two in thirty."

Cessily said before leaving.

' This should be fun.'

Asura thought as he and Laura washed each other.

" Is something wrong Laura?"

Asura asked

" Hurting."

Laura said

" Are your wounds still hurting?'

Asura asked holding the woman.

" No. My vagina."

Laura said making asura turn red.

" Oh."

asura said.

' I'd feel bad if it didn't feel so good. She's so tight and her pussy gets so wet when I'm rough.'

" Ah!"

Laura moaned.

' Why's she moaning?'

Asura wondered. When he looked down he saw he was thrusting his penis against her pussy lips.

' Oh, that's why. I didn't even realize I was doing it.'

" Again."

Laura said wrapping her arms around Asura's neck. Asura lifted the woman slightly off the ground and placed the tip of his penis at her lips and penetrated the woman.

" Mmmmm."

Laura grunted as her body quivered.

' She came already?'

After a few minutes of thrusting Asura ejaculated inside the woman again.

" If you don't pull out, I'll get pregnant."

Laura said

" Would that be a bad thing?"

asura asked hugging the woman close to him.

" I'm not worthy enough for that."

Laura said.

" Yes, you are. After everything you've been through here you are still fighting if that doesn't prove you'd be a good mother then I don't know what will. Just listen, that part of our lives is still down the road. Let's enjoy ourselves. We'll talk about children when you're ready okay?"

asura said as he rubbed his hands through the woman's hair.

" Okay."

Laura answered.

After cleaning up the two made their way downstairs.

" Hey Cess, where are the others.?"

Asura asked.

" They had a change of plans. We can still go if you guys want."

Cessily said

" I'm fine with that. Two beautiful woman all to myself, can this day get any better?"

Asura joked getting an elbow in his stomach from Laura and blush from Cessily.

' He thinks I'm beautiful. He is weird.'

Cessily thought.

" Alright let's go."

Asura said.

" Uh you can't bring that with you."

Cessily said pointing to his sword.

' Oh, yeah I guess you're right."

Asura said before placing his sword down.

" Alright, now let's go."

Asura said as he took the two girls by the hand. and took off towards town.

" So, Cessily why did you invite us out? I didn't ask earlier. Is something on your mind?"

Asura asked.

" Well, I wanted to learn more about you guys. I mean you guys know so much about us, but you never speak about yourselves. I just thought this would be a good chance to build our relationship."

Cessily said.

These words caused Laura to flinch just a little under the table, something that didn't go unnoticed by Asura. He gave the woman's hand a gently squeeze to let her know it was okay.

" I'm sorry Cessily, our pasts aren't easy to talk about the things we've done to survive. The things we've done would be looked down on by society. I don't think we're ready to share those things just yet."

Asura said to the woman sitting across from him with a sad expression on her face.

" Cessily, don't take this as us not trusting you. We do, but our lives are complicated, I know her pain more than anyone else, and she knows mine."

Asura said before sensing something omnious.

" Laura!"

Asura called

" I smell them too. Get out."

Laura said to cessily.


Asura yelled

" Asura! Laura! What's wrong?"

Cessily asked in a panic.

" You two have to go! They're here for me."

Laura said

" Who is?"

Asura asked

" the ones who made me!"

Laura said.


Asura yelled as he grabbed Laura and Cessily; pulling them both close to him before an explosion Destroyed the building.