
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


Atom was currently with Rachel and Hank outside of Kitty's room. Rachel had asked the two men to come with her to try and get Kitty out of her room after her accident a few days ago.

" I heard her throwing up in the teacher's lounge a couple days ago. She hasn't come out of her room since. She won't talk to anybody, not even Lockheed. Won't answer telepathic calls. She's even been skipping her classes. Luckily, I was able to find a substitute."

Rachel explained to the two men.

" That sounds bad."

Atom stated.

" Yes indeed. This is unlike kitty, is our headmaster aware?"

Hank asked.

" Who knows where that guy is on any given day. I figured it best if you talked to her Hank."

Rachel replied.

" Then why am I here?"

Atom asked.

" In case I need you to bust in the room and I don't want to be blamed for it."

Rachel said to the man.

" Wow that's cold love."

Atom stated in disbelief.

" Quiet you two. Kitty? Kitty, it's Henry is everything all right dear?"

Hank said to the two before knocking on Kitty's door.

" Would you like someone to talk too?"

Hank asked.

" No. But I guess I have to."

Kitty replied as she sat on her floor crying.

" This is not like you, Katherine. Please open the door or I fear Rachel is going to have Lockheed and Nathan burn it down."

Hank said to the woman as Lockheed the dragon and Atom prepared to burn the door down.

The door began opening and Kitty stepped out. Nathan Beast and Rachel all looked at the woman in complete shock and disbelief.

" Hi guys. I suppose I could use some help."

Kitty said to the three revealing her seemingly pregnant stomach.

Nathan's face contorted in shock and he slowly fell back onto the floor.

" Nathan get up!"

Rachel yelled to the man.

Nathan stood up groggily before speaking again.

" Sorry love, I just wasn't expecting that."

Atom replied.

" Atom do me a favor and carry Ms. Pryde to my lab. I need to do some tests."

Hank said to the man.

" Yeah, I got ya."

Atom said to the man. He then turned and gently picked Kitty up into his arms and carried her all the way to the Hanks lab in the lower levels of the institute.

" We're going to sit outside. Call us if you need anything."

Atom said to the man as he placed Kitty in an observation chair.

He then grabbed Rachel and quickly exited the room.

A few short seconds later the Lockdown alarms started blaring and the two ran back into the room with bobby close behind.

" Hank what happened? Is everything... What the hell?!"

Atom asked as the three looked at the monitor showing millions of Brood inside of Kitty.

" The Brood. Okay. We dealt with this before. We can fix this right?"

Bobby asked.

" Good lord there are so damn many!"

Atom exclaimed.

" We've seen more than our share of Brood infections before. But never anything like this. These Broodlings are microscopic. And aren't even trying to take her over. They aren't even trying to get out. They're just killing her. They're spreading inside of her like a virus. Millions of them. Feeding on Kitty at a cellular level and multiplying like mad. At this rate, we've got a matter of hours before they eat her to death from the inside out."

Hank explained to the group.

" Nathan couldn't you flush her cells with your energy?"

Bobby asked.

" I'm a walking atom bomb! If I did that, I could end up giving her every form of cancer there is. It's to much for her body to take."

Nathan explained to the man.

" How the hell did this happen?"

Rachel asked.

" I just ran a check on the school's air filters and discovered three brood the size of dust mites inside the ventilation system. They were small enough to infiltrate our school's security system. And Kitty must have simply breathed it in."

Hank explained.

" Then we could all be infected."

Atom stated bluntly.

" Look at the way that egg sac has bonded with her cellular structure. That doesn't simply happen. These brood were specifically engineered with Katherine in mind."

Hank explained to the man.

" Then this is a damn assassination attempt! Where the hell is Logan?!"

Atom asked in anger

" Out of Earth's orbit it would appear, as both Rachel and I have tried raising the man. But I have contacted SWORD and they are sending over their best team of xenological paramedics as we speak."

Hank explained to the group.

" But we can't just stand around and wait!"

Bobby yelled in anger.

His feelings for Kitty coming to the surface and getting the better of him.

" Kitty is sedated and currently pumped full of every antibiotic known to man or mutant. I am doing all I can, Bobby. I assure you."

Hank said to the man.

" It's not enough!"

Bobby yelled in nager.

Atom had to jump in between the two to keep bobby from practically pulling Hanks head off.

" Looks like somebody else has the same idea. Hey! Get away from her!"

Rachel yelled as she spotted Kid Gladiator put on a shrink suit.

" My Lord! NO!!!"

Warbird yelled as she ran into the room.

Atom turned and glared at Kid Gladiator as he began shrinking.

" I'm not afraid. Not of anything. I'll show you all!"

Kid Gladiator exclaimed as he shrunk down and went inside of Kitty. He then began killing the Brood inside of her.

Atom released Bobby and along with Warbird, Bobby, and Rachel started stripping down to change into Shrink suits as well.

As they changed Atom watched Rachel slip out of her pants revealing her pink and white panties to the others. He then stood in front of her to keep the others from sneaking a peak.

" I swear, when I get my hands on him I'm going to give him the real fist of love."

Atom declared.

" Henry? Feels like someone is inside of me, punching things."

Kitty told the man breathlessly.

" You guys need to hurry up!"

Hank yelled to the men and women.

" Right In we go!"

Atom yelled and all together Bobby, Warbird, Rachel and Atom shrunk down and entered Kitty's bloodstream to fight the brood.

Once inside the group was immediately attacked.

" Damn, I didn't think about this. But if I use my powers here I could kill Kitty. Guess I'm doing things the old fashioned way. BRUTE FORCE!"

Atom declared as he punched one of the Broodlings in half.

The group began fighting their way through the swarm of Brood in an attempt to find Kubark, Kid Gladiator, but they noticed that Kitty had been moving around.

" Kitty what's going on up there? You're supposed to be taking it easy."

Rachel said to the woman.

" A little help love?"

Atom asked as he was getting swarmed by the horde of Brood.

Rachel used here telekinesis to blast the Brood off the man's arms allowing him the ability to free himself.

" Thanks love."

Atom said to the woman.

" Rachel, tell her to stop moving around so damn much!"

Atom said to the woman as he was flung around Kitty's blood stream.

" And where the hell is Kubark?"

Atom asked

" I see him! Kid Gladiator! But... What's wrong with his face?"

Warbird asked.

Atom turned to see what the woman was talking about.

" Oh boy."

Atom sighed as he saw the Brood had turned Kid Gladiator.

" Warbird! I pray for our sakes; Gladiator didn't send you with the Brat simply because Kid Gladiator thought you were hot."

Atom said to the woman as he stood beside her in waiting for the oncoming swarm.

Warbird raised her blade and scowled at the swarm of Brood.

" Get ready, when he gets here I'm going to hold him down. Bobby you freeze him. Warbird keep the others off of us."

Atom explained to the woman.

The two of them nodded and followed behind Atom as he grabbed hold of the changed boy.

He slammed him into the floor of kitty's blood stream and held him still.

" Hold him down!"

Bobby yelled to Nathan.

" I AM!"

Atom replied as he fought against the kid.

" Prince Kubark! What have these animals done to you?!"

Warbird asked as she fought off the oncoming brood.

" Henry? Where are you going?"

Rachel asked as Beast dived away from the group.

" There it is. The egg sac. This is the root of Kitty's infection."

Hank exclaimed as he found the egg sac.

" Be right back! I have a giant Brood factory to destroy!"

Hank exclaimed as he leapt towards the sac.

" What about the kid?"

Bobby asked.

" For Pete's sake he's a kid bobby and you're an X-Man figure it out."

Hank said to the man.

" Yeah, well why don't you come over and try something with this little devil!"

Bobby exclaimed.

" Watch your head!"

Atom yelled as Kubark began firing his heat vision. Thanks to his warning Bobby just barely avoided having his head blown off.

" Apologies Katherine. I imagine this is not a pleasant sensation."

Beast stated as he started cutting the egg sac out of Kitty's body.

" Damn it! Bobby I told you to freeze the little troll while I held him."

Atom said to the man as he continued keeping Kid Gladiator pinned down.

" I'm trying but the little douche is struggling to much and he keeps using his heat vision to melt the Ice."

Bobby replied.

" Damn, Hank any time now!"

Atom yelled to the man.

" I've... Almost.... Got it!"

Hank exclaimed.

" Whoa!"

Atom yelled as Kitty's body began shaking violently.

The reaction to the egg being cut out caused Kitty' to vomit once again. And along with the vomit everyone and everything inside of her came spilling out.

Atom and the others quickly returned to full size in time to stop Broo from tearing apart the man responsible for all of this.

" Kid! It's over! it's over!"

Atom said to the boy as he pulled him from the man.

" What just happened? Why am I covered in blood?"

Broo asked in a panic.

" You saved Kitty's life kid. That's what happened."

Atom said to the frightened boy as he carried him out of the room.

Later SWORD showed up and apprehend the doctor responsible for attacking the school. They also took Kitty and the infected Kid Gladiator with the to help cure them of any problems they had.

Later in the lawn after having a talk with Krakoa Rachel, Paige, and Atom were picking diamonds from Krakoa's trees.

" Diamonds the size of grapefruits. Krakoa says he can grow as many as we need. Says we should've just told him we were short on cash. I'd say our money problems are officially over."

Rachel explained to the two helping her pick the diamonds.

" Damn, nice job buddy."

Atom said to the fauna who smiled in return.

" Wow, so... So, I guess everything's going to be all right after all. Right?"

Paige asked.

" Yeah, certainly looks that way."

Rachel exclaimed.

However, out the corner of his eye, Atom could see Broo Brooding on top of a tree and knew in his mind things weren't going to be alright.