
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Victory party!

The Starjammers and the X-Men celebrated in their first win against the Shi'ar. Music filled the halls of the ship as the crew ate and drank and partied till, they collapsed.

" YEAH! Alright Captain way to give to those bastards!"

Ch'od roared as he downed another barrel of booze.

" Hey, Ch'od save some for me buddy."

Nathan said to the man

" Of course, take it!"

Ch'od yelled as he threw a barrel of booze at Nathan.

Nathan popped the lid off of the barrel and started guzzling the contents of the barrel down.


The crew chanted as the man continued chugging the barrel of booze.



Nathan and the crew yelled as Nathan slammed the empty barrel on the ground destroying it.

" Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain!"

The crew chanted as the man crushed the barrel.

Nathan raised his hands in the air continuously hyping up the crew more and more. Until out of the corner of his eye he saw Rachel and the X-Men sitting alone at the bar.

Nathan hopped down from his stage and made his way through the still energetic crowd.

" Hey, what's going on guy? Why aren't you joining the party?"

Nathan asked the group.

" Well, we were having a conversation. But hey I can use a drink."

Warpath explained.

" Then have one on me."

Nathan said as he passed the man a drink.

" What about you two lovely ladies? Surely drunkie isn't going to sit out on a good party, right?"

Nathan asked the girls.

" Are you going to let me live that down?"

Rachel asked.

" Not for as long as I'm breathing."

Nathan joked.

" Hello, Nathan right? Sorry we haven't talked much. But what are your intentions with my friend?"

Lorna cut in on the conversation and asked the man.

" Lorna."

Rachel and Alex both called out to the woman.

" No it's a fair question. Lorna, I don't want to hurt Rachel. I want to build a relationship with her. And I realize three weeks isn't long enough to properly do that. And I know next to nothing about her other than the memories she's shown me."

Nathan explained to the woman.

He then turned back to Rachel and gently picked her hand up and held it in his.

" Which is why I want you to give the proper chance to get to know you."

Nathan said to the woman.

Rachel's tension seemed to leave her body as her sullen expression turned to a bright smile.

" I would love that. If you don't mind a crazy red head."

Rachel said to the man.

" Ha! Look around! This place ain't exactly for sane."

Nathan joked.

" Well, Nathan I think that was very sweet. I hereby give you permission to pursue my friend. But if you hurt her, I'll drop this entire ship down on your head."

Lorna explained to the man.

" HAHAHA! I'd love to see that greenie. But you have my word I will do my best."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Nathan, come we must party properly."

Hepzibah said to the man as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Nathan smiled at the woman but the other two women at the table didn't seem so excited about it.

" Wow! And like that you've lost me."

Lorna said to the man.

" What?"

Nathan asked in confusion.

" Flirting with the cat-lady man."

Warpath said to the man clearing up the confusion.

" My SISTER, has a name. Hepzibah."

Nathan said to the man.

The others looked at the man in confusion.

" We grew up together."

Nathan explained.

" And it's not sister. It's big sister."

Hepzibah exclaimed.

" Whatever, look Hepzibah I'm with them right now. But I'll fight you later."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Pooper of parties."

Hepzibah called the man as she walked off into the party crowd.

" Sorry about her. She loves a good fight and a good party. And in most cases those things are grouped together."

Nathan explained to the others.

" Now, then where were we?"

Nathan turned back to Rachel and asked.

" I believe you owe me a dance."

Rachel said to the man.

" Why of course my lady."

Nathan said to the woman as he extended his hand.

Rachel smiled at the man and took his hand.

Nathan returned the smile and led the woman to the center of the room.

" Well, while those two are getting to know each other, why don't we catch up on lost times? It's been a long time since we've had the chance to talk alone."

Alex said to Lorna who smiled and nodded in agreement.

Alex took Lorna's hand and led her away from the party to their room on the giant ship.

" Man... Guess that just leaves you and me Kurt."

Warpath turned and said to his fuzzy blue friend.

" Ja, pass me a drink James. I need one after all we've been through."

Kurt said to the man.