
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

The original X-men!

The day started out as usual, Nathan got up and got ready for the school day. Rachel had taken some time off to handle business and was covering for his girlfriend in her telepathy class today. However, as he went through the lecture Rachel, prepared Nathan felt a searing pain flush through his body and seconds later a bright light appeared outside.

" Students stay in class!"

Nathan yelled to the kids before running out of the room. Along the way he ran into Storm and Kitty who had also seen the light.

" What the hell was that?"

Nathan asked the girls.

" We don't know. We were checking on Hank when we had an alert go off."

Kitty explained to the man.

" Hank? What's wrong with him?"

Nathan asked.

" Earlier today after the thing with Scott, he seemed to be well depressed. we wanted to make sure he was okay. But he wasn't in his room."

Bobby explained as he joined the others.

" Well, hell. What a time for him to vanish right?"

Nathan joked as he ran out of the school doors.

" Argh!"

Logan yelled in pain as he suddenly landed right in front of the group.

Nathan and the others looked up to see who had attacked Logan and were shocked to see the people standing in front of them.

The original X-Men, Jean Grey, Scott summer, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington, and Hank Mccoy all from their younger years standing in front of them.

" Kitty? Do you see?"

Bobby asked the woman.

" Yes. I do."

Kitty replied.

" Goddess!"

Storm stated.

" Dear god, Hank. What did you do?"

Nathan asked the man as the four teachers looked at him in shock.

Bobby walked up to the young version of himself and.


Both bobby's yelled in terror as they looked at themselves.

" Hey! Are you crazy! Are you just a big ball of crazy!?"

Bobby asked Hank in disbelief.

" It was your idea, Bobby... Actually... You see... Nnuughhhh!"

hank was saying before suddenly passing out.

" Hank?"

Bobby called out to the man in shock.

" NAaAaHA!"

Hank suddenly snapped in anger and started lashing out like a beast.

Nathan and Hank's younger self both grabbed and restrained the large man.

" What's wrong with him!?"

The young Hank asked.

" Fuck! Get him to his Lab!"

Nathan yelled as he started carrying the man off.

The X-Men ran as fast as they could with Hank in their arms to his lab and strapped the man to a table.

" His breathing has stabilized. I can't get a read on the rest. He needs an expert. Hank?!"

Kitty was explaining before turning to past Hank for help.

" We need to get him to a hospital."

Bobby exclaimed.

" What hospital, Bobby? What Hospital could possibly know what's going on with him?"

Nathan asked the man

" He's right a hospital isn't going to work. I left word with Reed Richards, Tony Stark, and Horizon Labs."

Storm explained to the group.

" Damn will any of them make it?"

Nathan asked.

" don't know. But it's the only shot we have."

Storm replied.

" Damn it! Hank if you can hear me buddy. We're gonna get ya help."

Nathan said to the big furry man.

" You're doing it wrong! We're not like you. Our circulatory system isn't quite the same as normal humans."

Young hank yelled at Kitty.

" I know."

Kitty replied.

" You know."

Hank asked.

" The fur is in the way!"

Kitty exclaimed.

" Okay... Me! Exactly what did our Hank say to you and why are you all here now?"

Bobby asked his younger self.

" He didn't say anything about me turning into you."

Young bobby stated.

" He said I need to confront myself or the mutant population was going to destroy itself."

Younger Scott explained to the group.

" Ah, Hell Hank. You just had to go and break physics didn't you."

Nathan asked the man.

" If... Scott could see what he has become..."

Hank suddenly woke up and said to the group.

" Hank?"

Storm called out to the man before he passed out again.

" Bobby, what did you do?"

kitty asked.

" What did I do?!"

Bobby yelled back in disbelief.

" Logan?"

Storm called out to the man

" Little X-Men outside now!"

Logan said to the young X-Men. He walked out the room with them right behind him and went to the teachers lounge.

" Okay, you all listen up! Hank's obviously going through a thing and not thinking straight. So, we're going to figure out how to put ya back where ya belong and forget this thing ever..."

Logan was saying before being cut off.

" Sleep."

Jean said to the man.

" Jean, you know that mind stuff doesn't work on..."

Logan was saying to the girl before he suddenly passed out.

Down in the lab the others were still working on trying to get Hank sorted out.

" I'm going to go check on Logan and the kids."

Kitty said to the group.

" I'll come with you. I'm really useful here. I don't know anything about Hank's mutation."

Nathan explained to the woman before getting up to walk with her.

" Okay, come on."

Kitty said to the man.

" Hey, Kitty. I don't know much about the old X-Men, but I remember Rachel, telling me about Jean being her mother. Is that the same Jean?"

Nathan asked the woman as they walked up stairs.

" Yeah, it is the same Jean."

Kitty replied.

" Oh, boy then that's going to be an awkward situation to deal with."

Nathan exclaimed as he thought about what will happen when the two women meet.

" Yeah, but thankfully I don't have to worry about that."

Kitty joked.

" Hey! I thought we were friends Kitty."

Nathan asked the girl in disbelief.

" We are. But hey, hopefully we'll be able to get them out of here sooner rather than later."

Kitty explained to the man who only nodded in response.

The two approached the teachers' lounge and opened the door.

" Listen you guys, we need to... Uh-oh."

Kitty exclaimed when she saw the young X-men were gone and Logan was passed out on the floor.

" Logan!"

Nathan yelled out the man's name causing him to jerk awake.

" Ah, Hell she got me."

Logan explained.

" Way to go Sleepy."

Nathan said to the man.

" Storm get up here! The kids are gone!"

Kitty radioed to the woman.

Storm left Beasts lab and ran upstairs as fast as possible to join the others.

" What happened?"

Storm asked.

" Logan was put to sleep."

Nathan explained to the woman as the group ran back outside.

The group looked up to see One of their blackbirds flying away.

" Uh-oh."

Kitty uttered.

" It was her. It was really her. Jeannie."

Logan stated as he watched the bird vanish.

" Oh, great. Now we've got kids from the past running around in the future. I don't think I need to explain to you all why that's not good right?"

Nathan asked when he turned around, he saw the others staring at him.

" Alright, sorry."

Nathan apologized to the group.

" Ugh! Logan, Ororo, Nathan go after them and try to bring them back in one piece. I'm going to go see if I can't figure out what's wrong with Hank."

Kitty said to the group before walking back inside and heading down into the lab.

The others nodded and went to the Hangar to see if they could track the bird. After a while and trying every possible method to locate the Blackbird they still failed.

" The blackbird responder isn't signaling. We can't find them."

Storm exclaimed.

" It's Hank Mccoy. Pretty sure he can figure a way to throw a transponder out the window."

Logan stated.

" I'm going to look for them."

Nathan stated.

" I'm coming with you."

Storm spoke as well.

" No, you wait. Wait till we find a lead."

Logan said to the two.

" Every second they're out there is another second time could shatter, Logan."

Nathan explained to the man.

" You're yelling at me like I did this."

Logan replied.

" I'm yelling because..."

Nathan was about to explain, However the Blackbird and the X-men returned before he could finish talking.

The jet landed and the X-Men stormed off of it.

" Hey! Who's in charge around here?"

Young Hank asked.

" Me."

Logan and Storm said in unison.

" With all due respect, I will be attending to my medical situations. I have some theories as to what is happening. Please do me the courtesy of not getting in my way."

Hank explained to Storm and Logan before storming off with the others

" Uh..."

Storm mumbled.

" I think I found them."

Wolverine stated the obvious.

Nathan and Storm turned to glare at the man before following the young X-Men inside.

" I'm gonna see if i can't get in touch with Rachel. See if she can get back here anytime soon."

Nathan said to Logan and Storm before walking away from the group.

He walked up stairs to his and Rachel's room and pulled out the object she called a cellphone. He turned it on and searched for her number and dialed it.

" This is Rachel grey, sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep."

The recorded voice of Rachel's answering machine made the man sigh.

" Hey, Rachel It's Nathan. I wanted to call you and let you know that things were going pretty rough back at the mansion. We have some unexpected guests and the sooner you get back the better. I hope your safe baby. Love you. Bye."

Nathan recorded his message and then hung up. He sat down on the bed and looked at the picture of him and Rachel together on their night stand.

" I really miss you Rach."

Nathan sighed as he looked around the quiet room. Feeling a little sad to be sleeping alone after having gotten so used to waking up with Rachel, every day since they first slept together nearly a year ago and a half ago.

" Guess I should go join the others. See if we can't figure this hell out."

Nathan said to himself as he got up from his bed and left his room.

As he was walking downstairs he could see everyone gathered on the front lawn and decided to join them.

Nathan walked outside to hear an argument going on.

" I promise you.. I will make this right."

Young scott exclaimed.

" Your promises. Slim, I tell ya, I think about every time I was this close to ya."

Logan said to the boy.

" Logan."

Storm chided the man.

" Every time I could'a just popped a claw in yer scrawny neck and stopped you."

Logan continued.

" Logan!"

This time Nathan was the one to speak up.

" It's a simple question guys. Who do we want? Do we want Scott Summers or Charles Xavier? If I get how this works... I kill him now and Charles Xavier will be standing right over there."

Logan explained to the staff and student body.

" Standing?"

Scott asked in confusion.

" Show of hands."

Logan asked again.

" Cut it out."

Scott said to the man.

" Trial of your peers fair's fair."

Logan replied.

" Logan you're acting like a child."

Nathan chided the man again.

" I can't believe you're an X-man."

Scott stated.

" Yeah, you said that before. Let's see it. Show of hands."

Logan said in the boy's face.

" That's quite enough all of you. Logan, I did not bring them here so you could work out your issues."

Hank said to the man as he and Young hank walked out of the building.

" Oh my god, Hank!! Look at you! Are-Are you okay?"

Kitty asked the man as she and storm ran to give him a hug.

" Better than every Kitty. Thanks to, well, me. My mutation has stabilized."

Hank explained to the women as he hugged them.

" You're welcome! Take it easy!"

Young hank yelled to the man.

" I've never felt better."

Hank stated.

" You should be resting."

Young Hank stated.

" Be quiet."

Hank said to himself.

" You scared the hell out of us, Fuzzy."

Bobby said to the man.

" You know you're still blue right?"

Youn bobby asked.

" Well, Scott. Consider me the ghost of Christmas future. You're going back now, and you're going to live, all of you. Are going to try and live a life more worthy."

Hank explained to the young X-Men.

" No. We're not going back."

Young Jean exclaimed.

' Oh, God why does she have to be like her daughter?'

Nathan asked himself as he slapped himself in the face over the uncanny likeness in attitude Rachel and Jean shared.

" What?"

Storm asked the girl.

" Jean?"

young bobby called out to the girl.

" I've seen what is going to become of our lives. I've seen everything that gets us to this point. I'm not having it. No. We go back, and Charles Xavier, you said it, Charles will read our minds and know what Hank did here, and he will mind-wipe all of this from us. We'll never know that no matter what we do in the course of our lives as X-Men... We end up in torture and disaster."

Jean explained.

" Torture?"

Warren asked as he didn't know what had become of him.

" I wouldn't say you're in Disaster."

Nathan spoke as well.

" Everything we're going to go back to and fight for ends in my death, Charles Xavier dying, and scott becoming everything he says despises. And if that's the way it's going to be, if that's our destiny, then we have to make sure it was worth it. We have to right things here. We have to do what we set out to do. We put things the way they're supposed to be, and then we go back. Xavier can mind-wipe the hell out of us. Hell, I'll do it myself."

Jean explained to everyone her plans for change.

" You're going back."

Logan stated.

" I'm not. I know this is hard for you, James. I know you and I..."

Jean was explaining to the man before he cut her off.

" Stop talking."

Logan ordered the young girl

" I'm staying here and putting things right. You would do the same."

Jean said to the man.

" I think this is not entirely up to you, Jean."

Young hank said to the woman.

" Okay, true. We vote."

Jean repleid.

" We're voting to what? Live here? With him?"

Young bobby asked as he looked at his older self.

" Yeah uh, do we all get a vote?"

Bobby asked.

" And do we count as two votes or one?"

Young bobby asked again.

" The five of us vote. And either the five of us go or the five of us stay."

Young scott explained to the others. One by one Scott, Jean, Bobby, and even young Hank put their hands up.

" It's settled. I'm sorry Warren, it won't be forever."

Jean said to the only one who wanted to go back.

" It's not settled. You're just kids. You can't go bobbing around in the future doing whatever you want."

Hank explained to the young girl.

" Why? you do."

Jean replied.

" Because if any one of you die your counter-part most likely won't exist anymore either."

Nathan explained to the young girl.

" That won't happen. I'll be in charge of them. I'll keep an eye on them. This is good. I was looking for a way to honor Xavier. Something more. Can't think of anything more than this."

Kitty explained to everyone that she would be the one to protect the young X-Men.

" Thank you."

Jean said to the woman.

" Professor Kitty? Professor K?"

Young Hank called out to the woman.

" Shut up."

Kitty replied.

" I hope you know what you're doing Kitty. Because if you don't say good bye to all of your friends. And good bye to everything you've ever known. Time doesn't like to be messed with. We're playing with fire. Let me explain something to all of you real quick."

Nathan said to the woman before speaking to everyone.

" Look we've already discussed this."

Kitty said to the man.

" JUST Humor me for a moment."

Nathan said to the woman.

He looked around for something to use as a visual display and found a stick.

" All right, think of this as the space time continuum."

Nathan spoke as he held up the stick.

" This is what we've done."

Nathan said as he broke the stick.

" We know."

Hank said to the man.

" Let me finish! We broke it. Now, we can try to put it back. We can do everything in our power to fix it. But no matter how hard we try. It's never gonna be the same."

Nathan explained to everyone as he held up the stick. He place the two broken ends back together so that the stick would be whole again. But despite that everyone could still see the cracks in it.

" Be careful that doesn't become us."

Nathan explained before walking off

' Things are going to get so much more complicated.'

Nathan groaned as he walked to his bed.