
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

The Jean Grey School!

The school was back to normal after a back-to-back fight with Brood and X-men from the future. And one face Nathan was happy to see was the returned kid gladiator. " I just want to start this off by saying, I am very happy to see you back in class Kubark."

" Yes! That's right peasants bask in the glory of Kid Gladiator!" Kubark demanded as he stood valiantly in front of the class.

" All right, take your seat, Kubark and everyone open your books to page 67. Today we'll be talking about Antiparticles and annihilation." Atom explained to the class.

Halfway through the class period, Lara spoke to Atom.

" Uhm, Mr. Adam." Lara called out to the man.

Atom turned to the young lady. " Yes, Lara?" Atom asked the girl.

" Uh, there's a giant ship outside." Lara said to the man.

The class turned and looked out the window to see what the girl was talking about. Atom as well put his book down and walked over to the window.

Outside hovering over the school in a show of force was the shield helicarrier and many of its drones.

" Class is dismissed. Broo, we have new students coming to the school today. Show them around." Atom said to his students before leaping out of the classroom window. and landing on the front of the school lawn with Logan and the other X-Men.

" They wouldn't dare attack the school." Storm stated.

Atom crossed his arms unimpressed by the show of force. " Want me to just blow them out of the sky?" Atom asked.

" No. Nobody does anything until I give the signal." Logan replied.

" And what is the signal?" Warbird asked.

Bobby looked over at the woman." I'm guessing it's snikt snikt stab." Bobby joked.

" Here they come." Rachel told the group.

Coming down from the Helicarrier was Mariah hill, the head of shield, and her agent in the mutant taskforce Dazzler.

" Greetings X-men." Mariah said to the group. " We come in peace."

" Coulda fooled us, Hill." Logan replied sarcastically taking a jab at the woman.

" I figured it was best to get this over with right away, before wolverine came slicing his way into my office." Mariah stated. " I like my office. I just had it redecorated." Mariah explained

" Hill, you and your pet mutant got exactly thirty seconds to explain to me why I shouldn't stab you both full of holes and feed you to krakoa." Logan threatened the two women with deadly force.

" You're angry. I get it." Mariah replied.

" You sent sentinels against the X-men! You're damn right we're angry!" Rachel yelled at the woman.

" And terrible disappointed in people we thought were more respectable than this." Hank added on.

" Well, the sentinels did suck. I mean we blew those things up like it was nothing." Atom joked.

" Twenty seconds, Hill." Logan said to the woman.

Feeling the pressure adding on Hill, finally responded. " What happened at Cape Citadel was an unfortunate mess. But my people did not pull the trigger on those sentinels. On that you have my word." Hill explained to the group in her defense. " We're still working to explain why they deployed. Anybody who knows the answer feel free to raise your hands." Hill continued.

" But they were still your sentinels. You put your damn logo right on them." Logan replied.

" But need I remind you; you people were engaged in a massively destructive Mutant on Mutant melee at an American Naval facility." Hill reminded the man. " A battle that featured figures of tremendous power and unknow allegiance. Some of whom had traveled here from the far corners of time." Hill explained. " Now, I know that sort of thing may be old hat for a bunch of salty old X-folks like yourselves. But let me tell you, it scares the holy hell out of the rest of us."

" So, you think Sentinels were the answer?" Bobby asked in anger.

" I don't have the answer. I'm just trying to protect the people of this planet." Hill replied to the man.

Storm stepped forward and spoke to the woman. " The X-Men have saved this planet more times than your shield."

" And almost blown it up more times too. And from the outside, it's always hard to tell with you super-mutant people which one is about to happen." Hill replied to the woman. " That's why I have one of you on my taskforce." Hill referred to Dazzler

" She's not one of us. Not anymore." Logan stated.

" It doesn't have to be like this, guys." Dazzler spoke for the first time since her arrival. " We're not your enemy. I mean come on, you know me. We all want the same thing here." Dazzler argued.

" Really? Cause I want people to not drop bombs and sentinels on me and my friends." Logan said to the girl. " So let me get this straight you come and stand in the shadow of my school and admit to building giant killer robots. And you don't even have the decency or good enough sense to pretend to apologize?" Logan turned and asked Hill. " So, why are you here, hill? You got more bombs up there in your big floating yacht that you're looking to drop on our crazy Mutant heads?"

" I've always got more bombs. I got bombs you've never even heard of. I've got bombs tony stark doesn't even know about." Hill explained. " But I'm not here to drop them and no I'm not here to apologize either. I am not your enemy, unless you choose to make me." Hill got in logan's face and explained. " You've got your weird little school here and that's great. We're all very happy for you, Wolverine. That you've finally decided to grow up and do more with your life than just stab people and get brainwashed. You X-Men have all been great heroes over the years, and I respect that, I really do. But you also terrify me. Me and pretty much everyone else outside your little circle of insanity." Mariah explained to the man making all of the X-Men glare at her in anger. " You Traipse around time all willy-nilly, you die and come back to life like it's nothing. You fight each other more than you ever do any real bad guys. You are a hot mess always waiting to happen. So, until the day you stop being so weird and dangerous and crazy comes. A day I know never will. Just know that I'll be watching. Shield will be watching. And if you put the us in the position again to have to act to protect the people of this planet who don't have wings and a healing factor... Well, that's what I get paid big bucks to do." Hill threatened the team boldly.

Logan glared at the woman; his fangs bared at her in anger. " Ro, Bobby, Nate." Logan called out to the three.

Storms eyes turned ghostly white and the sky darkened. Large bolts of lightning flashed in the sky and multiple large tornadoes touched down around the Helicarrier.

Bobby's breath, became clear and the area around him began to freeze, including the ground.

Nathan's eyes turned red and massive wall of energy erupted off of his body, producing a burning heat.

" You should be afraid. We should scare the hell out of you, Hill. Because we're the X-men and we have gotten really good at destroying sentinels over the years. And the people dumb enough to use'em. So, just know we'll be watching you too, little Darlin." Logan threatened the woman. He then got up in Mariah's face and smiled. " And my guns are bigger than yours." Logan sneered at the woman as the three Omega level mutants flexed their power.

Mariah backed down sweating bullets and Logan nodded for the three to stop. The weather returned to Normal, and the tornadoes disappeared.

" Great. Glad we got that settled. Gentlemen. Ladies. Logan." Mariah said to the group before turning to leave. " Come along, Dazzler."

" Agent Blaire." Dazzler replied.

" Shut, up." Mairah said to the woman. Dazzler glared at the woman and followed behind her as they returned to their helicarrier.

The X-men stood in the yard and waited until they were all gone before speaking again.

" Come to Westchester you said we'll reopen the school. It'll be just like old times. Everybody will love us again. What could go wrong, bub?" Bobby said to logan mocking him.

" I never said that." Logan replied.

" Well, that was the way I heard it." Bobby answered back.

" When even Shield had turned against us, it only makes a place like this school all the more important." Storm explained to Bobby. " A place where our children are safe from the ways of the world, and free to grow up however they choose."

" Safe?" Bobby said to the woman. " Have you seen our school before?"

" They had high grade psi-Shielding. Secret agent standard issue, I'm guessing. It would have taken a bit of a fight for me to read their minds. But I'd say they're afraid." Rachel explained.

" Quite right they're afraid. I blame Scott Summers. This is their fear of him, bleeding over to us." Hank stated.

" Oh, come on Hank. Scott's not to blame for everything. But you are right. They're afraid." Atom explained to the man.

" Why do we not just kill them?" Warbird asked. " Is there a reason that is not an option?"

" Because they don't do things the same way on earth. Apparently they have a problem with it. Yet they seem perfectly fine with causing permanent brain damage." Atom said to the woman.

" Ugh! Storm's right. We're not gonna change the world by punching and stabbing people. We'll save it with those kids." Logan said to the two. " We keep doing what we've been doing. The school's all that matters. You just leave shield to me." Logan explained. He then turned to Rachel and spoke. " Rachel, I'm gonna need you to handle my Lit class today, if that's all right."

" Yeah, sure. I'll just pull the notes out of your head. What are you gonna do?" Rachel asked.

Logan looked up and smirked. " I'm gonna go punch and stab some people." Logan replied.

" Cool, can I come?" Nate asked.

" Nah, too flashy." Logan replied. " Besides I've been needing to get some exercise." Logan looked down and pooped his claws.

" Yeah, yeah whatever killjoy." Nate said to the man as he walked back into the school. " Maybe I'll see how the new kids are doing." Nate said to himself. " Yeah, let's do that." Nathan walked into the school's main foyer searching for Broo and the new students until he came across them and a group of his other students talking in the student lounge. Nathan approached the group and made his presence known. " Hey, guys!"

" Oh, hello professor Adams." Broo greeted the man. "Brickmoore twins this is Professor Nathaniel Adams. He is the head of the defense protocols for the school as well as the voted favorite teacher of the year by students." Broo explained to the two new kids.

" I didn't know about that last one, Broo." Nathan said to the young boy.

" It was Evan's idea." Broo replied.

Nathan turned to the boy and smiled. " Hey, Evan. Hello Jia. What's going on you two?" Nathan asked as he observed the two being close together.

" Not much Nate." Evan replied.

" Glad to see you guys are having a good time." Nathan said to the two teens. He then turned his attention to the new kids and spoke. " As for you two. I'm glad to see you guys fitting in all ready. I don't have any more classes to teach today. but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

" Mr. Adams." Broo called out to the man.

" Yeah, Broo?" Nate asked.

" Is it true Shield is going to shut us down?" Broo asked and everyone else turned to listen.

" No, it isn't. And even if they tried Shield doesn't have to guts to go to war with the X-men. Trust me that lady was sweating bullets when Storm, Bobby, and I threatened them." Nathan explained to the boy.

" You threatened shield?" The female squid asked in shock.

" Yeah, and I'd do it again. Welcome to the Jean Grey School you two. Here we look after one another and keep each other safe, no matter who or what." Nathan explained to the two. " Now, I think you guys should get to class, because I believe there's an angry Ice giant heading this way."

The students turned towards the man and Trevor started shouting. " CODE BLUE! WE HAVE A CODE BLUE!" Trevor's declaration caused the kids to all scatter from the lounge quickly.

" Oh, you jerk." Bobby complained. " You ruined the fun. I was about to give them all detention." Bobby explained to the man.

Nathan laughed at Bobby's frustration and walked away feeling proud of himself. As he wlaked he saw Logan in his suit storming towards the hangar. ' Hey, Rachel.' Nathan reached out to the woman telepathically.

' Yes, dear?' Rachel replied.

' Where's Logan going?' Nathan asked.

' To deal with shield.' Rachel answered.

' Do you know where he's going specifically?' Nathan asked.

' Why do you want to know?' Rachel asked.

' I wanna stretch my legs too and sticking it to that snobby shield lady sounds like fun right about now.' Nathan replied.

' Nope not telling you.' Rachel said to the man.

' Oh come on Ray.' Nate pleaded.

' Nope. Besides you have something else to deal with right now.' Racel said to the man before hanging up.

" Mr. Adams." Trevor called out to the man.

" Trevor, I thought you were heading to class?" Nathan asked the boy.

" Iceman caught us and sent us all to detention anyway." Trevore replied.

" That sucks. Don't worry I'll bring some games or something for you guys." Nathan replied.

" Actually, I came tell you something important." Trevor said to the man. Nathan's expression changed from a playful one to a serious one and he listened to the boy. " The new kids, there's something going on with them. I don't think they are who they say they are." Trevor explained.

" What makes you say that?" Nathan asked.

" My eyes could see their story. I don't think they are who they say they are." Trevor explained.

Nathan rubbed his head in thought and then sighed. " Well, they're entitled to their own secrets. Everyone is. I want you and the others to treat the same as anyone else in this school. If they end up doing something to harm the school, then we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until then they're one of us." Nathan explained to the boy before turning to walk away. ' Never a peaceful moment around here is there? Guess the only thing to do now is wait until the gunshots go off.

A few nights later we now see what's happening with Joey and Josephine. The two new kids to the school.

" Where have you been?!" Joesphine yelled as she slammed Joey into the wall by his throat.

" Squidface... I mean Joesphine, I was doing my homework." Joey replied.

" Squidface? Is that what those muties are calling me now? Joesphine asked.

" Um, maybe? It's... It's really not that bad. They call me Tri-Joey." Joey told the girl referencing his three head three arms and three legs.

" Well, for your sake, Tri-Joey, I hope you really were doing your homework. Your real homework." Joesphine said to the boy. " Now, let's hear it."

" What you mean right now?" Joey asked.

" It's time we began preparing our formal report for shield Hq. I've gathered my share of these notes on these disgusting mutants. Have you?" Joesphine asked the boy.

" Yes, of course. It's just." Joey replied.

" Just what, Brother?" Joesphine asked. " Just that you're forgetting who you are and why you are here? Just that you are starting to like being one of these mutants is that it?"

" No. Of course not. I don't like having these injections of mutant growth hormones just to pretend like I belong here." Joey replied.

" Good. That saves me from having to remind you of how things are. Of how we wouldn't want to disappoint Shield and wind up back in the orphanage. You remember the orphanage, don't you brother?" Joesphine said to the boy.

" Yes, Joesphine. I do." Joey hung his head and answered.

" Good. Then show me what you've been learning here, Joesph." Joesphine ordered. " Tell me about our targets. Tell me their fears and weaknesses. One by one, go."

Joey sighed and began his report. " First is Evan. Codename Gensis. Pretty much the entire student body believes he is a secret clone of the super villain apocalypse. Evan himself, doesn't deny it. But he isn't fond of it either. Regardless the other students seem to genuinely like him. Though there is still an unspoken fear of Evan throughout most of the school. Only three seem too genuinely not be afraid of him in the slightest." Joey explained to the woman.

" Who are they?" Joesphine asked.

" They are Kid Gladiator, Quentin Quire and the X-man Captain Atom." Joey replied.

" I see, and what have you found on them?" Joesphine asked.

" Well, next is Jia Jing. The girlfriend of Evan. Her codename is sprite. She only sleeps three hours of the night because she's constantly studying. What's troubling is that she doesn't appear to need to sleep any more than that." Joey explained. " Next is Prince Kubark of the Shi'ar. Kid Gladiator. His only fear is that someone will eventually realize just how much he loves being here. This school is his favorite thing in the whole galaxy. Other than punching of course." Joey finished with Kubark's file and moved on to his last target. " Last is Quentin Quire. Kid Omega. And he is simply afraid of growing up. Because whether he admits it or not, he never wants to leave this place." Joey explained to the woman finishing his reports. " Can't really blame him for that."

" What was that brother?" Joesphine asked.

" Nothing." Joey replied.

" You make me want to vomit on my tentacles sometimes, you know that?" Joesphine told the boy. " Having three heads must've stretched your brain too thin. Either that or you're purposely holding back. Let me tell you what I've observed about our targets. The one with all the eyes is a budding assassin. He trains every night with all manner of guns and he's becoming quite good." Joesphine explained Trevor's file to Joey. " The one who looks like a shark is spending less time in her human form." Joesphine explained.

" Shark-Gril. They call her Shark-Girl." Joey told the woman.

" Really? How terribly clever. Pretty soon she'll be all Shark and no girl. If she isn't all ready." Joesphine explained. " Idie, the one you have such an embarrassingly obvious crush on, is a murderer. She's killed people before. Killed humans. And she feels no remorse whatsoever." Joesphine explained to the boy.

" That can't be true." Joey argued. " And I don't have a crush on."

" And what about that little hideous Brood you seem so fond of? What would you say his darkest secret is?" Joesphine asked the boy.

" Broo? Broo doesn't have dark secrets. He's fully recovered from his coma and mental complications. He's basically the sweetest most innocent kid I've ever met." Joey told the woman.

" Is that right? Then I guess you've never seen him eat." Joesphine asked the boy.

" What? Of course, I have. We sit together every day at lunch. He barely eats anything. Broo's a vegetarian." Joey answered the woman.

" Right of course he is." Joesphine said to Joey alluding to the fact that Broo had been sneaking out at night and eating meat in the forest.

" No, you're wrong. I don't believe anything you're saying." Joey said to the woman.

" Oh, there's more. There's so much more. Did you know the X-Men placed children in charge of Worthington industries board of directors? Or that they are holding two members of the hellfire club here against their will. That they allow time-displaced mutants to roam about freely." Joesphine told the boy.

" You're wrong. You're wrong about these people." Joey said to the woman.

" They're not people. They're mutants. And you're not one of them. Don't you ever forget that." Joesphine explained to Joey. " Now come on, grab your stuff and let's go."

" What? But it's the middle of the night." Joey complained.

" You know as well as I do why we're here, brother. We're not meant to just stand around and watch mutants. We're to shut this place down." Joesphine explained.

" But we haven't been given new orders from dazzler back at shield Hq have we?" Joey asked.

" We will and we'll be ready for it when it comes. You locked and loaded." Joesphine asked.

" Yeah." Joey replied. " But our orders were to observe. That's all." Joey said to the woman as they snuck through the school at night.

" We were told to infiltrate and assess the threat this place posed to normal people. I'd say that walking nuke they have is more than a threat to normal people. Wouldn't you?" Joesphine asked the boy.

" Professor Adams, has been nothing but nice to us." Joey argued,

" Yeah, and with a flick of his wrist an entire city could be wiped off the map. And we are not going to wait around until they decide to do just that. Tonight, we bring this school to its knees." Joesphine explained to the boy as she started picking the lock to the teachers' lounge, where they keep all the files they had on their students, defenses and other important information on hand. " I've almost got it."

" Hurry up. I don't like the way those Bamfs are looking at us." Joey said as he looked out the window at the tiny blue creatures.

" We're in." Joesphine told the boy as she opened the door.

" I still don't understand what we're doing." Joey told the girl as they walked into the room.

" From the teachers' lounge, we can control the whole school. We can download all their files, student and teachers. If command gives us the signal, we can blow the whole thing to hell." Joesphine explained to the boy. " Go ahead. Get agent Dazzler on the line. Tell her we are in position."

" I don't know if we should." Joey replied.

Joesphine snapped from her seat and got in Joey's face. " Joesph! Make a dam choice! Right now! Are you man or mutant?!" Joesphine asked.

Joey hesitated for a moment and reluctantly reached into his pocket and pulled out his communicator. " I guess... I guess I'm just a man." Joey replied sadly.

" I'm sorry to hear that, Joesph." Joey and Joesphine both turned towards the voice that spoke to him. " We were hoping you wouldn't make that call." Quentin told the boy as he Jia, Evan, Trevor, Lara, Trevor, Idie, Broo, and Kid Gladiator all confronted the two siblings.

" Kill them! Kill all the mutants!" Joesphine yelled as she raised her gun.

" Joesphine, put the gun down." Joey told the girl.

" Do as your brother says squiddie. You start a fight in here you'll wake the X-Men. You sure you wanna take on beast when he hasn't had his beauty sleep?" Quentin asked the girl.

" It wouldn't be much of a fight. Just a lot of me punching their faces in." Kubark stated.

" This is all very disappointing, Joesph. I truly thought we were friend. We even shared Homework together. How dare you defile the sanctity of homework." Broo said to the boy.

" Broo... I don't know what to say. How long have you all known?" Joey asked.

" Shut up, Joesph. Don't tell them anything." Joesphine said to the boy.

" Shield command signing off." Their communicator spoke.

" Shield huh? I knew it. Little miss tentacle lips there never tried hitting on me. So, I figured she mut have been an evil spy. What other explanation could there be?" Quentin joked.

" I knew as soon as I saw you both that you were hiding something. But then again, who isn't? We all have our dark little secrets. Though I suppose you already know that, don't you?" Trevor explained to the two.

" We wanted to believe in you. We really did. We even gave you the chance to change your minds about what you're doing. You obviously didn't take it." So, where does that leave us now?" Idie asked.

" Hungry." Lara growled as she flashed her teeth.

" It leaves you people with holes for faces if you don't stand down. You can't hope to stop us. We're agents of shield and you and this school are in big big trouble!" Joesphine yelled.

" You don't get it. We don't want to stop you. We only want to help you. You came here to see the school, yes? To learn its secrets? Fine then. We are prepared to show you everything you want to see." Jia Jing explained to the two.

" Believe me, you've only scratched the surface so far. You want the full behind-the-scenes tour of the Jean Grey school? Then all you gotta do is pick up that Bamf." Evan explained as he pointed to the little blue elf under the desk.

" Right, like we're crazy enough to ever touch one of those disgusting little." Joesphine said to the group. However, Joey grabbed her collar and started pulling her towards the Bamf. " Joesph... What the hell are you doing?"

" Come on!' Joey yelled as he grabbed the Bamfs tail. The two siblings then went on a full tour of the school. Starting with the angered danger room in the restrooms, then to the lawn where they were nearly eaten by Krakoa, then to the zero-gravity bowling alley where they were thrown around like kids, then to the west wing's chest club training center, then the basement where the rest of the Bamfs were, then to the first-floor kitchen, and finally to the class room where the Quentin and the others were waiting for them.

" So, how do you like the tour so far?" Quentin asked

" Oh, it's been quite informative. This school is even more dangerous than I gave it credit for." Joesphine replied as she held Quentin at gunpoint.

" And what about you, Joesph? What have you learned?" Broo asked the boy.

" Broo, please. Let me explain. I never wanted to betray you. But we owe everything to shield without them we'd still be." Joey explained to the boy but was cut off by his sister.

" Shut up, Joesph. Don't tell them anything. They'll all be in handcuffs in a few minutes anyway." Joesphine said to the boy.

" You're right about this school. It is dangerous. It's the weirdest, craziest, most dangerous place any of us have ever been." Idie explained to the girl.

" Yet here we are. Still showing up every day to class." Evan stated.

" Still begging for homework." Broo said.

" You might say, we've learned to like it here. Just a little bit." Trevor explained to the two.

" If you want to close it down... You're going to have to go through us to do it." Jia exclaimed.

" And if you thought the school was the only dangerous thing around here, well... You obviously must have not met the students." Lara yelled to the girl.

" Nobody destroys this place but me. Jean Grey School. Take them down!" Quentin yelled as he and the others moved to attack the twins.

" In the immortal words of wolverine RRRRRRRGGGH!" Broo yelled.

" Finally! Let the punching begin!" Kubark exclaimed happily.

Joesphine started shooting at the students and then turned to her brother. " Joesph! You've got weapons! Use them or they're gonna kill us both!" Joesphine yelled to the confused boy. " Joesph! It's time to fight! Joesph!"

" You're right sister." Joey turned to his sister and raised his gun. " You're right!" Joesph yelled.

Just before Joesph could shoot his sister with his stun gun, Atom appeared in front of the boy and tossed the gun to the side. He then raised his hand and chopped Joesphine on the back of her neck. " That's enough of that." Atom stated as he caught the girl's unconscious body.

" Nathan!" Evan yelled

" Professor Adam!" Broo and the others yelled

" Teach?" Quentin and kubark asked.

" Hello everyone." Atom turned to his students and greeted them.

" Professor Adams? How long have you been here?" Joesph asked.

" I've been following you and your sister ever since Trevor came to me with his concerns. And I must say I am disappointed." Atom explained to the boy.

" Then you've heard everything we said. You know about us? And them?" Joesph asked.

Atom took a deep breath and sighed.

" Listen to me Joesph. And here me. Every single student that comes through that door, no matter their shape, their size, the color of their skin, their race, their powers, their age, their sexuality, or their religion. Every single one becomes like a family to me. I hear it's weird for teachers to think of their students as their own kids. But that's what they are to me. Family and from the moment I met each of them I started learning about them. Because I listen when the speak of their dreams and aspirations. I listen to all of Quentin and Kubarks speeches. Hell, I even flew to the Shi'ar home world and foug... I mean convinced Gladiator to let Kubark come back. Gonna have to thank Lilandra for that one. But what I'm saying is I know them because they are important to me. And so are you and your sister believe it or not." Atom explained to the boy. He then extended his hand for the boy. " All you have to do is take my hand and we'll figure something out for you and your sister."

Joey looked at the man and reached out and accepted his hand. " Thank you so much for this Professor Adams. But I can't accept that offer. We've done too much damage. Broken any kind of trust you've given us. All I ask is you make it so that we can forget this ever happened." Joey said to the man.

" I don't think you realize what you're asking for." Quentin explained to the boy.

" Believe me I know exactly what I'm asking, Quentin. Just promise me one thing..." Joey turned to Quentin with tears in his eyes and asked him. " Promise me I'll forget it all. Especially the homework." Joey asked.

Quentin looked up and Atom nodded for the boy to go ahead. " Sorry it had to be this way man." Quentin said as he approached the boy and his sister.

" I am too. I really am." Joey replied.

Quentin placed his hands on both of their heads and began erasing every memory the two siblings had made since they came to the school effectively erasing any evidence Shield could use against the school. After he was done, Joey joined his sister in unconsciousness.

" I'll handle things from here. I'll also inform the other teachers tomorrow during our staff meeting about what happened here tonight. But before any of you leave, I want you to know that I am proud of all of you. You have done not just this school but your comrades a great service tonight. Be proud of yourselves. You are the future of the mutant race. And I must say the unity you've all shown tonight, well our future is certainly looking bright." Nathan said to the kids as he praised them for their actions in helping defend the school before walking away with the kids in his arms.