
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

The first day!

Over the past week The X-men and the students have been hard at work in rebuilding Xavier's. And finally today was the day the board of school directors was coming by to see if the school would be allowed to well be a school or if they would be shut down. And for Wolverine and Kitty things could not be harder. Though it does help that Wolverine is apart of the avengers. However, for Atom his problems were more Shi'ar than the others.

" Make way human dogs! Shi'ar royalty coming through!"

Kid Gladiator exclaimed as he and warbird walked into the School.

" Tell me warbird, why in the name of all the gods has my father seen fit to banish me to such a backwoods dungheap of a planet?"

Kid Gladiator asked the woman.

"Perhaps it had something to do with your recent destruction of more than half the royal city, my lord."

Warbird responded.

" Pah, father never lets me have any fun. At least I have you, my most trusted bodyguard to protect me from these inbred alien barbarians."

Kid gladiator exclaimed.

" Or to protect them from you, most likely."

Warbird replied.

" I wouldn't worry about that Warbird. I can handle the sonny with no problems."

Atom said to the woman.

" Who dares refer to Imperial Royalty in such a way? Step forward and explain yourselves!"

Kid gladiator demanded.

" Did your father not warn you before coming here like I asked him too?"

Atom asked the boy as he stepped towards him.

Warbird upon seeing the man gave him a bow of respect.

" Warbird, there is no need to bow. Me and Gladiator are good friends. Lilandra as well. Speaking of. How are things on Chandilar now that hose two are ruling together?"

Atom asked.

" Things are much better thanks to you and the Starjammers, Sir Atom."

Warbird replied.

" I'm glad to hear it."

Atom replied.

" You dare ignore me Human!"

Kid Gladiator yelled at the man in anger as he attacked him.

Atom grabbed the boy's hands and twisted them behind his back before slamming him into the floor and sitting on top of him with his foot pushing the boy's head into the ground.

" Kid, you've got a lot of learning to do. Welcome to Captain Atom's self-defense class. And today you're going to be my training partner."

Atom said to the boy.

As he chastised Kid Gladiator, Atom turned to see Logan, Kitty, and the board of directors walking past them.

" Hey, Logan! Kitty! Good to see you guys."

Atom yelled to the group.

Logan put his hand on his face in embarrassment and Kitty just smiled awkwardly. The directors however did not seem pleased at the man sitting on top of the kid.

" Atom get off of the kid."

Logan said to the man.

" You might not like what happens if I do that, Logan."

Atom replied.

" Just do it."

Logan said to the man.

" Alright."

Atom said to the man, He prepared himself and got off of kid Gladiator. Once he was free Kid Gladiator turned to blast the man with his heat vision but atom quickly absorbed it and grabbed the kid by head slamming him back into the floor.

" See I told you."

Atom said to the man.

" Warbird, do me a favor and take the royal idiot to his room and watch him for me until I get back."

Atom asked the woman.

Warbird nodded and grabbed Kid Gladiator from under Atom and walked off with him over her shoulders.

" Alright, mind if I join you for the rest of the tour Logan?"

Atom asked the man.

" Aren't you supposed to be in self-defense class right now or are you teaching quantum biophysics and Molecular phylogenetics?"

Logana sked.

" Neither actually, gave the students a day to get adjusted to the school first before I drill their minds with quantum physics and Beast was in his lab so he didn't mind it. And aren't we supposed to be co-teachers for that fighting class?"

Atom replied.

" Fine, just don't break anything. We're trying to win these people over."

Logan explained.

Atom nodded but before they could walk away Bobby came up to the men.

" Hey, you got a visitor at the gate asking for you Logan."

Bobby said to the man.

"Great, I needed some fresh air. Bobby go with kitty and finish showing the board around.

Logan said to the man before walking away.

" I'm coming to. Might as well."

Atom said as he followed the man.

Logan grunted and continued walking

" I wonder who our visitor is?"

Atom asked.

Once the men arrived they were surprised to see who it was.

" I must say I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time. The legendary wolverine. In the flesh at last. How very exciting."

kade Kilgore said as he looked upon the man.

" Do I know you kid?"

Logan asked the boy.

" Not exactly. Kade Kilgore is the name. Ceo of Kilgore arms. The world's largest manufacturer of things that go blam and boom."

Kade explained to the two men.

" I ain't looking to buy no guns."

Logan replied.

" Nor am I here selling them. I haven't come to you today on a business call. Not in relation to that business at least. I also represent another organization, one you're perhaps more familiar with. I'm the new black king of the hellfire club."

Kade explained to the man.

" If this is supposed to be a joke. It just stopped being funny."

Logan warned the boy.

" Oh, this is no joke I assure you. You don't even realize it yet, but you owe me a rather great deal of thanks for this impressive new school you've built here. You see all of your recent troubles, all the events that led up to that little schism of yours... They were all because of me. I manipulated Quire into attacking that arms conference, sparking a renewed international fear of mutants. I led the assault on the mutant history museum and gave orders to destroy it. And I designed and built the sentinel that attacked utopia, the one that drove the final nail into the coffin of your friendship with scott summers. It was all apart of my plan to gain control of the hellfire club, which I did. And to make a ridiculous amount of money building new sentinels for a world that hates and fears mutants more than ever, which I currently am. So, as you can see, my plan has been quite the..."

Kade was explaining to the two men until Logan finally had enough and snatched the little shit up by his collar.

" You're either crazy or suicidal, coming here and telling me this."

Logan said to the boy as he held his claws to his throat.

" I promise you; I am neither. What I am, is twelve years old, fabulously wealthy and as far as the courts are concerned, completely unblemished. You so much as nick me with one of those things and my lawyers will descend upon this place like a swarm of locusts."

Kade explained.

Atom placed a hand on logan's shoulder and on Kade's and nodded for logan to let him go.

" I don't have to touch you. I got plenty of kids inside I could bring out here to do it for me. Get outta here and don't come back."

Logan said as he threw kade to the ground.

" Yes, about those children, I confess, this school of yours was the one eventuality I did not anticipate. In my defense, how could I? The very idea of a Wolverines school for the gifted youngsters is utterly absurd. Nevertheless, here we are. As I told you before, I make a great deal of money off the hatred and fear of mutants. A school that teaches mutant children that they should learn to live in peace alongside their human betters. That I cannot have. That's why I've come here today to tell you to our face... I'm going to destroy everything you've built here."

Kade said to the men.

Atom and Logan both began racing back to the school in a hurry to stop the coming trouble.

When they arrived Kitty was trying to stop the board from getting attacked by the bamfs and a giant rock monster was trying to devour the school.

" Fuck all for a first day huh, Logan?"

Atom asked the man as Logan began undressing.

Logan then yelled out .

" FUCK!!!!"



Wolverine (Headmaster). Kitty Pryde. (Headmistress). Beast. (Vice-Principal.). Gambit (Senior staff). Rachel Grey (Senior Staff). Rogue (Senior staff). Iceman (Senior staff). Nathan adams (Senior staff). Cannonball (Junior staff). Chamber (Junior staff). Karma (Junior staff). Frenzy (Adjunct staff). Doop (Adjunct staff). Toad (Janitor).


Armor. Anole. Blindfold. Bart Allen. Bling!. Broo. Cipher. Ernst. Gentle. Glob herman. Graymalkin. Hellion. Indra. Kid Gladiator. Kid omega. Match. Mercury. Oya. Rockslide. Trance.


Warbird (Shi'ar bodyguard.)

Class List.

World history (1880-1950)- An eyewitness account, with headmaster Logan.

The history of mutant art: From Jumbo carnation to kenji uedo, with Paige Gutherie.

Brain spelunking: Exploring the recesses of your own mind, with Professor Rachel grey.

Quantum Biophysics, Molecular phylogenetics and other elementary scientific concepts, with Dr. hank Mccoy and Professor Nathaniel Adams.

Ethics 101: Forgetting everything you ever learned from Emma frost, with headmistress Kitty Pryde.

Algebra sucks: I know, but you still have to learn it, with Professor Bobby Drake.

How to weaponize household products, with Professor Remy Lebeau.

Diction and Linguistics, with Professor Rogue

Outer Space survival Skills: My time as a Starjammer, with professor Rachel grey and Professor Nathaniel Adams.

Future history 101: Mapping what we know about the world of tomorrow, with Headmistress Kitty Pryde.

Mutant Philosophy: The teachings of Xavier, the lessons of Magneto, with Dr. Henry Mccoy.

The art of fighting without fighting, with headmaster Logan.

The art of fighting with fighting, with Professor Nathaniel Adams and Headmaster Logan.

Zen and the art of ice sculpture, with Professor Bobby Drake.

Computer-Hacking 101" Only for use to save the day! With Headmistress Kitty Pryde.

Downloading foreign Languages, with Professor Rachel grey.

Sex ed, with Professor Xian Manh.

Know your alien races. And how to kill them, with Professor Lockheed and Professor Nathaniel Adams.

Mutant Literature, with Professor Paige Gutherie.

Flying into things headfirst, with Professor Sam Gutherie.

Psychic self-defense, with Professor Rachel Grey

Extracurricular activities.

Telepathic debate squad, with Professor Rachel Grey.

Fencing team, with headmistress Pryde.

Alternate Dimension explorer's club, with Dr. Mccoy

Comic Book Club: Reading the classics, from Kirby to Morrison, with Professor Gutherie.

Polar Bear Club, with Professor Drake.

The "Let's all clean up after ourselves" Club, with custodian Toad.

Bamf Hunting club, with headmaster Logan.

Choir, with Professor Doop.

Study abroad Program: Spend a semester In Attilan, with Green Lantern Hal Jordan. K'un Lun, with Iron fist. Wakanda, with the black panther. Or Chandilar the Shi'ar homeworld, with Gladiator and the imperial guard.

Special events!

" Who was Jean grey?" Special guest lecture by Professor Charles Xavier.

Archaeological Expeditions to the ruins of genosha.

Studying the Ancient past of the Green lantern Corps

Savage land photo safari

Inaugural flag football game against avenger's academy

Classic picnic on the blue area of the moon.

And Scheduled field trips to the Baxter Building, Asgard, Dr. Strange's sanctum sanctorum, Stark Industries, Tabula rasa, The supervillain prion the raft, monster Island, Lemuria, the Microverse, and Headmaster Logan's favorite sushi joint in the whole eastern hemisphere.