
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


" So, did I impress tonight?"

Nathan asked Rachel as the party ended.

" Yes, you did. Thank you for actually listening."

Rachel said to the man as they sat cuddled together on Nathan's bed.

" You know when I first came up here. I didn't expect any of this. I mean it's crazy. Well, more so than what I'm used to anyway."

Rachel said to the man.

" Yeah, I know how you feel. I feel that way every time I look around and see the others. I mean they are my family each and every one of the. But even as close as we are Corsair is the only one I can really relate to when it comes to most things. And most of the time he's so swamped with running the Starjammers he's never free to talk. You and the other X-Men are the first humans I've had the chance to meet. And you're the only person I've ever talked to who could understand me. I thank you for that Rachel."

Nathan explained honestly to the woman.

" I should be thanking you. Most men and women are either too afraid of me or too creeped out by my family to give me the time of day. And yeah, I do have my friends in the X-Men. But you get me. And you listen to me no matter what I ramble on about. Nathan, I hope you know I want this to work. But I have a question for you."

Rachel explained to the man.

She turned and looked him in the eyes.

" When this is over. What then?"

Rachel asked.

" Well, saying we manage to stop Vulcan and save Lilandra's empire from falling back to its old ways. I figured maybe it was time I see what my birth planet was like. Maybe, travel around with a beautiful red head. And if at all possible, try to see if I can find any living family members. Or at the least see if I can find out my mother and fathers name."

Nathan told the woman truthfully.

" I'd like that."

Rachel replied to the man with a delicate smile on her gentle face.

" Well, I think it's time I go. You need some rest, and I don't want you to have to walk back across the ship."

Nathan said to the woman as he got to his feet.

" Don't you need rest?"

Rachel asked.

" I can go a little longer than most people without sleep. But I'll just take your room."

Nathan says to the woman.

" Or you could just sleep here. I don't mind. Unless you're scared. But don't worry I don't bite."

Rachel smirked at the man mischievously.

" Well, I don't want to intrude on your space."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Are you going to touch me?"

Rachel asked bluntly having read his mind she already knew the answer.

" No."

Nathan replied sheepishly.

" Then I have nothing to worry about. Now, come on I want to sleep, and you need to rest as well."

Rachel said to the man as she lifted the blanket for the man to join her in the bed.

Nathan nodded and took off his gear. He then walked over and joined Rachel in the bed.

" Mmm."

Rachel purred as she cuddled up onto the man's side.

Nathan's cheeks turned red as he turned and wrapped his arms around Rachel's body. The two quickly fell asleep wrapped in their tight embrace.

The next star day.

" Mmm."

Rachel moaned as she sat up in bed stretching her limbs.

Rachel looked over to see Nathan had already awoken and was in the process of getting dressed.

" Oh, hey. Did you sleep well?"

Nathan asked the woman as he turned to see her awake.

" I actually slept well. For the first time in a long time I didn't have nightmares. I feel at ease. I feel at peace... With you."

Rachel explained to the man.

" I'm glad you slept well. I know you told me it has been hard especially with what happened to your family."

Nathan said to the woman.

" But you strangely make me feel... Safe."

Rachel said to the man as she got out the bed.

" And you make me strangely... Happy."

Nathan replied as he looked down into Rachels piercing emerald eyes.

" You gonna just there staring into my eyes?"

Rachel asked the man.

" I'm sorry, what was that? I was busy staring into your beautiful eyes."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Oh, you handsome bastard. Just kiss me already."

Rachel demanded the man to kiss her.

Nathan smirked before leaning down and gently kissing Rachel on her lips.

" I never get tired of that."

Nathan said to the woman as he broke the kiss.

" Me neither."

Rachel said to the man as she looked up into his eyes with a smirk on her face.

" As much as I want to spend the rest of the star day just like this. We've got business to take care of. So, we should probably join the others."

Nathan said to the woman.

Rachel took a deep breath and sighed before sliding into her boots again.

" You're right. Come on let's go."

Rachel said to the man as she turned to leave the room.

Nathan watched as the woman sauntered out of the room her hips swaying back and forth accentuating her sexy curves even more than usual.

Nathan smirked and followed after the woman ready for the Starjammers! Next mission.