
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Rallying the people.

" Hal, should you not be out there searching for the new Lantern?"

Crystal asked as the two walked side by side through the Kree palace.

" No, Crystal. He or she will learn what I did from the Core battery and will decide whether or not they want to continue being a lantern. Right now, however. Our people need us."

Hal explained to the woman as he walked into the Kree wards.

The two looked around at the injured citizens of Kree empire. Men, women and children injured and suffering from the ruined environment they were forced to live in thanks in no small part to the Shi'ar Imperial guard.

The crowd of people turned and looked at the two newly arrived with varying emotions on their faces. Some filled with rage, some sadness, and some regret. Hal, could see that Crystal was visibly saddened by the current state of her people.

" Where is the accuser?"

One of the Kree men asked.

" He's dead, isn't he?"

Another asked.

" She's one of them! An Inhuman! And her earther Husband! They led us into this!"

One of the injured men yelled in anger.

Crystal crossed her arms and hugged herself as she looked at the people in sadness.

" We did. Randac knows, we did."

Crystal stated sadly.

" Your ancestors created us to protect you. It's high time we started doing that."

Crystal said to the people as she walked over to a woman and her baby, she knelt down and felt how hot the young infant was with her hand.

" Your baby is sick."

Crystal exclaimed.

" Very sick, lady."

The mother replied.

" I will go and get a medic for her."

Crystal said to the woman.

" Here, Ma'am let me take a look at her."

Hal said to the woman as he joined his wife's side.

" Are you a medic, sir?"

The woman asked with a sliver of hope in her eyes.

" I'm not a trained medic, ma'am. but I can help her long enough for a proper medic to get here. We also need to get you all clean water and fresh air."

Hal explained to the woman and the rest of the ward.

He gently lifted the baby into the air and placed her in a light construct to help heal her ailments.

" Crystal, you can control the elements. There is a water pipe below us, use your powers to get water into this room. I'll also need your help to make some vents so that air can get in."

Hal explained to the woman as he began creating light constructs to help the patients in the ward as well as drill to help open up the facility. Hal, looked around at the people and began speaking.

" Don't you see everyone? Ronan's faith in Black Bolt was vindicated."

Hal exclaimed.

" How, sir?"

One of the Kree women asked.

" Look around at all that has happened. The Shi'ar see what the Kree and the Inhumans can achieve together. He knows what the Starjammers and I can achieve together. Vulcan is so petrified of what we will become, he's gone to war to stop us."

Hal explained to the people. His words turned many faces in the room from anger to intrigue. But he was not the only one to speak, seeing his intentions Crystal joined him by his side, the royal prince and princess standing together for their people.

"Imagine that. Even our hated enemy believes we will rise to be unstoppable!"

Crystal exclaimed proudly.

" Now, where are those medics?"

Crystal asked once again.

" Lady and Lord, bless us this day!"

" Lord, can you help my child?"

" Thank you lady!"

The Kree people started yelling for the man and woman. Their united front spurring the Kree people further towards unification.

After having made the modifications to the wards and getting medics for the injured people Hal and Crystal began their journey to the lower levels, helping anyway they could and furthering their relationship with the Kree people until they finally received a call from Medusa to meet them in the war room.

" Back Bolt has pondered your request and has agreed to help the Starjammers recover Lilandra once again."

Medusa explained to the man.

" Thank you, sister."

Hal said to the woman in thanks.

" Already addressing me as sister. Don't you think that's a little fast, Brother?"

Medusa asked the man.

" Well, considering I married crystal only hours after meeting her. So, I think this is perfectly normal for our current situation."

Hal joked back.

" So, when does our counter-attack begin?"

Hal suddenly asked.

" It begins effective immediately. Maximus has created a new sentry that can harness the power of Black Bolts whispers. You will take the first fleet and use them to send a message to Vulcan. The Kree people will not tolerate the attack on our home world. And that he will pay in blood for the deaths of our people."

Medusa said to the man.

Hal nodded and along with Karnak and Gorgon began making preparations for war against the Shi'ar.

To continue Hal's side of the war of Kings and to find out about Kyle read the new Green Lantern Novel Marvel's Lanterns!