
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


" Hey, sparky? Have you seen the kids?"

Logan asked as he wheel into Nathan and Rachel's classroom interrupting their current class on space survival.

" No, we haven't. Or at least I'm assuming you meant the last class that didn't show up. Was looking forward to teaching Evan about space."

Nathan said to the man.

" I thought you could find them with your nose, Logan?"

Nathan asked the man.

" I can't seem to get a grasp of their scent anywhere."

Logan replied.

" I'll try and see if I can find them telepathically."

Rachel said to the man.

" Thank you, I'd appreciate it."

Logan said to the woman.

Rachel nodded and began searching the campus for the students Logan was looking for and much to her surprise she couldn't find them.

" That's strange, I can't find them anywhere on campus."

Rachel said to the man.

" That's crazy. Love can you take over from here? I'm going to see if I can't help Logan find the others."

Nathan asked Rachel, his choice of words getting a raise out of the female students who had been bombarding the man and woman with questions on their relationship.

Nathan rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the woman who was laughing at him.

" Oh, grow up."

Nathan exclaimed.

" Yes, love. I can handle it. I know you're worried about Evan. Now go! I got this."

Rachel said to the man as she ushered him and Logan out of the classroom.

" Geez pal, you letting red push ya around like that?"

Logan asked the man as he wheeled himself down the halls.

" Yeah, okay whatever Mr. I got crippled in space."

Nathan shot back.

Logan popped his claws and swiped at the man's legs in an attempt to cripple him as well.

" Hey! Take it easy it was only a joke."

Nathan said to the man.

" Yeah, it better be ass. Now, come on let's find the students. Wanna make sure they are safe before I wring their necks for ditching class."

Logan said to the man as he continued wheeling himself down the halls.

Logan and Nathan searched the entire campus top to bottom looking for the students who had gone missing. However, they eventually found them in the one place they didn't expect. Returning in one of the campus' space ships.

As they were returning from their trip to planet sin, the casino world that Logan and Quentin had visited to make money, Nathan and Logan along with Rachel were waiting for the students at the exit to the ramp. The student's good mood quickly changed as they looked upon the two angry teachers.

" I hope you kids had your fun. Because you're all spending the rest of your lives in detention."

Logan said to the group.

" Don't blame them. This was my idea sir."

Warren stepped forward and spoke.

" Mind telling me what you thought you were doing here, angel?"

Nathan asked the young man.

" All I want is for you to believe."

Warren replied.

" In what? More of your damn miracles?"

Logan asked the boy.

" No. In me. In all of us."

Warren said before flying away.

" He'll get his and trust me you are all going to be punished severely for this."

Nathan said to the kids.

" But Mr. Adams nothing bad happened. We all came back alright."

Evan said to the man.

" You don't get it Evan. I expect this kind of thing from Quentin or Kubark. But you Evan, and you Broo? I thought I taught you two better than this."

Nathan said to the two boys in disappointment.

" But. Mr. Adams!"

Evan said to the man again being cut off.

" What would have happened if any of you did get hurt, Evan? And we didn't know? You all would have been stuck. Don't you get that? You all could have died, and we would have never known."

Nathan explained to the kids.

" But you were the one who said I needed to be myself! I thought this would be a good chance to find who I am."

Evan replied.

" I did. But not at the expense of your own life, Evan. You all may not see the problem with what happened. But that's because you didn't know the consequences. If any one of you had been hurt or gods forbid any of you died. I would have killed each and every single bastard responsible until I had avenged you. You kids are important to me. You may hate me and may think I'm rough on you. But that's because I look at you all like my own family. And I want nothing than for all of you to be the very best I know you can be. But you can't do that if you're dead. So, for the next few months you're all grounded. No after school activities. You will go to classes each and every day. From Class you will go to training. From there you will all go to study hall and do your homework. Then from there you will all clean each and every room in the entire institute top to bottom. Kid Gladiator you will do so without the use of your powers. And you will do this every day starting tomorrow. Now get to your rooms and get ready for school tomorrow. Because you're going to need all the energy, you're body has to survive."

Nathan explained to the students assertively giving none of them a chance to argue. The students all groaned and walked away. All except Evan who stood in front of the man on the verge of crying.

Atom turned and gestured for Logan and Rachel to leave them. And once they were gone Nathan sat the boy down.

" I'm sorry."

Evan apologized to the man and seconds later started crying.

Nathan took a deep breath and sighed before pulling the young boy into a hug.

" Listen, Evan. I don't hate your or anything like that. I'm just disappointed. I know this all new to you. But what you guys did was very dangerous."

Nathan explained to the boy as he wiped his eyes.

" I treat you somewhat different than I do a lot of my students. You're like a little brother to me, Evan. You and I both have somewhat similar life's the only differences are that I ended up in space."

Nathan explained to the boy.

Evan finished wiping his tears and looked up at the man still sad but with more hope in him than before.

" Evan, I know it may seem like I'm being hard on all of you, especially you, Quentin, and Kubark. But that's only because i see in you something the others don't share. I see the qualities of kings. And I have had my run in with my fair share of kings."

Nathan explained to the boy.

" So, you don't hate me?"

Evan asked the man sincerely.

" No, Evan I don't. But you're going to have to promise me right now that if anyone tries something like this again, you'll tell me or another one of the staff members."

Nathan said to the boy.

" I promise, big brother Nate."

Evan said to Nate shocking him for a bit.

Nathan Laughed and patted the boy on his back and stood up.

" Alright, I'll lessen the severity of your punishment and bring it down to the rest of this month. But I'm putting my faith in you Evan. Now, come on. Let's go tell your idiotic friends that they aren't going to be spending the rest of their lives on punishment."

Nathan gestured for the boy to follow him.

Evan smiled and ran after the man as he left the room.