
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Preceding the battle.

It's been a full month since Captain Atom became the leader of the Starjammers! And finally, the group has begun their counterattack.

" StarJammers! Take them down."

Atom yelled as he and the rest of the Starjammers main attack force boarded a Shi'ar ship.

" Kill them!"

One of the guards shouted as he fired at the group.

Alex summers! Also known as Havok.

" Remember we need the captain alive!"

Alex stated

Lorna Dane! Also known as Polaris.

" I'm pretty sure he was talking to you Rachel. I stopped being crazy months ago."

Lorna said to Rachel


One of the guards yelled as Rachel tore him apart.

Rachel Grey! Also known as marvel girl.

" I'll do my best. No promises."

Rachel exclaimed

" You x-men talk too much in battle."

Korvus said as he swung his blade through a crowd of Shi'ar soldiers.

Nathaniel Adams also known as Captain Atom, leader of the Starjammers.

" Enough talking let's finish this quickly we can't afford a battle with the imperial guard right now. We still need to bolster our strength after our last battle."

Atom explained as he tore through Shi'ar guards with ease

One of the guards continued firing doing his best to stop the attack.

" No... No!! Do not let them take the ship! Activate the self-destr-"

The man was yelling to his fellow soldiers when he suddenly felt a blade against his neck.

" Ah, ah, ah... Ye may wish to think about that lad."

Raze said to the man as he held his blade to the man. Raze then turned the blade around and smashed the hilt of the sword into the man's temple knocking him out cold.

" The bridge is secured, open the comm channel."

Atom said to Raze as the man sat at the main terminal.

" Taking my ship will get you nothing! There are eleven more warbirds guarding the supply line, and your one ship can't stand against them."

The captain of the Ship exclaimed.

" You are correct captain. But the Starjammer is not alone."

General ka'ardum said as his image along with Lilandra's appeared on the main monitor of the ship.

" By the stars. General Ka'ardum! Empress! You live."

The captain said in shock and awe.

" Now, captain. Let's discuss you and your regiment joining the resistance."

Atom said to the man as he cut his bindings loose.

After getting the captain to agree to have his remaining forces join the resistance Atom and the others swiftly returned to their ship to avoid any further confrontation with the Shi'ar or the imperial guard.

Back on the Starjammers ship Atom was in the process of going over the facts with the crew.

" We've captured three supply lines and have convinced a good portion of the soldiers guarding them to join the resistance. Without resources and supplies, the empire's war effort will be weakened, harder to sustain. The gap is closing."

Atom explained as he projected an image of the empire's resources.

" This is feather's edge. It's defended by a series of Armageddon-class killstations. It's not going to be pretty but cutting off feather's edge will weaken Vulcan's forces to a breaking point."

Atom explained to his war council. He then turned and spoke directly to Ka'ardun and Lilandra

" We've avoided amassing your armada until now, Major General. Vulcan's forces still outnumber us. But I believe taking this target will even those odds. And then we bring the fight to chandilar."

Atom explained to the group before walking away.

" What's gotten into him?"

Lorna asked Rachel.

" He's still grieving the death of his and Alex's father. He's strong Lorna. But I'm afraid things are getting worse for him. Ever since his injury he's been fighting much more aggressively."

Rachel explained to the woman.

" I noticed. But can you blame him? He's been thrust into a position he never wanted. He lost the only man he's ever know as a father. And yet he still finds the strength to keep it going for us."

Lorna explained to the woman.

" I know. I just wish he would share his pain with me Lorna. I..."

Rachel was explaining to the woman before she was cut off.

" You really like him. Don't you?"

Lorna asked the woman.

Rachel brought her arms up and hugged herself. She then closed her eyes and shook her head yes. Affirming Lorna's guess.

" Rachel, the best thing I can tell you to do is talk to him. Tell him how you feel and don't take no for an answer. Do that and I bet he'll open up to you like a book."

Lorna told the woman.

Rachel looked up at the woman with hope in her eyes once again.

" You think so?"

Rachel asked.

" The way he's been glued to you ever since you guys met. Phft! Please. I know so girl. Trust me."

Lorna said to the girl with a smile on her face.

Rachel feeling relief smiled back and hugged her close friend tightly.

As the two girls talked Ka'ardun and Lilandra approached Atom.

" Very Impressive Captain, you do Corsair's legacy justice. You've picked up your father's expertise on the Shi'ar military landscape. Your strategies are excellent. I'm surprised a planet like earth is capable of birthing natural born leaders."

Ka'ardun praised the man and his family.

" I thank you General."

Atom said to the man when he received a telepathic message from Rachel asking to speak. Atom turned his gaze towards the woman and nodded before returning to the General.

" I'm sorry, General we must speak later. Something has come up that requires my attention."

Atom explained to the man before walking over to Rachel. He grabbed the woman's outstretched hand and let her guide him out of the room and towards their personal cabin.

Once their Rachel led Atom to the bed and sat the man down before joining him.

The two sat in awkward silence before Rachel finally spoke up.

" What's going on Nathan? You've been acting different lately. Are you okay? Is there anything you need from me?"

Rachel asked the man in a panic.

Seeing Rachel's grief Nathan began shaking and breathing heavily. He placed his head down into his hands and started crying.

Rachel rubbed the man's back gently

" I'm sorry, Rachel. I'm just so stressed out. I feel like the weight of the galaxy was dropped on my shoulders and I worry I won't be enough to stop Vulcan."

Nathan admitted sadly.

Feeling the weight, the man felt saddened Rachel.

" I'm sorry you feel that way, Nathan. I truly am. To have the hopes and dreams of everyone on this ship suddenly thrust upon you. I can only imagine how much pain you feel. It's not going to get easier; I know that. And you know that. But you aren't alone Nathan. I told you I'd always be with you. So stop pushing me away and let me back in, Nathan."

Rachel hugged the man tightly.

Nathan returned the hug and gently nestled his head into her chest.

A few hours later after a good nap Nathan and Rachel stepped out of their cabin and joined the rest of the Starjammers

The two walked over to the bar and joined Lorna as she drank.

" Hey, you two seem to be doing much better. Did you have your talk?"

Lorna asked bluntly.

" Uh! How did you... you know what never mind."

Nathan quickly backtracked himself and pulled out a seat for Rachel to take before grabbing a seat himself.

Rachel sat down at the table and picked up a drink.

" Man, you know I could really go for a cheeseburger right about now. And Sweatpants. I really miss my sweatpants. How long have we been out here? Forever."

Rachel asked groggily.

" Well, I don't know about time. But I can get you those other things or at the very least as close to those things that space can offer you."

Nathan said to the woman as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Rachel looked at the man and smirked before taking a drink from her cup.

Lorna looked at the two budding lovebirds and groaned.

" What's wrong with you?"

Rachel asked the woman as she and Nathan looked at the woman in confusion.

" Alex told me he can't beat Vulcan. He tried and failed. And his father died for it. That's what Alex thinks. I think I'm going to have to beat Alex up."

Lorna explained to the two.

" I see, I can understand how he feels. I felt the very same way only a few hours ago. But I had a wonderful woman whom, over these past two month, I've come to treasure very dearly."

Nathan explained before gently kissing Rachel on her cheek.

" I'd say the best thing for you to do for Alex, Lorna, is to show him how much you care for him. And if he cares as deeply for you as i do Rachel then I know he'll find his strength again."

Nathan explained to the woman.

Lorna looked at the man and scoffed at having her own words basically thrown back at her.

" All this coming from the man who just a few hours ago was sulking himself."

Lorna joked.

" All right, time to go pull this band-aid off. I'll let you guys know how things go. But if you see me throwing Alex around the ship you'll probably already know."

Lorna said to the two before storming off to find Alex.

" Haaaa! Well, we got until tomorrow to rest. You want to head back to bed or spend a little time with the crew first?"

Nathan asked Rachel as he finished his drink.

" Bed, I'm still tired after that little heart to heart we had."

Rachel exclaimed.

Nathan smiled and picked Rachel up softly into his arms bridal style.

Rachel smiled and nuzzled further into the man's chest

Nathan kissed the woman's head and carried her back into their room to rest until the time came for them to face the Shi'ar once again.